Parallel Streams
Before exploring any more of
the stream API, it will be helpful to discuss parallel streams. As has been
pointed out previously in this book, the parallel execution of code via
multicore processors can result in a substantial increase in performance.
Because of this, parallel programming has become an important part of the
modern programmer’s job. However, parallel programming can be complex and error-prone.
One of the benefits that the stream library offers is the ability to easily—and
reliably—parallel process certain operations.
Parallel processing of a
stream is quite simple to request: just use a parallel stream. As mentioned
earlier, one way to obtain a parallel stream is to use the parallelStream( ) method defined by Collection. Another way to obtain a parallel stream is to call the parallel( ) method on a sequential
stream. The parallel( ) method is
defined by BaseStream, as shown
S parallel()
It returns a parallel stream
based on the sequential stream that invokes it. (If it is called on a stream
that is already parallel, then the invoking stream is returned.) Understand, of
course, that even with a parallel stream, parallelism will be achieved only if
the environment supports it.
Once a parallel stream has
been obtained, operations on the stream can occur in parallel, assuming that
parallelism is supported by the environment. For example, the first reduce( ) operation in the preceding program
can be parallelized by substituting parallelStream(
) for the call to stream( ):
Optional<Integer> productObj =
myList.parallelStream().reduce((a,b) -> a*b);
The results will be the same,
but the multiplications can occur in different threads.
As a general rule, any
operation applied to a parallel stream must be stateless. It should also be
non-interfering and associative. This ensures that the results obtained by
executing operations on a parallel stream are the same as those obtained from
executing the same operations on a sequential stream.
When using parallel streams,
you might find the following version of reduce(
) especially helpful. It gives you a way to specify how partial results are
<U> U reduce(U identityVal, BiFunction<U, ? super T,
U> accumulator
BinaryOperator<U> combiner)
In this version, combiner defines the function that
combines two values that have been produced by the accumulator function. Assuming the preceding program, the following
statement computes the product of the elements in myList by use of a parallel stream:
int parallelProduct =
myList.parallelStream().reduce(1, (a,b) -> a*b, (a,b) -> a*b);
As you can see, in this
example, both the accumulator and combiner perform the same function. However,
there are cases in which the actions of the accumulator must differ from those
of the combiner. For example, consider the following program. Here, myList contains a list of double values. It then uses the
combiner version of reduce( ) to
compute the product of the square roots
of each element in the list.
// Demonstrate the use of a combiner with
import java.util.*;
class StreamDemo3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// This is now a list of double values.
ArrayList<Double> myList = new
ArrayList<>( );
productOfSqrRoots = myList.parallelStream().reduce( 1.0,
(a,b) -> a * Math.sqrt(b), (a,b) -> a * b
System.out.println("Product of square
roots: " + productOfSqrRoots);
Notice that the accumulator
function multiplies the square roots of two elements, but the combiner
multiplies the partial results. Thus, the two functions differ. Moreover, for this
computation to work correctly, they must
differ. For example, if you tried to obtain the product of the square roots of
the elements by using the following statement, an error would result:
// This won't work.
productOfSqrRoots2 = myList.parallelStream().reduce( 1.0,
(a,b) -> a * Math.sqrt(b));
In this version of reduce( ), the accumulator and the
combiner function are one and the same. This results in an error because when
two partial results are combined, their square roots are multiplied together
rather than the partial results, themselves.
As a point of interest, if
the stream in the preceding call to reduce(
) had been changed to a sequential stream, then the operation would yield
the correct answer because there would have been no need to combine two partial
results. The problem occurs when a parallel stream is used.
You can switch a parallel
stream to sequential by calling the sequential(
) method, which is specified by BaseStream.
It is shown here:
S sequential( )
In general, a stream can be
switched between parallel and sequential on an as-needed basis. There is one
other aspect of a stream to keep in mind when using parallel execution:
the order of the elements.
Streams can be either ordered or unordered. In general, if the data source is
ordered, then the stream will also be ordered. However, when using a parallel
stream, a performance boost can sometimes be obtained by allowing a stream to
be unordered. When a parallel stream is unordered, each partition of the stream
can be operated on independently, without having to coordinate with the others.
In cases in which the order of the operations does not matter, it is possible
to specify unordered behavior by calling the unordered( ) method, shown here:
S unordered( )
One other point: the forEach( ) method may not preserve the
ordering of a parallel stream. If you want to perform an operation on each
element in a parallel stream while preserving the order, consider using forEachOrdered( ). It is used just like
forEach( ).
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