The Diversity of Fishes: Biology Evolution and Ecology

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The Diversity of Fishes: Biology Evolution and Ecology

The Diversity of Fishes: Biology Evolution and Ecology


The science of ichthyology
What is a fish?
The diversity of fishes
Superlative fishes
A brief history of ichthyology

Systematic procedures

Taxonomy versus systematics
Approaches to classification
Taxonomic characters - Diversity of Fishes
Vertebrate classes
Units of classification - The Diversity of Fishes
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
Name changes - Diversity of Fishes
Collections - Diversity of Fishes

Skeleton skin and scales

Skeleton of Fishes
Neurocranium - Skeleton of Fishes
Branchiocranium - Skeleton of Fishes
Postcranial skeleton - Skeleton of Fishes
Appendicular skeleton - Skeleton of Fishes
Epidermis - Integumentary skeleton of Fishes
Scales - Integumentary skeleton of Fishes
Scale morphology in taxonomy and life history - Integumentary skeleton of Fishes

Soft anatomy

Muscles - Anatomy of Fishes
Cardiovascular system of Fishes
Alimentary canal of Fishes
Gas bladder of Fishes
Kidneys of Fishes
Gonads of Fishes
Nervous system of Fishes

Oxygen metabolism and energetics

Respiration and ventilation of Fishes
Water as arespiratory environment - Respiration and ventilation of Fishes
Aquatic breathing - Respiration and ventilation of Fishes
Air-breathing fishes
Gas transport of Fishes
Metabolic rate of Fishes
Swimming of Fishes
Buoyancy regulation of Fishes
Energy intake of Fishes
Bioenergetics models of Fishes

Sensory systems

Mechanoreception - Fishes
Lateral line system - Fishes
Equilibrium and balance - Fishes
Hearing in fishes
Electroreception - Fishes
Electroreceptors - Fishes
Electrical communication - Fishes
Electrical attack and defense - Fishes
Vision - Fishes
Visual adaptations for special habitats - Fishes
Chemoreception - Fishes
Magnetic reception - Fishes


Coordination and control of regulation - Fishes
Temperature relationships - Fishes: Homeostasis
Coping with temperature fluctuation - Fishes: Homeostasis
Heterothermic fishes
Coping with temperature extremes - Fishes: Homeostasis
Thermal preference - Fishes: Homeostasis
Osmoregulation, excretion, ion and pH balance - Fishes: Homeostasis
Osmoregulation in different types of fishes
Control of osmoregulation and excretion - Fishes: Homeostasis
pH balance - Fishes: Homeostasis
The immune system of Fishes
Stress - Fishes: Homeostasis
Indicators of stress - Fishes: Homeostasis

Functional morphology of locomotion and feeding

Locomotion: movement and shape - Fishes
Locomotory types - Fishes
Specialized locomotion - Fishes
Swimming in sharks: the alternative approach - Fishes
Feeding: biting, sucking,chewing, and swallowing - Fishes
Jaw protrusion: the great leap forward - Fishes
Pharyngeal jaws - Fishes
Dentition - Fishes
Mouth position and function - Fishes

Early life history

Complex life cycles and indeterminate growth - Fishes
Early life history:terminology - Fishes
Gametogenesis - Eggs and sperm of Fishes
Fertilization - Eggs and sperm of Fishes
Embryology - Fishes
Meristic variation - Fishes
Larvae - Fishes
Larval feeding and survival - Fishes
Larval behavior and physiology
Larval morphology and taxonomy
Getting from here to there: larval transport mechanisms

Juveniles adults age and growth

Transitions and transitional stages - Juveniles
Complex transitions: smoltificationin salmon, metamorphosis in flatfish
Determination, differentiation, and maturation - Adults Adults
Maturation and longevity - Adults Fishes
Death and senescence - Adults Fishes
Age - Fishes
Growth - Fishes
Body size, scaling, and allometry - Fishes
Ontogenetic differences within species - Fishes
Evolution via adjustments in development: heterochrony, paedomorphosis, and neoteny - Fishes

