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Chapter: Java The Complete Reference : Introducing GUI Programming with JavaFX : Introducing JavaFX GUI Programming

The Application Thread - JavaFX

In the preceding discussion, it was mentioned that you cannot use the init( ) method to construct a stage or scene.

The Application Thread


In the preceding discussion, it was mentioned that you cannot use the init( ) method to construct a stage or scene. You also cannot create these items inside the application’s constructor. The reason is that a stage or scene must be constructed on the application thread. However, the application’s constructor and the init( ) method are called on the main thread, also called the launcher thread. Thus, they can’t be used to construct a stage or scene. Instead, you must use the start( ) method, as the skeleton demonstrates, to create the initial GUI because start( ) is called on the application thread.


Furthermore, any changes to the GUI currently displayed must be made from the application thread. Fortunately, in JavaFX, events are sent to your program on the application thread. Therefore, event handlers can be used to interact with the GUI. The stop( ) method is also called on the application thread.


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