Major diseases of aquaculture
As mentioned earlier, there are several diseases that an aquaculturist
may have to deal with, particularly in semi-intensive and intensive systems of
culture. Some of the major diseases are briefly described in this section and
the reader should refer to treatises on fish diseases listed in the Reference
section for more comprehensive descriptions of these as well as other diseases
observed in aquaculture facilities. In Part II, reference will be made to
diseases that are relevant to major groups of cultured species. As in the case
of other aspects of aquaculture like nutrition, feed technology and
reproduction, most of the existing information relates to a small number of
species, such as salmon and trout, common carp, channel catfish and eel.
Several diseases have been observed in species cultured in marine and
brackish-water environments in recent times, but aetiological information on
many of them is still incomplete. The known major diseases in aquaculture are
caused by infection by pathogens of viral, bacterial, fungal or protozoan
origin. Many of them have no known methods of therapy, and prophylaxis is the
only control measure. There are also many diseases caused by parasitic copepods
and helminthes.
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