Object Oriented Programming - CS8392

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Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming


Java - Data Types, Variables
Java - Arrays
Java - Operators
Java - Control Statements
Java - Classes and Objects,Methods
Java - Inheritance
Important Short Questions and Answers: OOP - Overview of Java
An Overview of Java
Object-Oriented Programming
A First Simple Java Program
A Second Short Program
Two Control Statements
Using Blocks of Code
Lexical Issues
The Java Class Libraries
Data Types, Variables, and Arrays
The Primitive Types
Floating-Point Types
A Closer Look at Literals
Type Conversion and Casting
Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
Arrays - Java
A Few Words About Strings
A Note to C/C++ Programmers About Pointers
Arithmetic Operators - Java
The Bitwise Operators - Java
Relational Operators - Java
Boolean Logical Operators - Java
The Assignment Operator - Java
The ? Operator - Java
Operator Precedence - Java
Using Parentheses
Control Statements - Java
Java’s Selection Statements
Java’s Iteration Statements
Jump Statements - Java
Introducing Classes
Introducing Classes - Java
Java Class Fundamentals
Declaring Objects - Java
Assigning Object Reference Variables
Introducing Methods - Java
Constructors - Java
The this Keyword - Java
Garbage Collection - Java
The finalize( ) Method - Java
A Stack Class - Java
A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
Overloading Methods - Java
Using Objects as Parameters
A Closer Look at Argument Passing
Returning Objects - Java
Recursion - Java
Introducing Access Control - Java
Understanding static - Java
Introducing final - Java
Arrays Revisited - Java
Introducing Nested and Inner Classes - Java
Exploring the String Class - Java
Using Command-Line Arguments
Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments


Inheritance - Java
Using super - Java
Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy - Java
When Constructors are Executed
Method Overriding - Java
Dynamic Method Dispatch - Java
Using Abstract Classes - Java
Using final with Inheritance - Java
The Object Class - Java
Packages and Interfaces
Java Packages
Access Protection
Importing Packages
Java Interfaces
Default Java Interface Methods
Use Java static Methods in an Interface


Packages - Java
Interface - Java
Exception Handling
Multithreaded Programming
Strings - Java
Java I/O – The Basics
Important Short Questions and Answers: Java Exception Handling
Exception Handling
Java Exception-Handling Fundamentals
Exception Types - Java
Uncaught Exceptions
Using try and catch - Java
Multiple catch Clauses - Java
Nested try Statements - Java
throw - Java
throws - Java
finally - Java
Java’s Built-in Exceptions
Creating Your Own Exception Subclasses
Chained Exceptions - Java
Three Recently Added Exception Features
Using Exceptions


Multithreaded Programming
The Java Thread Model
The Main Thread - Java
Creating a Thread - Java
Creating Multiple Threads - Java
Using isAlive( ) and join( )
Thread Priorities - Java
Synchronization - Java
Interthread Communication
Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads
Obtaining A Thread’s State


Event Handling
The Delegation Event Model - Java
Event Classes - Java
The KeyEvent Class - Java
Sources of Events - Java
Event Listener Interfaces - Java
Using the Delegation Event Model - Java
Adapter Classes - Java
Inner Classes - Java

Part I The Java Language

Chpter 1 The History and Evolution of Java

The History and Evolution of Java
Java’s Lineage
The Creation of Java
How Java Changed the Internet
Java’s Magic: The Bytecode
Servlets: Java on the Server Side
The Java Buzzwords
The Evolution of Java
Java SE 8
A Culture of Innovation

Chpter 2 An Overview of Java

An Overview of Java
Object-Oriented Programming
A First Simple Java Program
A Second Short Program
Two Control Statements
Using Blocks of Code
Lexical Issues
The Java Class Libraries

Chpter 3 Data Types Variables and Arrays

Data Types, Variables, and Arrays
The Primitive Types
Floating-Point Types
A Closer Look at Literals
Type Conversion and Casting
Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
Arrays - Java
A Few Words About Strings
A Note to C/C++ Programmers About Pointers

Chpter 4 Operators

Arithmetic Operators - Java
The Bitwise Operators - Java
Relational Operators - Java
Boolean Logical Operators - Java
The Assignment Operator - Java
The ? Operator - Java
Operator Precedence - Java
Using Parentheses

