Although it is rare,
occasionally you may want to call a subroutine that is written in a language
other than Java. Typically, such a subroutine exists as executable code for the
CPU and environment in which you are working—that is, native code. For example,
you may want to call a native code subroutine to achieve faster execution time.
Or, you may want to use a specialized, third-party library, such as a
statistical package. However, because Java programs are compiled to bytecode, which
is then interpreted (or compiled on-the-fly) by the Java run-time system, it
would seem impossible to call a native code subroutine from within your Java
program. Fortunately, this conclusion is false. Java provides the native keyword, which is used to
declare native code methods. Once declared, these methods
can be called from inside
your Java program just as you call any other Java method.
To declare a native method,
precede the method with the native
modifier, but do not define any body for the method. For example:
public native int meth() ;
After you declare a native
method, you must write the native method and follow a rather complex series of
steps to link it with your Java code.
Most native methods are
written in C. The mechanism used to integrate C code with a Java program is
called the Java Native Interface (JNI).
A detailed description of the JNI is beyond the scope of this book, but the
approach described here provides sufficient information for simple
The easiest way to understand
the process is to work through an example. To begin, enter the following short
program, which uses a native method
called test( ):
// A simple example that uses a native method.
public class NativeDemo {
int i;
public static void main(String args[]) {
NativeDemo ob = new NativeDemo();
ob.i = 10;
System.out.println("This is ob.i before
the native method:" + ob.i);
ob.test(); // call a native method
System.out.println("This is ob.i after the
native method:" + ob.i);
declare native method public native void test()
load DLL that contains static method
static {
Notice that the test( ) method is declared as native and has no body. This is the
method that we will implement in C shortly. Also notice the static block. As explained earlier in
this book, a static block is
executed only once, when your program begins execution (or, more precisely,
when its class is first loaded). In this case, it is used to load the dynamic
link library that contains the native implementation of test( ). (You will see how to create
this library soon.)
The library is loaded by the loadLibrary( ) method, which is part of
the System class. This is its
general form:
static void
loadLibrary(String filename)
Here, filename is a string that specifies the name of the file that holds
the library. For the Windows environment, this file is assumed to have the .DLL
After you enter the program,
compile it to produce NativeDemo.class.
Next, you must use javah.exe to
produce one file: NativeDemo.h. (javah.exe is included in the JDK.) You
will include NativeDemo.h in your
implementation of test( ). To
produce NativeDemo.h, use the
following command:
javah -jni NativeDemo
This command produces a
header file called NativeDemo.h.
This file must be included in the C file that implements test( ). The output produced by this command is shown here:
/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine
generated */
#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class NativeDemo */
#ifndef _Included_NativeDemo
#define _Included_NativeDemo
#ifdef _ _cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
* Class: NativeDemo
Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_NativeDemo_test
(JNIEnv *, jobject);
#ifdef _ _cplusplus
Pay special attention to the
following line, which defines the prototype for the test( ) function that you will create:
Java_NativeDemo_test(JNIEnv *, jobject);
Notice that the name of the
function is Java_NativeDemo_test( ).
You must use this as the name of the native function that you implement. That
is, instead of creating a C function called test( ), you will create one called Java_NativeDemo_test( ). The NativeDemo
component of the prefix is added because it identifies the test( ) method as being part of the NativeDemo class. Remember, another class may define its own native
test( ) method that is completely
different from the one declared by NativeDemo.
Including the class name in the prefix provides a way to differentiate between
differing versions. As a general rule, native functions will be given a name
whose prefix includes the name of the class in which they are declared.
After producing the necessary
header file, you can write your implementation of test( ) and store it in a file named NativeDemo.c:
/* This file contains the C version of the test()
#include <jni.h>
#include "NativeDemo.h"
#include <stdio.h>
Java_NativeDemo_test(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
jclass cls; jfieldID fid; jint i;
printf("Starting the native
method.\n"); cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj);
fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls,
"i", "I");
if(fid == 0) {
printf("Could not get field id.\n");
i = (*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, fid);
printf("i = %d\n", i);
(*env)->SetIntField(env, obj, fid, 2*i);
printf("Ending the native
Notice that this file
includes jni.h, which contains
interfacing information. This file is provided by your Java compiler. The
header file NativeDemo.h was created
by javah earlier.
In this function, the GetObjectClass( ) method is used to
obtain a C structure that has information about the class NativeDemo. The GetFieldID(
) method returns a C structure with information about the field named
"i" for the class. GetIntField(
) retrieves the original value of that field. SetIntField( ) stores an updated value in that field. (See the file
jni.h for additional methods that
handle other types of data.)
After creating NativeDemo.c, you must compile it and
create a DLL. To do this by using the Microsoft C/C++ compiler, use the
following command line. (You might need to specify the path to jni.h and its subordinate file jni_md.h.)
Cl /LD NativeDemo.c
This produces a file called NativeDemo.dll. Once this is done, you
can execute the Java program, which will produce the following output:
This is ob.i before the native method: 10
Starting the native method.
i = 10
Ending the native method.
This is ob.i after the native method: 20
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