Introducing Swing Menus
This chapter introduces
another fundamental aspect of the Swing GUI environment: the menu. Menus form
an integral part of many applications because they present the program’s
functionality to the user. Because of their importance, Swing provides
extensive support for menus. They are an area in which Swing’s power is readily
The Swing menu system
supports several key elements, including
The menu bar, which is the main menu for an application.
The standard menu, which can contain either items to be selected or
other menus (submenus).
The popup menu, which is usually activated by right-clicking the
The toolbar, which provides rapid access to program functionality,
often paralleling menu items.
The action, which enables two or more different components to be
managed by a single object. Actions are commonly used with menus and toolbars.
Swing menus also support
accelerator keys, which enable menu items to be selected without having to
activate the menu, and mnemonics, which allow a menu item to be selected by the
keyboard once the menu options are displayed.
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