Chpter 5 Control Statements

Control Statements - Java
Java’s Selection Statements
Java’s Iteration Statements
Jump Statements - Java

Chpter 6 Introducing Classes

Introducing Classes
Introducing Classes - Java
Java Class Fundamentals
Declaring Objects - Java
Assigning Object Reference Variables
Introducing Methods - Java
Constructors - Java
The this Keyword - Java
Garbage Collection - Java
The finalize( ) Method - Java
A Stack Class - Java

Chpter 7 A Closer Look at Methods and Classes

A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
Overloading Methods - Java
Using Objects as Parameters
A Closer Look at Argument Passing
Returning Objects - Java
Recursion - Java
Introducing Access Control - Java
Understanding static - Java
Introducing final - Java
Arrays Revisited - Java
Introducing Nested and Inner Classes - Java
Exploring the String Class - Java
Using Command-Line Arguments
Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments

Chpter 8 Inheritance

Inheritance - Java
Using super - Java
Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy - Java
When Constructors are Executed
Method Overriding - Java
Dynamic Method Dispatch - Java
Using Abstract Classes - Java
Using final with Inheritance - Java
The Object Class - Java

Chpter 9 Packages and Interfaces

Packages and Interfaces
Java Packages
Access Protection
Importing Packages
Java Interfaces
Default Java Interface Methods
Use Java static Methods in an Interface

Chpter 10 Exception Handling

Exception Handling
Java Exception-Handling Fundamentals
Exception Types - Java
Uncaught Exceptions
Using try and catch - Java
Multiple catch Clauses - Java
Nested try Statements - Java
throw - Java
throws - Java
finally - Java
Java’s Built-in Exceptions
Creating Your Own Exception Subclasses
Chained Exceptions - Java
Three Recently Added Exception Features
Using Exceptions

Chpter 11 Multithreaded Programming

Multithreaded Programming
The Java Thread Model
The Main Thread - Java
Creating a Thread - Java
Creating Multiple Threads - Java
Using isAlive( ) and join( )
Thread Priorities - Java
Synchronization - Java
Interthread Communication
Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads
Obtaining A Thread’s State

Chpter 12 Enumerations Autoboxing and Annotations Metadata

Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations (Metadata)
Enumerations - Java
Type Wrappers - Java
Autoboxing - Java
Annotations (Metadata)
Type Annotations
Repeating Annotations - Java

Chpter 13 IO Applets and Other Topics

I/O, Applets, and Other Topics
I/O Basics - Java
Reading Console Input - Java
Writing Console Output - Java
The PrintWriter Class - Java
Reading and Writing Files - Java
Automatically Closing a File - java
Applet Fundamentals
The transient and volatile Modifiers - Java
Using instanceof - Java
strictfp - Java
Native Methods - Java
Problems with Native Methods
Using assert - Java
Static Import - Java
Invoking Overloaded Constructors Through this( )
Compact API Profiles - Java

Chpter 14 Generics

What Are Generics?
A Simple Generics Example
A Generic Class with Two Type Parameters
The General Form of a Generic Class
Bounded Types
Using Wildcard Arguments
Creating a Generic Method
Generic Interfaces - Java
Raw Types and Legacy Code - Java
Generic Class Hierarchies - Java
Type Inference with Generics - Java
Erasure - Java
Ambiguity Errors - Java
Some Generic Restrictions - Java

Chpter 15 Lambda Expressions

Lambda Expressions
Introducing Lambda Expressions
Block Lambda Expressions
Generic Functional Interfaces
Passing Lambda Expressions as Arguments
Lambda Expressions and Exceptions
Lambda Expressions and Variable Capture
Method References - Lambda Expressions
Constructor References - Java Lambda Expressions
Predefined Functional Interfaces

Part II The Java Library

Chpter 16 String Handling

String Handling
The String Constructors
String Length - Java
Special String Operations - Java
Character Extraction - Java
String Comparison - Java
Searching Strings - Java
Modifying a String - Java
Data Conversion Using valueOf( ) - Java
Changing the Case of Characters Within a String - Java
Joining Strings - Java
Additional String Methods
StringBuffer - Java

Chpter 17 Exploring java lang

Exploring java.lang
Primitive Type Wrappers - Exploring java.lang
Void and Process
System - java.lang
Using clone( ) and the Cloneable Interface
Class - java.lang
Math - java.lang
Thread, ThreadGroup, and Runnable - java.lang
Package, StackTraceElement, Enum - java.lang
Interface - java.lang
The java.lang Subpackages

