Human Nervous System and Sensory Organs

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Human Nervous System and Sensory Organs

Human Nervous System and Sensory Organs

The Nervous System

Development and Subdivision - Nervous System
Functional Circuits - Nervous System
Position of the Nervous System in the Body

Development and Structure of the Human Brain

Development of the Brain
Anatomy of the Human Brain
Evolution of the Brain

Basic Elements of the Nervous System

The Nerve Cell
Methods in Neuroanatomy - The Nerve Cell
Ultrastructure of the Nerve Cell
The Synapse: Localization, Structure, Function
Types of Synapses
Neurotransmitters - The Synapse
Axonal Transport - The Synapse
Transmitter Receptors - The Synapse
Synaptic Transmission - The Synapse
Neuronal Systems
Neuronal Circuits - Neuronal Systems
The Nerve Fiber
Ultrastructure of the Myelin Sheath - The Nerve Fiber
Development of the Myelin Sheath in the PNS
Development of Unmyelinated Nerve Fibers
Structure of the Myelin Sheath in the CNS - The Nerve Fiber
Peripheral Nerve - The Nerve Fiber
Blood Vessels

Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

Overview of Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
Structure of Spinal Cord
Reflex Arcs - Spinal Cord
Gray Substance and Intrinsic System - Spinal Cord
Cross Sections of the Spinal Cord
Ascending Pathways - Spinal Cord
Descending Pathways - Spinal Cord
Visualization of Pathways - Spinal Cord
Blood Vessels of the Spinal Cord
Spinal Ganglion and Posterior Root - Spinal Cord
Spinal Meninges - Spinal Cord
Segmental Innervation - Spinal Cord
Spinal Cord Syndromes
Peripheral Nerves
Nerve Plexusus - Peripheral Nerves
Cervical Plexus (C1 - C4) - Peripheral Nerves
Posterior Branches - Peripheral Nerves
Brachial Plexus - Peripheral Nerves
Supraclavicular Part - Peripheral Nerves
Infraclavicular Part - Peripheral Nerves
Lateral Fascicle - Infraclavicular Part - Peripheral Nerves
Medial Fascicle - Infraclavicular Part of Peripheral Nerves
Posterior Fascicle - Infraclavicular Part of Peripheral Nerves
Nerves of the Trunk - Peripheral Nerves
Posterior Branches - Peripheral Nerves
Anterior Branches - Peripheral Nerves
Lumbosacral Plexus and Lumbar Plexus - Peripheral Nerves
Sacral Plexus - Peripheral Nerves
Sciatic Nerve
Pudendal Nerve
Sensory Innervation of Pelvis and Perineum

Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves

Overview of Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves
Longitudinal Organization of Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves
Cranial Nerves
Base of the Skull
Cranial Nerve Nuclei
Medulla Oblongata
Cross Section at the Level of the Hypoglossal Nerve - Medulla Oblongata
Cross Section at the Level of the Vagus Nerve - Medulla Oblongata
Cross Section at the Level of the Genu of the Facial Nerve
Cross Section at the Level of the Trigeminal Nerve
Hypoglossal Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII)
Accessory Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII)
Vagus Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII)
Glossopharyngeal Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII)
Vestibulocochlear Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII)
Facial Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII)
Facial Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII)
Parasympathetic Ganglia
Ciliary Ganglion
Pterygopalatine Ganglion
Otic Ganglion
Submandibular Ganglion
Structure of Midbrain
Cross Section Through the Inferior Colliculi of the Midbrain
Cross Section Through the Superior Colliculi of the Midbrain
Cross Section Through the Pretectal Region of the Midbrain
Red Nucleus and Substantia Nigra
Eye-Muscle Nerves (Cranial Nerves III, IV, and VI)
Abducens Nerve - Eye Muscle Nerves
Trochlear Nerve - Eye Muscle Nerves
Oculomotor Nerve - Eye Muscle Nerves
Corticospinal Tract and Corticonuclear Fibers
Medial Lemniscus
Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
Internuclear Connections of the Trigeminal Nuclei
Central Tegmental Tract
Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus
Reticular Formation
Histochemistry of the Brain Stem


Subdivision - Structure of Cerebellum
Cerebellar Peduncles and Nuclei - Structure of Cerebellum
Cerebellar Cortex - Structure of Cerebellum
Neuronal Circuits - Structure of Cerebellum
Functional Organization of Cerebellum
Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle (Restiform Body)
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle (Brachium Pontis)
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle (Brachium conjunctivum)


Development of the Prosencephalon
Telodiencephalic Boundary
Structure of Diencephalon
Subdivision of Diencephalon's Structure
Frontal Section at the Level of the Optic Chasm
Frontal Section Through the Tuber Cinereum
Frontal Section at the Level of the Mamillary Bodies
Habenula - Epithalamus
Pineal Gland - Epithalamus
Dorsal Thalamus
Specific Thalamic Nuclei - Dorsal Thalamus
Nonspecific Thalamic Nuclei - Dorsal Thalamus
Anterior Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus
Medial Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus
Centromedian Nucleus - Dorsal Thalamus
Lateral Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus
Ventral Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus
Lateral Geniculate Body - Dorsal Thalamus
Medial Geniculate Body - Dorsal Thalamus
Pulvinar - Dorsal Thalamus
Frontal Section Through the Rostral Thalamus
Frontal Section Through the Caudal Thalamus
Subdivision in Subthalamus
Responses to Stimulation of the Subthalamus
Poorly Myelinated Hypothalamus
Richly Myelinated Hypothalamus
Vascular Supply - Hypothalamus
Fiber Connections of the Poorly Myelinated Hypothalamus
Fiber Connections of the Richly Myelinated Hypothalamus
Functional Topography of the Hypothalamus
Hypothalamus and Hypophysis
Development and Subdivision of the Hypophysis
Blood Vessels of the Hypophysis
Neuroendocrine System


Subdivision of the Hemisphere - Telencephalon
Rotation of the Hemisphere - Telencephalon
Evolution - Telencephalon
Cerebral Lobes - Telencephalon
Frontal Sections of Brain Through the Telencephalon
Horizontal Sections of Brain Through the Telencephalon
Amygdaloid Body
Fiber Connections - Paleocortex and Amygdaloid Body
Archicortex's Subdivision and Functional Significance
Ammon’s Horn
Fiber Connections in Archicortex
Hippocampal Cortex
Neocortex: Cortical Layers
Neocortex: Vertical Columns
Cell Types of the Neocortex
Neocortex: The Module Concept
Neocortex: Cortical Areas
Neocortex: Frontal Lobe
Neocortex: Parietal Lobe
Neocortex: Temporal Lobe
Neocortex: Occipital Lobe
Neocortex: Fiber Tracts
Neocortex: Hemispheric Asymmetry
Imaging Procedures of Brain Telencephalon

Brains Cerebrovascular and Ventricular Systems

Arteries - Cerebrovascular Systems
Internal Carotid Artery - Cerebrovascular Systems
Areas of Blood Supply - Cerebrovascular Systems
Veins - Cerebrovascular and Ventricular Systems
Superficial Cerebral Veins
Deep Cerebral Veins
Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces
Choroid Plexus - Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces
Ependyma - Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces
Circumventricular Organs - Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces
Meninges - Brain
Dura Mater - Brain's Meninges
Arachnoid Mater - Brain's Meninges
Pia Mater - Brain's Meninges

Autonomic Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System
Central Autonomic System - Autonomic Nervous System
Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System
Adrenergic and Cholinergic Systems - Autonomic Nervous System
Neuronal Circuit - Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic Trunk
Cervical and Upper Thoracic Segments
Lower Thoracic and Abdominal Segments
Innervation of the Skin
Autonomic Periphery of Autonomic Nervous System
Efferent and Afferent Fibers - