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Chapter: Java The Complete Reference : The Java Language : Lambda Expressions

Passing Lambda Expressions as Arguments

As explained earlier, a lambda expression can be used in any context that provides a target type. One of these is when a lambda expression is passed as an argument.

Passing Lambda Expressions as Arguments


As explained earlier, a lambda expression can be used in any context that provides a target type. One of these is when a lambda expression is passed as an argument. In fact, passing a lambda expression as an argument is a common use of lambdas. Moreover, it is a very powerful use because it gives you a way to pass executable code as an argument to a method. This greatly enhances the expressive power of Java.

To pass a lambda expression as an argument, the type of the parameter receiving the lambda expression argument must be of a functional interface type compatible with the lambda. Although using a lambda expression as an argument is straightforward, it is still helpful to see it in action. The following program demonstrates the process:


// Use lambda expressions as an argument to a method.


interface StringFunc { String func(String n);



class LambdasAsArgumentsDemo {


     //This method has a functional interface as the type of


     //its first parameter. Thus, it can be passed a reference to any instance of that interface, including the instance created by a lambda expression.


     //The second parameter specifies the string to operate on.


     static String stringOp(StringFunc sf, String s) {


return sf.func(s);




public static void main(String args[])



String inStr = "Lambdas add power to Java"; String outStr;


System.out.println("Here is input string: " + inStr);


     //Here, a simple expression lambda that uppercases a string is passed to stringOp( ).


outStr = stringOp((str) -> str.toUpperCase(), inStr);

System.out.println("The string in uppercase: " + outStr);


// This passes a block lambda that removes spaces.

outStr = stringOp((str) -> {


String result = ""; int i;


for(i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) if(str.charAt(i) != ' ')


result += str.charAt(i);


return result; }, inStr);


System.out.println("The string with spaces removed: " + outStr);



     //Of course, it is also possible to pass a StringFunc instance created by an earlier lambda expression. For example, after this declaration executes, reverse refers to an instance of StringFunc.


StringFunc reverse = (str) -> { String result = "";


int i;


for(i = str.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) result += str.charAt(i);


return result;




     //Now, reverse can be passed as the first parameter to stringOp()


     //since it refers to a StringFunc object.


     System.out.println("The string reversed: " +


stringOp(reverse, inStr));






The output is shown here:


Here is input string: Lambdas add power to Java


The string in uppercase: LAMBDAS ADD POWER TO JAVA


The string with spaces removed: LambdasaddpowertoJava


The string reversed: avaJ ot rewop dda sadbmaL


In the program, first notice the stringOp( ) method. It has two parameters. The first is of type StringFunc, which is a functional interface. Thus, this parameter can receive a reference to any instance of StringFunc, including one created by a lambda expression. The second argument of stringOp( ) is of type String, and this is the string operated on.

Next, notice the first call to stringOp( ), shown again here:


outStr = stringOp((str) -> str.toUpperCase(), inStr);

Here, a simple expression lambda is passed as an argument. When this occurs, an instance of the functional interface StringFunc is created and a reference to that object is passed to the first parameter of stringOp( ). Thus, the lambda code, embedded in a class instance, is passed to the method. The target type context is determined by the type of parameter. Because the lambda expression is compatible with that type, the call is valid. Embedding simple lambdas, such as the one just shown, inside a method call is often a convenient technique—especially when the lambda expression is intended for a single use.


Next, the program passes a block lambda to stringOp( ). This lambda removes spaces from a string. It is shown again here:


outStr = stringOp((str) ->     {


String result = ""; int i;


for(i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) if(str.charAt(i) != ' ')


result += str.charAt(i);


return result; }, inStr);


Although this uses a block lambda, the process of passing the lambda expression is the same as just described for the simple expression lambda. In this case, however, some programmers will find the syntax a bit awkward.

When a block lambda seems overly long to embed in a method call, it is an easy matter to assign that lambda to a functional interface variable, as the previous examples have done. Then, you can simply pass that reference to the method. This technique is shown at the end of the program. There, a block lambda is defined that reverses a string. This lambda is assigned to reverse, which is a reference to a StringFunc instance. Thus, reverse can be used as an argument to the first parameter of stringOp( ). The program then calls stringOp( ), passing in reverse and the string on which to operate. Because the instance obtained by the evaluation of each lambda expression is an implementation of StringFunc, each can be used as the first parameter to stringOp( ).


One last point: In addition to variable initialization, assignment, and argument passing, the following also constitute target type contexts: casts, the ? operator, array initializers, return statements, and lambda expressions, themselves.

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