Tunas are identified with Japanese cuisine and are usually served raw
(as sashimi) or as broiled fillets (Teriyaki). Yellowtail tuna (Seriola quin-queiradiata) is one of the
most popular speciescultured in Japan. The body size determines the name used
commercially. Yellowtail tuna culture refers to the rearing of juvenile up to
hamachi size (2–3 kg); commercial preference is for buri size (5–7 kg).
Juveniles used for net-cage culture are from natural supplies. They are
collected in May and June in the seas of southern Japan by fishermen specially
licensed to catch them with hand nets or round haul nets. Fish farmers release
them directly into the net-cages for on-growing. The yellowtail (tuna) culture
cycle is around two years. Within a year, the fish can weigh more than 1 kg
each and within a period of two years they may attain about 5–7 kg, which is a
profitable market size. The optimum temperature for growth is between 24 and
26°C. A sudden drop in temperature due to heavy rains may adversely affect the
health condition of the fish.
Eggs are collected from mature wild or cultured broodstock by stripping.
It takes cultured brood stock three years to reach a well-matured brood stock
weighing more than 5 kg, which produces 0.5 million eggs, and 6–8 kg, which may
produce 1 million eggs. The spawning season starts in February and continues
until June, depending on the ambient water temperature. Spawning can be induced
by the injection of HCG (600 IV/kg) of fish into the dorsal muscles, which can
achieve final maturation in two to three days. After fertilization viable
floating eggs are separated and transferred into incubation or larval tanks.
Hatching occurs after 70 hours under optimum temperatures of 18–21°C. Initial
larval feeding starts with rotifers at three to four days. When the larvae
reach 8–8.5 mm, Artemia nauplii and
marine copepods are fed in addition to rotifers. Larvae larger than 12 mm are
fed on adult Artemia or sometimes
fish eggs or formulated microdiets. The larvae grow up to about 23 mm in length
during May and survival rates are about 10 per cent when stocked in 100 m3 tanks at a water temperature of
22°C. Rotifers and Artemia are usually
enriched with emulsified lipids rich in n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids
(HUFA). When Artemia without
enrichment is fed, abnormalmortalities occur from the sixth day.
Recent studies have clearly shown that brood stocks of yellowtail tuna
can be fed with extruded pellets (soft dry pellets in place of raw
fish or moist pellets). Various studies on the nutritional requirements
using single moist pellets have been successful but the results do not appear
suitable for application in dry pellets. Regardless of the type of diet, the
digestibility of proteins in various feedstuffs is not different from other
fish species. It is generally high, being more than 85 per cent for soybean,
corn gluten, and feather and fish meals. Study of protein and energy requirements
for maximum growth of yellowtail are generally higher than those of other
fishes, probably due to their faster growth and higher swimming activity. Most
of the lipids (highly unsaturated fatty acids) commonly used in fish feeds are
highly digestible (90 to 99 per cent) in yellowtail tuna. Growth rate and feed
are dependent on the dietary HUFA content, reaching maximum at a level
of 1.6 to 2.1 per cent. Yellowtail tuna does not seem to require supplemental
phosphorus in the fish-meal-based diet.
Farming of northern bluefin tuna (Thunnusthynnus)
is restricted now to a few Mediterrannean countries (Agius, 2002). The quota
allowed by the ICCAT (International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic
Tunas) restricts the individual transferable quotas based on a formula
calculated on previous catch and investment history. Mediterranean countries
are limited to a total 30 000 tons of allowable catch. Spain and Malta farmed
8000–9000 tons in the year 2001 and around 11 000–13 000 tons in 2002. Greece
and Libya are now starting bluefin tuna farming.
Tuna farming in cages is restricted to a short season in May to July.
They are caught in purse seine nets in stress-less condition. Farmed tuna has
better meat quality and meets the requirements for sashimi markets. Farming is
done in fattening cages made of strong, flexible polyethylene material. It is
important that towing cages have a solid structure, as stocking sites may be
located 200–300 miles away and the towing speed has to be slow to avoid too much
stress on the young fish. Towing speed is reduced to 1 knot per hour for
transport cages (90 m in circumference). Transport costs can be as high as US$
2500 per tugboat per day. Insurance cover is ensured for towing and culture in
cages. Mortality during farming once settled in cages or pens is usually not
more than 1 per cent.
Tunas are fed with trash fish, horse mackerels or Atlantic mackerels,
depending on the size of the tunas in the cages. When fed with sardines and
squids large quantities may be needed, e.g. a 500-ton farm may require 20–25
tons of sardines per day. Tunas consume frozen feeds such as sardines, which
sink to the bottom of cages.
Fish are ready for harvest by October. Some farmers complete the harvest
by December, while others continue until February or March. Air transport to
the market is preferred when available, as tunas for sashimi will be more
attractive in the fresh state. If it is not possible to use aerial transport,
the harvest may have to be sold frozen, but fresh fish have a better price in
the market. Fish to be sold fresh are caught by stunning, using an electrical
gadget. Fish
which have to be frozen before shipping are caught by the lowering a
small net into the cage. The harvested fish are crowded into a square net with
a V-shape projection on one side and an open window to allow the fish to swim
into it. The fish are removed by pulling up the net/cage on a floating
platform. Freezing of the harvest is often restricted by the blast freezing
capacity of the processing ship, which is usually 20 tons per day and continues
for 10 days. From the processing ship the frozen fish are moved to a reefer
ship, which takes the cargo to the market, which is mainly in the Far East. The
large tuna harvested are placed on a soft surface on board the ship. The price
of fresh tuna depends on the market in Japan and on airfreight charges. Fresh
fish are treated more carefully, and are cooled down quickly and individually
placed in boxes for freighting.
