The AutoCloseable, Closeable, and Flushable
are three interfaces that are quite important to the stream classes. Two are Closeable and Flushable. They are defined in
and were added by JDK 5. The third, AutoCloseable,
was added by JDK 7. It is packaged in java.lang.
AutoCloseable provides support for the try-with-resources statement, which
automates the process of closing a
resource. (See Chapter 13.) Only objects of classes that implement AutoCloseable can be managed by try-with-resources. AutoCloseable is discussed in Chapter 17, but it is reviewed here
for convenience. The AutoCloseable
interface defines only the close( )
close( ) throws Exception
method closes the invoking object, releasing any resources that it may hold. It
is called automatically at the end of a try-with-resources
statement, thus eliminating the need to explicitly call close( ). Because this interface is implemented by all of the I/O
classes that open a stream, all such streams can be automatically closed by a try-with-resources statement.
Automatically closing a stream ensures that it is properly closed when it is no
longer needed, thus preventing memory leaks and other problems.
The Closeable interface also defines the close( ) method. Objects of a class
that implement Closeable can be
closed. Beginning with JDK 7, Closeable
extends AutoCloseable. Therefore, any
class that implements Closeable also
implements AutoCloseable.
of a class that implements Flushable
can force buffered output to be written to the stream to which the object is
attached. It defines the flush( )
method, shown here:
flush( ) throws IOException
Flushing a stream typically causes buffered output to be physically
written to the underlying device. This interface is implemented by all of the
I/O classes that write to a stream.
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