With the
expansion and intensification of shrimp culture, and consequent increased
research efforts, a number of diseases that affect shrimps in captivity have
been identified.
Many of
them are associated with sanitary conditions in larval and fry rearing
facilities, and some are caused by nutritional deficiences. Among the
infectious diseases of shrimps are virus, bacterial, fungal and protozoan
diseases; the more important non-infectious diseases are those caused by
The virus
disease caused by Baculoviruspenaei has
been reported in P. duorarum,
P. aztecus, P. setiferus, P. vannamei and P. stylirostris. Penaeus monodon has
been foundto be infected by a baculovirus, referred to as the Monodon
baculovirus (MBN) and P. japonicus by
one that causes mid-gut glandnecrosis (baculoviral midgut gland necrosis virus
– BMNV). Though the virus infects adult shrimps as well, mortality occurs
mainly in the post-larval or early juvenile stages.
In the
baculovirus diseases the hepatopan-creatic tubule epithelium is affected. In
the larval stages the anterior mid-gut epithelium may also be affected.
Mortality seems to result from the loss of the infected epithelium. There
appear to be no external signs and diagnosis requires histological examination
to detect tetrahedral inclusion bodies in the hypertro-phied nuclei of affected
cells. Diagnosis of BMNV in P. japonicus
is made by the greatly hypertrophied nuclei within the hepatopancreatic
epithelial cells undergoing necrosis. In MBV the polyhedral inclusion bodies
tend to be multiple and spherical.
recently discovered virus disease is the infectious hypodermal and
haematopoietic necrosis (IHHN) in P.
stylirostris (later also found in P.
monodon), diagnosed by the small particles (16–28mm) of cubic symmetry in
affected tissues. Fry weighing 0.5–2g are affected most seriously, and it is
now known to affect older shrimps as well. In acute cases resulting in death,
massive destruction of the cuticular hypodermis and often of the haematopoietic
organs, glial cells in the nerve cord and loose connective tissues can be
observed. Penaeid shrimps surviving IHHNV infections become carriers of the
virus and transmit them to their offspring.
new viral infection caused by a hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus (HPV) has
been diagnosed in P. merguiensis, P. monodon, P. orientalis and P.
semisulcatus. The symptomsare poor growth, anorexia, reduced preening
capacity, increased surface fouling and occasional opacity of the tail
musculature. In all the affected species, necrosis and atrophy of the hepatopancreas
can be observed. Heavy mortality occurs during the juvenile stage.
diseases in shrimps may occur as ‘shell disease’, characterized by localized
pits in the cuticle, or as localized infections and generalized septicaemias
affecting all life stages. In all reported cases, motile, gramnegative,
oxidase-positive, fermentative rods, mostly of vibrio species, have been found.
Successful therapy includes addition of antibiotics to the tank water in
hatcheries and the incorporation of antibiotics in the ration at the grow-out
stage. Disinfection of all culture facilities helps to reduce the incidence of
the disease.
non-inflammatory mycoses of larval stages and the generally localizedmycoses of
the juvenile and adult stages accompanied by inflammation caused by fungus
infection are common among most Penaeid species. Lagenidium and Siropidium
are the best known phycomycetes affecting shrimps. Infected individuals become
immobile as a result of the profuse growth of the mycelium in the host,
replacing most of the muscle and other soft tissues. By using only pre-treated
or filtered sea water in hatcheries, the entry of zoospores into the water
supply system can be prevented. A multiple six-hour application of Treflan®
in the parts-per-billion range is also reported to be effective in preventing
the disease. Malachite green oxylate at 0.006ppm concentration is useful in
arresting or preventing epizootics, if added prior to their establishment. A
single application of 0.01ppm trifuralin has been reported to be adequate to
kill Lagenedium and Siropidium zoospores.Another fungal
disease of cultured shrimps is caused by Fusarium
solani. The infection may occur through pond bottom muds and detritus or
sea water. Wounds or abrasions on the host can easily be infected. Lesions may
occur in the gills or at the bases of appendages or on the cuticle, and
well-developed lesions are darkly melanized. The black gill disease of P. japonicus is caused by this fungus.
Mortalities of the whole stock can occur in highly susceptible species, and no
effective methods of prevention or cure are known at present.
Among the
non-infectious diseases caused by epibionts, Leucothrix disease and ciliate
gill diseases are important. Leucothrix disease, caused by the bacterium Leucothrix mucor, occurs in juvenile and
adult shrimps. The bacteria attach themselves to the body of the host,
particularly the gills and accessory gill structures. Larval and post-larval
shrimps may become covered by the filaments of the pathogen, affecting
respiration, feeding, locomotion and moulting. Severe losses may occur
sporadically and, if not controlled, can also cause continuous low-level
losses. Treatment with a sea-water-soluble copper compound (available
commercially as Cutrine–PlusR) at concentrations of 0.2–0.5mg Cu/l
for four to six hours in static conditions has been found to be effective in
preventing and curing the disease.
ciliate gill diseases are caused by protozoans of the genera Zoothamnium, Epistylis and Vorticella.
When the surfaces of the gills are covered with these organisms, hypoxia and
death occur in the same manner as in Leucothrix diseases. Formalin is reported
to be effective in controlling the infection.
cotton or milk shrimp disease denotes a group of diseases caused by at least
four species of microsporidians (Protozoa). Infected shrimps have opaque
musculature and ovaries and dark blue or blackish discoloration due to expanded
chromatophores in the cuticle. Multiple infections have been reported. There are
no proven methods of cure for this disease.
types of environmental diseases have been reported in Penaeid shrimps, namely
muscle necrosis (spontaneous necrosis), cramped tail and gas-bubble disease.
Muscle necrosis is characterized by whitish opaque areas in the striated
musculature, especially of the distal segments of the abdomen. It is believed
to be caused by severe stress from overcrowding, sudden temperature and
salinity changes and low dissolved oxygen, or rough handling. If large areas
are affected, the disease may prove fatal. The chronic and typically septic
form of the disease is known as ‘tail rot’, when the abdomen, or its
appendages, becomes completely necrotic, red in colour and begins to decompose.
In the initial stages the disease can be controlled by reducing stress.
‘cramped tail’ condition generally occurs during summer. It is characterized by
a dorsal flexure of the abdomen which is rigid and cannot be straightened. It
is believed that this condition is brought about by elevated water and air
temperatures and stress due to handling in warm weather.
disease of shrimps, caused by supersaturation of atmospheric gases and oxygen,
is very similar to the one described in finfishes. Early signs of the disease
are rapid and erratic swimming, which may soon be followed by a state in which
the shrimp floats near the water surface. If supersaturation is due to oxygen,
the condition can be controlled by reducing the level, but if caused by
nitrogen or other gases it is usually lethal.
soft-shell syndrome occurs in P.monodon in
brackish-water ponds with poorsoil and water conditions. The affected shrimps
show high levels of calcium and phosphorus in the hepatopancreas, and lower
levels of phosphorus in the exoskeleton. Soft-shelling could be induced by
exposure to pesticides, and reversed by improved diets containing 14 per cent
mussel meat (see Chandrachakool, 2003).
recently reported white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) affecting Penaeus monodon caused colossal damage to
the shrimp industry.
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