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Chapter: Object Oriented Programming(OOP) : Java Exception Handling

Exception Handling

Throwing Exceptions : When the program detects an error, the program can create an instance of an appropriate exception type and throw it. This is known as throwing an exception.



Throwing Exceptions


When the program detects an error, the program can create an instance of an appropriate exception type and throw it. This is known as throwing an exception. Here is an example,


throw new TheException();


TheException ex = new TheException(); throw ex;


/** Set a new radius */


public void setRadius(double newRadius) throws IllegalArgumentException {


if (newRadius >= 0)

radius = newRadius;




throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Radius cannot be negative");



Catching Exceptions try {


statements;  // Statements that may throw exceptions



catch (Exception1 exVar1) { handler for exception1;




catch (Exception2 exVar2) { handler for exception2;





catch (ExceptionN exVar3) { handler for exceptionN;



F  An error message appears on the console, but the GUI application continues running.


Write a program that creates a user interface to perform integer divisions. The user enters two numbers in the text fields Number 1 and Number 2. The division of Number 1 and Number 2 is displayed in the Result field when the Divide button is clicked.

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