Core Java API Packages
At the time of this writing,
Table 30-1 lists all of the core API packages defined by Java (those in the java namespace) and summarizes their
Package :-
Primary Function
java.applet :-
Supports construction of applets.
java.awt :-
Provides capabilities for graphical user interfaces.
java.awt.color :-
Supports color spaces and profiles.
java.awt.datatransfer :-
Transfers data to and from the system clipboard.
java.awt.dnd :-
Supports drag-and-drop operations.
java.awt.event :-
Handles events.
java.awt.font :-
Represents various types of fonts.
java.awt.geom :-
Allows you to work with geometric shapes. :-
Allows input of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean characters to text editing
components. :-
Supports alternative input devices.
java.awt.image :-
Processes images.
java.awt.image.renderable :-
:- Supports
rendering-independent images.
java.awt.print :-
Supports general print capabilities.
java.beans :-
Allows you to build software components.
java.beans.beancontext :-
Provides an execution environment for Beans. :-
Inputs and outputs data.
java.lang :-
Provides core functionality.
java.lang.annotation :- Supports annotations (metadata).
java.lang.instrument :-
Supports program instrumentation.
java.lang.invoke :-
Supports dynamic languages. :- Supports management of the execution
java.lang.ref :-
Enables some interaction with the garbage collector.
java.lang.reflect :- Analyzes code at run time.
java.math :-
Handles large integers and decimal numbers. :-
Supports networking.
java.nio :-
Top-level package for the NIO classes. Encapsulates buffers.
java.nio.channels :-
Encapsulates channels, which are used by the NIO system.
java.nio.channels.spi :-
Supports service providers for channels.
java.nio.charset :-
Encapsulates character sets.
java.nio.charset.spi :-
Supports service providers for character sets.
java.nio.file :-
Provides NIO support for files.
java.nio.file.attribute:- Supports NIO file attributes.
java.nio.file.spi :-
Supports NIO service providers for files.
java.rmi :-
Provides remote method invocation.
java.rmi.activation :- Activates persistent objects.
java.rmi.dgc :-
Manages distributed garbage collection.
java.rmi.registry :- Maps names to remote object references.
java.rmi.server :-
Supports remote method invocation. :-
Handles certificates, keys, digests, signatures, and other security
functions. :-
Manages access control lists. :-
Parses and manages certificates. :-
Defines interfaces for DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) keys. :-
Specifies keys and algorithm parameters.
java.sql :-
Communicates with a SQL (Structured Query Language) database.
java.text :-
Formats, searches, and manipulates text.
java.text.spi :-
Supports service providers for text formatting classes in java.text.
java.time :-
Primary support for the new date and time API. (Added by JDK 8.)
java.time.chrono :-
Supports alternative, non-Gregorian calendars. (Added by JDK 8.)
java.time.format :-
Supports date and time formatting. (Added by JDK 8.)
java.time.temporal :-
Supports extended date and time functionality. (Added by JDK 8.) :-
Supports time zones. (Added by JDK 8.)
java.util :-
Contains common utilities.
java.util.concurrent :-
Supports the concurrent utilities.
java.util.concurrent.atomic :-
Supports atomic (that is, indivisible) operations on variables without
the use of locks.
java.util.concurrent.locks :-
Supports synchronization locks.
java.util.function :-
Provides several functional interfaces. (Added by JDK 8.)
java.util.jar :-
Creates and reads JAR files.
java.util.logging :-
Supports logging of information related to a program’s execution.
java.util.prefs :-
Encapsulates information relating to user preference.
java.util.regex :-
Supports regular expression processing.
java.util.spi :-
Supports service providers for the utility classes in java.util. :-
Supports the new stream API. (Added by JDK 8.) :-
Reads and writes compressed and uncompressed ZIP files.
30-1 The Core Java API Packages
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