Chpter 18 java util Part 1 The Collections Framework

java.util : The Collections Framework
java.util Collections Overview
JDK 5 Changed the Collections Framework
The Collection Interfaces - java.util
The Collection Classes - java.util
Accessing a Collection via an Iterator - java.util
Spliterators - Java
Storing User-Defined Classes in Collections
The RandomAccess Interface - Java
Working with Maps - java.util
Comparators - java.util
The Collection Algorithms - java.util
Arrays - java.util
The Legacy Classes and Interfaces - java.util
Parting Thoughts on Collections - java.util

Chpter 19 java util Part 2 More Utility Classes

java.util : More Utility Classes
StringTokenizer - java.util
BitSet - java.util
Optional, OptionalDouble, OptionalInt, and OptionalLong - Java
Date - java.util
Calendar - java.util
GregorianCalendar - java.util
TimeZone, SimpleTimeZone - java.util
Locale - java.util
Random - java.util
Observable - java.util
Timer and TimerTask - java.util
Currency - java.util
Formatter - java.util
Scanner - java.util
The ResourceBundle, ListResourceBundle, and PropertyResourceBundle Java Classes
Miscellaneous Java Utility Classes and Interfaces
The java.util Subpackages

Chpter 20 Input Output Exploring java io

Input/Output: Exploring java.io
The I/O Classes and Interfaces - java.io
File - java.io
The AutoCloseable, Closeable, and Flushable Interfaces - Java
I/O Exceptions - java.io
Two Ways to Close a Stream - java.io
The Stream Classes - java.io
The Byte Streams - java.io
The Character Streams - java.io
The Console Class - java.io
Serialization - java.io
Stream Benefits - java.io

Chpter 21 Exploring NIO

Exploring NIO
The NIO Classes and NIO Fundamentals
Enhancements Added to NIO by JDK 7
Using the NIO System
Use NIO for Channel-Based I/O
Use NIO for Stream-Based I/O
Use NIO for Path and File System Operations
Pre-JDK 7 Channel-Based Examples

Chpter 22 Networking

The Networking Classes and Interfaces - Java
InetAddress - Java
Inet4Address and Inet6Address
TCP/IP Client Sockets - Java
URL - Java Networking
URLConnection - Java Networking
HttpURLConnection - Java Networking
TCP/IP Server Sockets - Java Networking
Datagrams - Java Networking

Chpter 23 The Applet Class

The Applet Class
Two Types of Applets
Applet Basics
Applet Architecture
An Applet Skeleton
Simple Applet Display Methods
Requesting Repainting - The Applet Class
Using the Status Window - The Applet Class
Passing Parameters to Applets
getDocumentBase( ) and getCodeBase( ) - The Applet Class
AppletContext and showDocument( ) - The Applet Class
AudioClip and AppletStub Interface - Applet Class

Chpter 24 Event Handling

Event Handling
The Delegation Event Model - Java
Event Classes - Java
The KeyEvent Class - Java
Sources of Events - Java
Event Listener Interfaces - Java
Using the Delegation Event Model - Java
Adapter Classes - Java
Inner Classes - Java

Chpter 25 Introducing the AWT Working with Windows Graphics and Text

Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text
AWT Classes
Window Fundamentals - AWT Classes
Working with Frame Windows - AWT Classes
Creating a Frame Window in an AWT-Based Applet
Creating a Windowed Program
Introducing Graphics - AWT Classes
Working with Color - AWT Java
Setting the Paint Mode - AWT Java
Working with Fonts - AWT Java
Managing Text Output Using FontMetrics - AWT Java

Chpter 26 Using AWT Controls Layout Managers and Menus

Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers, and Menus
AWT Control Fundamentals
Labels - AWT Controls
Using Buttons - AWT Controls
Applying Check Boxes - AWT Controls
CheckboxGroup - AWT Controls
Choice Controls - AWT Controls
Using Lists - AWT Controls
Managing Scroll Bars - AWT Controls
Using a TextField - AWT Controls
Using a TextArea - AWT Controls
Understanding Layout Managers - AWT
Menu Bars and Menus - AWT
Dialog Boxes - AWT
FileDialog - AWT
A Word About Overriding paint(?) - AWT

