Aquaculture Principles and Practices

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Aquaculture Principles and Practices

Aquaculture Principles and Practices

Basis of Aquaculture

Scope and definition - Basis of Aquaculture
Cultural and socio economic basis - Basis of Aquaculture
Biological and technological basis - Aquaculture
Role in fishery management - Aquaculture

History of Aquaculture and its Present State

Origins and growth of aquaculture
Present state of aquaculture

National Planning of Aquaculture Development

National Planning of Aquaculture Development
National priorities and aquaculture development
National resources - National Planning of Aquaculture Development
Technology and human resources - Aquaculture
Legal and environmental factors - Aquaculture
Organization of aquaculture
Aquaculture for rural development
Aquaculture for social benefit

Selection of Sites for Aquaculture

Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
General considerations - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
Land-based farms- conflicts - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
Open water farms - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
Water quantity and quality - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
Sources of pollution and user conflicts - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
Environmental impact assessment - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
Social aspects of site selection and management - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture
Legal empowerment and licensing of farms - Selection of Sites for Aquaculture

Selection of Species for Culture

Selection of Species for Culture
Biological characteristics of aquaculture species
Economic and market considerations
Introduction of exotic species
Common aquaculture species

Design and Construction of Aquafarms

Design and Construction of Aquafarms
Data for pond farm design
Design and construction of pond farms
Tank farms - Design and Construction of Aquafarms
Raceway farms - Design and Construction of Aquafarms
Cage farms - Design and Construction of Aquafarms
Types of cages and layout of cage farms
Submersible cages and cage maintenance
Pens and enclosures - Design and Construction of Aquafarms
Design and construction of hatcheries

Nutrition and Feeds

Feeding habits and food utilization - Aquaculture
Energy metabolism- Nutrition and Feeds of Fish
Carbohydrates - Aquaculture: Energy requirements and sources
Proteins - Aquaculture: Energy requirements and sources
Amino acids - Aquaculture: Energy requirements and sources
Lipids and essential fatty acids - Aquaculture: Energy requirements and sources
Vitamins - Aquaculture: Energy requirements and sources
Minerals - Aquaculture: Energy requirements and sources
Broodstock and larval nutrition - Aquaculture
Aquaculture: Nature and source of live foods
Algal culture - Aquaculture: Nature and source of live foods
Live animal food: Nature and source of live foods
Pond fertilization for production of live foods
Inorganic fertilizers - Pond fertilization for production of live foods
Organic fertilizers - Pond fertilization for production of live foods
Supplementary feedstuffs - Aquaculture: Artificial feeds
Types of processed feeds - Aquaculture: Artificial feeds
Ingredients - Aquaculture: Artificial feeds
Feed formulation and feed formulae - Artificial feeds
Substitution of fish meal in feeds - Artificial feeds
Feed preparation - Aquaculture: Artificial feeds
Larval feeds - Aquaculture: Artificial feeds
Larval microdiets - Aquaculture: Artificial feeds
Feeding techniques - Aquaculture: Artificial feeds

Reproduction and Genetic Selection

Reproduction and Genetic Selection - Aquaculture
Reproductive cycles - Aquaculture
Control of reproduction - Aquaculture
Induced reproduction: Hypophysation, Gametes and fertilization - Aquaculture
Preservation of gametes - Aquaculture
Use of sex steroids for sex reversal - Aquaculture
Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Methods of genetic selection - Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Mass selection - Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Genotypic selection - Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Progeny testing - Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Combined selection - Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Cross breeding - Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Chromosomal manipulation - Genetic selection and hybridization in Aquaculture
Transgenics in aquaculture
Molecular techniques in Aquaculture

Health and Diseases

Health and diseases in aquaculture
Factors affecting fish health - Health and diseases in aquaculture
Integrated health management - Health and diseases in aquaculture
Major diseases of aquaculture species
Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) - Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) - Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) - Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Infectious dropsy of carp (IDC) and spring viremia of carp (SVC) - Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Channel catfish virus disease (CCVD) - Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Carp pox (CP) - Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Lymphocystis - Viral diseases of aquaculture species
Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Furunculosis - Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Columnaris disease - Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Bacterial gill disease (BGD) - Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Gill rot - Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Enteric red mouth disease (ERM) - Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Edwardsiellosis - Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Vibriosis - Bacterial diseases of aquaculture species
Fungus diseases of aquaculture species
Saprolegniasis - Fungus diseases of aquaculture species
Branchiomycosis - Fungus diseases of aquaculture species
Protozoan diseases of aquaculture species
Ichthyophthiriasis (Ich) - Protozoan diseases of aquaculture species
Ichtyobodosis - Protozoan diseases of aquaculture species
Whirling disease - Protozoan diseases of aquaculture species
Copepod infections of aquaculture species
Argulosis - Copepod infections of aquaculture species
Lernaeosis - Copepod infections of aquaculture species
Trematode infections of aquaculture species
Public health and aquaculture

