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Chapter: Aquaculture Principles and Practices: Health and Diseases

Lymphocystis - Viral diseases of aquaculture species

Lymphocystis is a viral disease that occurs in several species of fresh-water, brackish-water and marine species of fish.



Lymphocystis is a viral disease that occurs in several species of fresh-water, brackish-water and marine species of fish. It occurs as whitish nodules on the fins (fig. 9.6), head and, sometimes, the body of the fish. These are formed by the enlargement and encapsulation of the connective tissue cells. The disease is highly contagious and under culture conditions can spread very rapidly. It seldom causes any mortality, except when the verrucose lesions interfere with the ingestion of food. But the infected fish are difficult to sell, because of their appearance.


Like other viral diseases, lymphocystis also has no known cure and prophylaxis is the only means of control. Affected fish should be destroyed to prevent the spread of the virus to others, and the rearing facilities should be thoroughly disinfected.


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