Chpter 27 Images

Images - Java
Images File Formats - Java
Image Fundamentals: Creating, Loading, and Displaying
Double Buffering

Chpter 28 The Concurrency Utilities

The Concurrency Utilities
The Concurrent API Packages - Java
Using Synchronization Objects
Phaser - Java Class
Using an Executor
The TimeUnit Enumeration
Locks - java.util.concurrent.locks package
Atomic Operations - java.util.concurrent.atomic
Parallel Programming via the Fork/Join Framework
The Concurrency Utilities Versus Java’s Traditional Approach

Chpter 29 The Stream API

The Stream API
Stream Basics
Reduction Operations - Java Stream API
Using Parallel Streams - Java Stream API
Mapping - Java Stream API
Collecting - Java Stream API
Iterators and Streams

Chpter 30 Regular Expressions and Other Packages

Regular Expressions and Other Packages
The Core Java API Packages
Regular Expression Processing
Reflection - java.lang.reflect package
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
Formatting Date and Time with java.text
The Time and Date API Added by JDK 8

Part III Introducing GUI Programming with Swing

Chpter 31 Introducing Swing

Introducing Swing
The Origins of Swing
Swing Is Built on the AWT
Two Key Swing Features
The MVC Connection - Swing
Components and Containers - Swing GUI
The Swing Packages
A Simple Swing Application
Event Handling - Swing
Create a Swing Applet
Painting in Swing

Chpter 32 Exploring Swing

Exploring Swing
JLabel and ImageIcon - Swing
JTextField - Swing
The Swing Buttons - Swing
JTabbedPane - Swing
JScrollPane - Swing
JList - Swing
JComboBox - Swing
Trees - Swing
JTable - Swing

Chpter 33 Introducing Swing Menus

Introducing Swing Menus
Menu Basics - Swing
An Overview of JMenuBar, JMenu, and JMenuItem - Swing
Create a Main Menu - Swing
Add Mnemonics and Accelerators to Menu Items - Swing
Add Images and Tooltips to Menu Items - Swing
Use JRadioButtonMenuItem and JCheckBoxMenuItem - Swing
Create a Popup Menu - Swing
Create a Toolbar - Swing
Use Actions - Swing
Put the Entire MenuDemo Program Together

Part IV Introducing GUI Programming with JavaFX

Chpter 34 Introducing JavaFX GUI Programming

Introducing JavaFX GUI Programming
JavaFX Basic Concepts
A JavaFX Application Skeleton
Compiling and Running a JavaFX Program
The Application Thread - JavaFX
A Simple JavaFX Control: Label
Using Buttons and Events - JavaFX
Drawing Directly on a Canvas

Chpter 35 Exploring JavaFX Controls

Exploring JavaFX Controls
Using Image and ImageView - JavaFX
ToggleButton - JavaFX
RadioButton - JavaFX
CheckBox - JavaFX
ListView - JavaFX
ComboBox - JavaFX
TextField - JavaFX
ScrollPane - JavaFX
TreeView - JavaFX
Introducing Effects and Transforms - JavaFX
Adding Tooltips - JavaFX

Chpter 36 Introducing JavaFX Menus

Introducing JavaFX Menus
An Overview of MenuBar, Menu, and MenuItem - JavaFX
Create a Main Menu - JavaFX
Add Mnemonics and Accelerators to Menu Items - JavaFX
Add Images to Menu Items - JavaFX
Use RadioMenuItem and CheckMenuItem - JavaFX
Create a Context Menu - JavaFX
Create a Toolbar - JavaFX
Put the Entire MenuDemo Program Together

Part V Applying Java

Chpter 37 Java Beans

Java Beans
What Is a Java Bean?
Advantages of Java Beans
Introspection - Java Beans
Bound and Constrained Properties - Java Beans
Persistence, Customizers - Java Beans
The Java Beans API
A Bean Example

Chpter 38 Introducing Servlets

Introducing Servlets
The Life Cycle of a Servlet
Servlet Development Options
Using Tomcat
A Simple Servlet
The Servlet API
The javax.servlet Package
Reading Servlet Parameters
The javax.servlet.http Package
Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
Using Cookies - Servlets
Session Tracking - Servlets

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CS8392 Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) - Question Bank - Download Pdf

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