Control of Weeds Pests and Predators

Weed problems in aquaculture farms
Common aquatic weeds
Prevention of infestations and utilization of weeds - Methods of weed control in Aquaculture
Manual and mechanical methods - Methods of weed control in Aquaculture
Chemical methods - Methods of weed control in Aquaculture
Biological control - Methods of weed control in Aquaculture
Control of predators, weed animals and pests in Aquaculture

Harvesting and Post Harvest Technology

Harvesting methods in Aquaculture
Harvesting drainable ponds - Harvesting methods in Aquaculture
Seining undrainable ponds - Harvesting methods in Aquaculture
Other methods of fishing - Harvesting methods in Aquaculture
Harvesting cage and raceway farms - Harvesting methods in Aquaculture
Harvesting of molluscs - Harvesting methods in Aquaculture
Sorting - Handling, preservation and transport in Aquaculture
Depuration of molluscs - Handling, preservation and transport in Aquaculture
Preservation and processing - Handling, preservation and transport in Aquaculture

Marketing of Aquaculture Products

Marketing of Aquaculture Products
Outlets for aquaculture products
Organization of marketing - Aquaculture products
Market research - Market strategies for industrial aquaculture
Formulation of market strategies - Market strategies for industrial aquaculture
Marketing strategies for aquaculture products

Economics and Financing of Aquaculture

Economic viability - Economics and Financing of Aquaculture
Data requirements - Economics and Financing of Aquaculture
Analysis of data - Economics and Financing of Aquaculture
Financial and economic feasibility of investment - Aquaculture
Risk and insurance - Economics and Financing of Aquaculture

Farm Management

Farm Management - Aquaculture
Concepts and economic principles of farm management - Aquaculture
Application of farm management principles in aquaculture

Management of Aquaculture

Sustainability and environmental management of Aquaculture
Pollutionary effects of waste discharges from aquatic farms - Aquaculture
Controlled use of natural resources - Aquaculture
Selection of sites and farming practices - Aquaculture
Guidelines for sustainable aquaculture and transport of live aquatic animals


Main species of carps (familyCyprinidae) used for culture - Aquaculture
Common carps (familyCyprinidae) used for Aquaculture
Chinese carps (familyCyprinidae) used for Aquaculture
Indian carps (familyCyprinidae) used for Aquaculture
Culture systems in Aquaculture
Spawning and fry production of Carps
Breeding of common carp - Spawning and fry production of Carps
Selection and segregation of brood stock - Spawning and fry production of Carps
Spawning and larval rearing - Spawning and fry production of Carps
Hypophysation: Common carp - Spawning and fry production of Carps
Hypophysation: Chinese carps - Spawning and fry production of Carps
Hypophysation: Indian carps - Spawning and fry production of Carps
Nursing of carp fry - Spawning and fry production of Carps
Grow-out and polyculture - Carps
Diseases and mortality of Carps
Harvesting and marketing of Carps

Trouts and Salmons

Trouts and Salmons
Culture systems of Trouts
Development of brood stock - Trouts
Techniques of propagation - Trouts
Grow-out - Trouts
Culture systems - Salmons
Techniques of propagation: production, Stripping, fertilization and hatching - Salmons
Grow out - Salmons
Feeds and feeding of salmonids
Salmonid diseases
Harvesting and processing - Salmons
Economics - Salmons


Channel catfish
Asian catfishes
African catfish
European catfish (family Siluridae)
Culture systems - Channel catfish
Propagation Technics: Brood stock, Spawning and fry production - Channel catfish
Grow out - Channel catfish
Diseases - Channel catfish
Harvesting and marketing, Economics - Channel catfish
Spawning and fry production of Clarias spp. - Asian catfishes
Propagation of Pangasius - Asian catfishes
Grow-out of Asian catfishes
Diseases and Economics of Asian catfishes
Spawning and fry production of African catfish
Grow-out and feeds of African catfish
Spawning and rearing of fry - European catfish (family Siluridae)
Grow-out of European catfish (family Siluridae)


Eels(family Anguillidae)
Culture systems of Eels(family Anguillidae)
Collection and rearing of seed eels
Feeds and grow-out of adult eels
Diseases and mortality of Eels
Harvesting and marketing of Eels
Economics of Eels