A history of fishes

A history of fishes
Jawless fishes - A history of fishes
Subphylum Craniata, Infraphylum Vertebrata - A history of fishes
Later evolution of primitive agnathous fishes
Gnathostomes: early jawed fishes
Class Placodermi - Gnathostomes: early jawed fishes
Advanced jawed fishes I: teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Class Acanthodii - Advanced jawed fishes I: teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Class Sarcopterygii - Advanced jawed fishes I: teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Tetrapodamorphs: tetrapod ancestors - Advanced jawed fishes : teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Class Actinopterygii - Advanced jawed fishes : teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Subclass Cladistia - Class Actinopterygii, Advanced jawed fishes : teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Subclass Chondrostei - Class Actinopterygii, Advanced jawed fishes : teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Subclass Neopterygii - Class Actinopterygii, Advanced jawed fishes : teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Division Teleostei - Class Actinopterygii, Advanced jawed fishes : teleostomes (Osteichthyes)
Trends during teleostean phylogeny
Advanced jawed fishes II: Chondrichthyes
Subclass Elasmobranchii - Advanced jawed fishes: Chondrichthyes
Subclass Holocephali - Advanced jawed fishes: Chondrichthyes
A history of fishes: summary and overview

Chondrichthyes sharks skates rays and chimaeras

Subclass Elasmobranchii
Modern neoselachian diversity - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Body size - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Habitats - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Movement and home ranges - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Metabolism and growth rate: life in the slow lane - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Feeding habits - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Sensory physiology - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Reproduction and development - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Shark conservation - Subclass Elasmobranchii
Chimaeras - Subclass Holocephali

Living representatives of primitive fishes

Amphioxiforms - Jawless fishes
Hagfishes and lampreys: evolutionary relationships - Jawless fishes
Myxiniforms - Jawless fishes
Petromyzontiforms - Jawless fishes
Subclass Coelacanthimorpha: the living coelacanths - Primitive bony fishes
The living coelacanths, at least for now
Subclass Dipnoi, Order Ceratodontiformes: the lungfishes - Primitive bony fishes
Class Actinopterygii, Subclass Cladistia: bichirs and Reedfish - Primitive bony fishes
Cladistian autapomorphic and synapomorphic traits
Class Actinopterygii, Subclass Chondrostei, Order Acipenseriformes: sturgeons and paddlefishes
Acipenseridae - Class Actinopterygii, Subclass Chondrostei, Order Acipenseriformes: sturgeons and paddlefishes
Polyodontidae - Class Actinopterygii, Subclass Chondrostei, Order Acipenseriformes: sturgeons and paddlefishes
Subclass Neopterygii, Order Lepisosteiformes (or Semionotiformes): the gars
Order Amiiformes: the Bowfin

Teleosts at last I bonytongues through anglerfishes

Teleostean phylogeny
Subdivision Osteoglossomorpha - teleostean fishes
Subdivision Elopomorpha - teleostean fishes
Subdivision Otocephala (= Ostarioclupeomorpha), Superorder Clupeomorpha - teleostean fishes
Subdivision Otocephala (= Ostarioclupeomorpha), Superorder Ostariophysi - teleostean fishes
Subdivision Euteleostei - teleostean fishes
Subdivision Euteostei, Superorder Protacanthopterygii - teleostean fishes
Acanthomorpha: thespiny teleosts
Superorder Lampriomorpha - Acanthomorpha: thespiny teleosts
Superorder Polymixiomorpha - Acanthomorpha: thespiny teleosts

Teleosts at last IIspiny rayed fishes

Superorder Acanthopterygii: introduction
Series Mugilomorpha
Series Atherinomorpha
Series Percomorpha:basal orders
Series Percomorpha, Order Perciformes: the perchlike fishes
Suborder Percoidea
Suborder Elassomatoidei
Suborder Labroidei
Suborder Zoarcoidei
Suborder Notothenioidei
Suborder Trachinoidei
Suborder Blennioidei
Suborders Icosteoidei,Gobiesocoidei, and Callionymoidei
Suborder Gobioidei
Suborder Kurtoidei
Suborder Acanthuroidei
Suborder Xiphioidei
Suborder Scombroidei
Suborder Stromateoidei
Suborder Anabantoidei
Suborder Channoidei
Suborder Caproidei
Order Pleuronectiformes
Order Tetraodontiformes


Marine fishes
Major ecological divisions - Marine fishes
Marine zoogeographic regions fishes
Indo-West Pacific region - Marine zoogeographic regions fishes
Western Atlantic region - Marine zoogeographic regions fishes
Eastern Pacific region - Marine zoogeographic regions fishes
Eastern Atlantic region - Marine zoogeographic regions fishes
Mediterranean Sea - Marine zoogeographic regions fishes
Arctic and Antarctic fishes - Marine zoogeographic regions fishes
Freshwater fishes
Nearctic region Freshwater Fishes
Neotropical region Freshwater Fishes
Palearctic region Freshwater Fishes
African region Freshwater Fishes
Oriental region Freshwater Fishes
Australian region Freshwater Fishes
Archaic freshwater fish distributions
More recent freshwater fish distributions
Similarities between South American and African freshwater fishes
Middle American freshwater fishes

Fish genetics

Fish genomics
Molecular ecology - Fish genetics
Population genetics - Fish genetics
Dispersal and population structure - Fish genetics
Pelagic larval duration and population structure - Fish genetics
Habitat preference - Fish genetics
Complex population structure - Fish genetics
Fish genetics: Phylogeography
Dispersal and vicariance revisited - Fish genetics: Phylogeography
Freshwater fishes - Fish genetics: Phylogeography
Anadromous fishes - Fish genetics: Phylogeography
Marine fishes - Fish genetics: Phylogeography
Transarctic interchange between the North Pacific and North Atlantic - Fish genetics: Phylogeography
Molecular evolution - Fish genetics
The deepest vertebrate radiations: are you a fish?
The history of ray-finned fishes
Mapping an evolutionary innovation in parrotfishes
Cryptic evolutionary diversity: the case of the bonefishes
The cichlid radiation of Lake Malawi
Conservation genetics - Fish genetics
Molecular identification in the marketplace - Fish genetics

Special habitats and special adaptations

The deep sea
Physical factors affecting the deep sea - Diversity of Fishes
Convergence in the deep sea - Diversity of Fishes
The open sea
Adaptations to the open sea
Life history patterns in pelagic fishes
Evolution and convergence - Deep sea
Polar regions - Diversity of Fishes
Antarctic fishes
Adaptations and constraints of Antarctic fishes
Arctic fishes
Deserts and other seasonally arid habitats - Diversity of Fishes
North American deserts - Diversity of Fishes
Strong currents and turbulent water - Diversity of Fishes
Caves - Diversity of Fishes
Adaptations to cave living - Diversity of Fishes
Preadaptation, evolution, and convergence in cave fishes

Fishes as predators

Search and detect - Fishes as predators
Pursuit - Fishes as predators
Attack and capture - Fishes as predators
Handling - Fishes as predators
Scavengers, detritivores, and herbivores - Fishes as predators
Optimally foraging fishes - Fishes as predators

Fishes as prey

Avoiding detection: Camouflage - Fishes as prey
Avoiding detection: Invisible fishes - Fishes as prey
Avoiding detection: Early detection - Fishes as prey
Avoiding detection: Shoaling and search - Fishes as prey
Evading pursuit - Fishes as prey
Preventing and deflecting attacks - Fishes as prey
Discouraging capture and handling - Fishes as prey
Balancing foraging against predatory threat - Fishes as prey

Fishes as social animals reproduction

Reproductive patterns among fishes
Lifetime reproductive opportunities - Reproductive patterns among fishes
Mating systems - Reproductive patterns among fishes
Gender roles in fishes - Reproductive patterns among fishes
Sexual selection, dimorphism, and mate choice - Fishes as social animals: Courtship and spawning
Spawning site selection and preparation - Fishes as social animals: Courtship and spawning
Courtship patterns - Fishes as social animals: Courtship and spawning
Spawning site selection and preparation - Fishes as social animals: Courtship and spawning
The spawning act - Fishes as social animals
Extent and diversity of care - Parental care of Fishes
The gender of care-givers - Parental care of Fishes
The costs of care - Parental care of Fishes
Alternative mating systems and tactics - Fishes as social animals

Fishes as social animals aggregation aggression and cooperation

Visual communication of Fishes - Fishes as social animals
Acoustic communication of Fishes - Fishes as social animals
Chemical communication of Fishes - Fishes as social animals
Tactile communication of Fishes - Fishes as social animals
Electrical communication of Fishes - Fishes as social animals
Agonistic interactions of Fishes
Behavioral hierarchies - Agonistic interactions of Fishes
Territoriality - Agonistic interactions of Fishes
Home ranges - Agonistic interactions of Fishes
Aggregations Shoaling of Fishes
Optimal group size - Aggregations of Fishes
Parasitism - Interspecific relations of Fishes: symbioses
Mutualism and commensalism - Interspecific relations of Fishes: symbioses
Interspecific shoaling - Interspecific relations of Fishes: symbioses

Cycles of activity and behavior

Light-induced activity patterns - Fishes: Diel patterns
Vertical migrations - Fishes: Diel patterns
Circadian rhythms - Fishes: Diel patterns
Tidal patterns - Fishes: Diel patterns
Semilunar and lunar patterns - Diversity of Fishes
Activity and distribution - Seasonal patterns of Fishes
Reproductive seasonality - Seasonal patterns of Fishes
Seasonal reproduction: proximate and ultimate factors - Seasonal patterns of Fishes
Annual and supra-annual patterns: migrations of Fishes
Diadromy - Annual and supra-annual patterns: migrations of Fishes
Mechanisms of migration - Annual and supra-annual patterns: migrations of Fishes
Representative life histories of migratory fishes

Individuals populations and assemblages

Life histories and reproductive ecology of Fishes
Population dynamics and regulation - Diversity of Fishes
Production of Fishes
Genetic structure of populations - Diversity of Fishes
Hybridization - Diversity of Fishes
Assemblages - Diversity of Fishes
Niches and guilds: the ecological role of a species - Diversity of Fishes: Assemblages
Habitat use and choice - Diversity of Fishes: Assemblages
Habitat choice and spatial structure: zonation - Diversity of Fishes: Assemblages
Competition - Diversity of Fishes: Assemblages
Predation - Diversity of Fishes: Assemblages
Synthesis: what determines assemblage structure among coral reef fishes?

Communities ecosystems and the functional role of fishes

Community-level interactions between fishes and other taxonomic groups
The effects of fishes on plants
Effects of fishes on zooplankton
Effects of fishes on benthic invertebrates
Turnover rates and the inverted food pyramid - Effects of fishes
Fishes in the ecosystem
Indirect effects and trophic cascades - Fishes in the ecosystem
Nutrient cycling and transport by fishes
Fishes in food webs
Fishes as producers and transporters of sand, coral, and rocks
Influence of physical factors and disturbance - Diversity of Fishes

Conservation and the future of fishes

Extinction and biodiversity loss
Threatened and endangered fishes - Extinction and biodiversity loss
General causes of biodiversity decline
Habitat loss and modification - General causes of fish biodiversity decline
Species introductions - General causes of fish biodiversity decline
Pollution - General causes of fish biodiversity decline
Commercial exploitation - General causes of fish biodiversity decline
Global climate change - General causes of fish biodiversity decline
What can be done against fish Biodiversity loss?

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