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Chapter: Java The Complete Reference : Introducing GUI Programming with Swing : Introducing Swing

Swing Is Built on the AWT

Before moving on, it is necessary to make one important point: although Swing eliminates a number of the limitations inherent in the AWT,

Swing Is Built on the AWT


Before moving on, it is necessary to make one important point: although Swing eliminates a number of the limitations inherent in the AWT, Swing does not replace it. Instead, Swing is built on the foundation of the AWT. This is why the AWT is still a crucial part of Java. Swing also uses the same event handling mechanism as the AWT. Therefore, a basic understanding of the AWT and of event handling is required to use Swing. (The AWT is covered in Chapters 25 and 26. Event handling is described in Chapter 24.)

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Java The Complete Reference : Introducing GUI Programming with Swing : Introducing Swing : Swing Is Built on the AWT |

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