Tilapias (family Cichlidae)
Cultivated species of tilapias
Culture systems of tilapias
Spawning and production of seed stock - Tilapias
Methods of spawning - Spawning and production of Tilapias seed stock
Mono sex seed stock and hybrids - Spawning and production of Tilapias seed stock
Grow out in ponds - Tilapias
Cage and pen culture - Tilapias
Tank and raceway culture - Tilapias
Feeds and feeding - Tilapias
Diseases and mortality of Tilapias
Harvesting and marketing of Tilapias
Economics - Tilapias

Grey Mullets and Milkfish

Grey Mullets and Milkfish: Introduction
Grey mullets (family Mugilidae)
Culture systems of Grey mullets
Fry collection and artificial propagation of Grey mullets
Grow-out of Grey mullets
Diseases of Grey mullets
Culture systems of Milkfish
Fry collection and induced spawning of Milkfish
Grow-out of Milkfish: Pond preparation, Feeding and pond management, Pen culture
Harvesting and marketing of Milkfish


Yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata (family Carangidae)
Culture systems of Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata)
Production of seedlings - Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata)
Grow-out of Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata)
Diseases of Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata)
Harvesting and marketing of Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata)

Sea Basses and Sea Breams

Sea-Basses and Sea-Breams: Introduction
European sea-bass
Asian sea-bass
Gilthead sea-bream
Red sea-bream

Other Finfishes

Other Finfishes
Murrels (snakeheads)
Spawning and fry production of Murrels (snakeheads)
Grow-out of Murrels (snakeheads)
Spawning and fry production of Gouramis
Grow-out of Gouramis
Groupers (Epinephelus - family Serranidae)
Fry collection and induced spawning of Groupers (Epinephelus - family Serranidae)
Nursing and grow-out of Groupers (Epinephelus)
Rabbit fishes (family Siganidae)
Fry collection and induced spawning of Rabbit fishes
Grow-out of Rabbit fishes
Turbot (Scophthalmusmaximus - family Scophthalmidae)
Controlled spawning and hatchery production of juveniles
Grow-out of Turbot
cod (Gadus morhua)

Shrimps and Prawns

Shrimps and Prawns: Introduction
Major cultivated species of shrimps and prawns
Shrimp culture systems
Reproduction and larval rearing of shrimps
Brood stock - Reproduction and larval rearing of shrimps
Hatchery systems - Reproduction and larval rearing of shrimps
Spawning and larval rearing
Grow-out of shrimps
Food and feeding of shrimps
Diseases of shrimps
Harvesting and marketing of shrimps
Economics of shrimp farming
Reproduction and larval rearing of fresh-water prawns
Grow-out of fresh-water prawns
Food and feeding - Grow-out of fresh-water prawns
Diseases of fresh-water prawns
Harvesting and marketing of fresh water prawns
Economics of fresh-water prawn farming

Crayfishes and Crabs

Culture of Procambarus clarkii(Crayfishes): Pond culture methods, Double cropping
Culture of Scylla serrata(Crabs)
Propagation of crabs in Japan

Oysters and Mussels

Oysters and Mussels: Introduction
Culture systems of Oysters
Production of seed oysters
Hatchery production of seed oysters
Flat oysters
Cupped oysters
Rock oysters
Harvesting, handling and marketing of Oysters
Culture systems of Mussels
Seed stock of Mussels
Grow-out of Mussels
Harvesting, depuration and marketing of Mussels

Clams Scallops and Abalones

Culture systems of Clams
Hatchery production of Clams seed
Grow-out of Clams
Spat collection - Scallops
Hatchery production of spat - Scallops
Grow-out of Scallops
Controlled reproduction and larval rearing - Abalones
Grow-out of Abalones


Culture systems of Seaweeds
Porphyra culture practices - Seaweeds
Culture of Undaria - Seaweeds
Culture of Laminaria - Seaweeds
Culture of other edible seaweeds
Culture of seaweeds for industrial use

Integration of Aquaculture with Crop and Livestock Farming

Rationale of integrated farming
Integrated farming of fish and livestock
Pig and fish farming - Integrated farming of fish and livestock
Duck and fish farming - Integrated farming of fish and livestock
Farming of other animals in association with fish
Objectives and types of rice-field aquaculture
Rice fish rotation
Combined culture of rice and fish - Rice field aquaculture
Polyculture of bivalves and seaweeds in marine environments

Stocking of Open Waters and Ranching

Stocking of Open Waters and Ranching
Reservoirs - Open water stocking
Lakes and streams - Open water stocking
Coastal and inland seas - Open water stocking
Ranching of anadromous species
Salmons - Ranching of anadromous species
Sturgeons - Ranching of anadromous species
Ownership and regulation of fishing

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