strong effect of temperature on biochemical and physiological processes drives
fishes to select environmental temperature sat which they can function
efficiently (Coutant 1987). Because different physiological processes may
have different optimal temperatures, the temperature selected by a fish often
represents a compromise, or “integrated optimum”(Kelsch & Neill 1990).
Fishes probably select temperatures that maximize the amount of energy
available for activity, or metabolic scope (the difference between standard and
maximum metabolic rates). Of course, habitat selection in the wild involves a
compromise between temperature requirements and other important factors, such
as dissolved oxygen levels, food availability, current velocity, substrate
type, and avoidance of predators and competitors(see Coutant 1987). Temperature
is, however, a very strong determinant of habitat choice by some fishes.
Temperature sensitive radio transmitters surgically implanted in the body of
trout revealed that when the water temperature of a New York stream exceeded
20°C, the fish selected cooler micro habitats within the river, such as
tributary confluences and areas of groundwater discharge. The body temperature
of Brook Trout was up to 4°C below river temperature, whereas Rainbow Trout had
body temperatures up to 2.3°Cbelow river temperature (Baird & Krueger
laboratory investigations have shown most fishes select temperatures close to
those to which they havebecome accustomed (see Kelsch & Neill 1990). There
area few exceptions, however. Chum Salmon (Salmonidae)and Blue Tilapia
(Cichlidae) show very narrow and constant temperature preferences regardless of
acclimation temperature, and guppies (Poeciliidae) show a slight decline in
preferred temperature with increased acclimation temperature(see Kelsch &
Neill 1990). The physiological ability to adapt to different temperatures to
the point of shiftingtemperature preference may reflect the climate in which a
species evolved (Kelsch & Neill 1990). Species that evolved in areas with
substantial seasonal changes in temperature, such as the Bluegill
(Centrarchidae) of temperate North America, need the biochemical and
physiological ability to shift temperature optima. More tropical species, such
as guppies and tilapia, and Coldwater fishes, such as salmonids, probably have
not had to respond to selective pressures that would favor individuals that can
make these kinds of adjustments.
Temperature preferences can change as fishes grow, leading to different life stages of a given species utilizing different thermal niches. For example, juvenile Striped Bass (Moronidae) prefer temperatures around 25°C,whereas large adults will select cooler temperatures, around 20°C (Coutant 1985). This onto genetic shift in temperature preference has important implications for the success of efforts to introduce this highly prized sport fish into various reservoirs and estuaries. A body of water that is ideal for the success and growth of young fish may be thermally unsuitable for large adults, which may congregate in small areas of slightly cooler water (often 18–20°C)such as near underground spring inputs or in the hypo limnetic waters of stratified lakes and reservoirs (see Temperature, oxygen, and water flow). Extreme crowding can lead to increased susceptibility to disease and over fishing. It also can lead to locally depleted food supplies and subsequent poor growth and reduced fecundity. The thermal preference may be so strong that starving fish will not leave cooler deep waters to feed on abundant prey in warmer surface waters (Coutant 1985).
thermal preferences probably are the result of natural selection resulting in
fishes selecting habitats that offer them the best chances for growth and
reproduction. This physiological constraint on habitat selection can become a
liability, however, particularly in the face of human alterations of aquatic
environments. In summer the deep, cooler hypolimnion of warm reservoirs can be
attractive to large Striped Bass. As summer progresses, however, these deep
waters can become low in oxygen, leading to fish mortality. Coutant (1985)
discusses evidence for and implications of this temperature–oxygen habitat
squeeze on Striped Bass populations in several diverse habitats, including
freshwater and coastal systems..
plant cooling systems often discharge heated water into lakes and rivers,
thereby altering their thermal structure. This can cause fishes to congregate in
areas that may not be ultimately beneficial. For example, if the plant shuts
down for a few days during the winter, fish that had become acclimated to the
warmer water are suddenly left stranded in a cold environment and can die.
Hydroelectric dams often release deeper, cooler water from an upstream
reservoir. Fishes that congregate in these cooler hypo limnetic waters may be
more susceptible, therefore, to being drawn through the turbines and injured or
killed. There lease of cooler water through a hydroelectric dam also can
attract downstream fishes to the tailrace water during the warm summer months.
The concentration of fish can create an attractive sport fishery, but it also
can lead tooverfishing and subsequent depletion of brood stock. in some “pump
back” hydroelectric dams, large motors run turbines in reverse to push water
back to the upstream side of the dam when power is not needed. When more
electricity is needed, such as during periods of peak demand, this water is
released again to generate electricity. The attraction of fishes to the foot of
the dam during periods of power generation can set the stage for high fish
mortality if those fishes are drawn through the turbines as water is pumped
back to the upstream side of the dam(Helfman 2007).
combination of cooler temperatures and high turbulence can cause water that is
released from dams to become supersaturated with gases, especially nitrogen and
oxygen. The blood of fishes living in these areas also can become
supersaturated because of gas diffusion across the highly permeable gill
membrane. When these fishes move to warmer, less turbulent areas, the gases
come out of solution and form bubbles in the blood. This gas bubble disease(similar
to “the bends” in humans) can cause blocked and ruptured blood vessels,
resulting in disorientation and death.
preferences also may cause fishes to congregate in areas with high levels of
toxic pollutants, as has been reported for Striped Bass in the San Francisco
Bay-Delta area. Uptake and bioaccumulation of some of these contaminants has
been correlated with poor growth, high parasite loads, and decreased reproductive
potential(Coutant 1985).
impact of temperature preferences on fish habitat selection is a good example
of links among fish physiology,behavior, ecology, and conservation. The effect
of temperature preferences on the success of introduced Striped Bass also
demonstrates the importance of basic physiological and behavioral information,
as well as a thorough understanding of the habitat, when considering ecosystem
manipulation or species introductions.
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