Japanese researchers achieved the first full-scale breeding of
endangered bluefun tuna in late June 2002, in Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki
(FFI, 2002). The matured tuna spawned around one million eggs, and the
scientists expect around 800 000 to hatch. Breeding success means a breakthrough
for a stable, inexpensive supply of bluefin tuna. Adults can measure up to
three metres and weigh about 550 kg.
Southern bluefin (Thunnus maccoyi)
(fig. 24.12) have attracted prices of upto US$ 50/kg in Japan. Attempts to
breed bluefin are taking place in Australia and the Mediterranean countries
where captured bluefin are being raised in captivity. Environmentalists have
been calling for restrictions on the fisheries of Australian southern bluefin
tuna, which accounts for limiting the bluefin catch to a permitted quota of
5265 tons, utilised for stocking tuna cage farms. The benefits of farming are
not only to the owners; the spin-off industries such as transport and freight
are also beneficiaries.
By now most people know of the success of tuna farming in the regional
South Australian Town of Port Lincoln, where a complete industry, almost on the
verge of destruction, was completely turned around by the techniques of
Twelve months later commercial tuna farming began in Port Lincoln, although it was
limited by the old catching and towing system. In 1993 fish caught by purse
seine nets were towed at extremely slow speeds of 1 knot per hour, taking about
14 hours for the vessels to return to unload their catch in Port Lincoln. A
year later huge storms effectively wiped out 70 per cent of fish held in the
farms. Since then there have been continued improvements in grow-out systems
and lower fish mortalities, which have resulted in a production of over 8000
tons. There are at present about 15 southern bluefin farms on 18 sites, of
approximately 20 to 30 hectares in area. There are about 130 pontoons of 40
metres in depth, governed by the toughest environmental monitoring funded by
the industry on a quarterly basis from 2001 through the South Australian Government.
This quarterly regional monitoring has been expanded to include a more
intensive water quality and bottom fauna survey of both farm and non-farm
sites. Regulations governing the farming include (a) a maximum stocking rate of
4 kg per cubic metre of water, (b) a maximum of 400 tons of fish in a 30 ha
site, (c) minimum of 1 km distance between sites, and (d) a minimum clearance
of 5 metres between the fish net and the seabed.
The technology of farming involves finding the fish and getting it on board
while causing a minimal amount of stress in order to ensure premium quality to
the overseas sashimi market. Understanding of the transfer of southern bluefin
tuna, the towing of fish, the movement of pontoons and subsequent transfer on
to farms have improved gradually over the years. The industry is now able to
understand better the impact of stress on grow-out mortalities and growth rates
and the effect of water quality deterioration. The industry was able to use the
old-style boats and factories, so that the financial strain during the early
days was reduced. Over the years, the industry has developed dedicated
equipment such as onshore freezing plants. These have now been joined by the
new nitrogen freezing systems, which most farmers have built on to their
vessels for processing at sea. Many companies now have new multipurpose vessels
which can both tow and service the pontoons. High-strength cages are now being
manufactured locally – a 126 m circumference, 450 mm double collar seacage
wasbuilt incorporating new tuna stanchions up to 1.6 m high. The strong, sturdy
and stable stanchions are required to protect the employees against the threat
of sharks which are keen to take advantages of the tempting supply of tuna on
the other side of the cages. The latest advance has been to develop a stanchion
that acts as a float (FFI, 2002).
Japan has been trying to grow out northern bluefin larvae now since the
1980s. Progress has been minimal due to problems caused by collision and
cannibalism within the tanks. In addition, southern bluefin tunas do not spawn
in the wild until 10–11 years of age, while northern bluefin spawn at four to
five years of age. There is an indication that solutions to the problems of
fish collision and cannibalism within the tanks will demand heavy research
investment in both time and money. Given the delicate nature of tuna
propagation, it will take some time before propagation could make any
significant contribution to southern bluefin tuna production. This does not
prevent concentrated effort on globally distributed species like the tunas if
scientists decide on a species such as yellowtail tuna for which some of the
essential data are available.
The Inter-American Tropical Commission’s Achotines Laboratory, established to investigate the culture and captive spawning of tunas and billfishes, worked between 1993 and 2001 with several Japanese scientists on the spawning and rearing to sexual maturity of tuna species. Black skipjack captured in the wild spawned for extended periods. Eggs and larvae hatched in captivity were used in various experiments through 1994; early juvenile black skip-jack (Euthynnus lineatus) collected at sea were reared at the lab. By 1996 research emphasis was shifted to yellowfin tuna that were familiar to the scientists. Brood stock yellowfin tuna are fed squids, herring and anchovy supplemented with vitamins and minerals at about 2 to 4.5% of their body weight per day. Two to three year old yellowfin brood stocks in tanks have been spawning almost daily since October 1996 (FFI, 2002).
Spawning can be intermittent during February and March, and generally occurs from early afternoon to late
evening. The number of fertilized eggs collected after spawning ranges from
several hundred to several million. Fertilized eggs are hatched in 300
cylindrical incubation tanks. Juveniles are reared for five to six weeks and
have survived up to about 100 days.
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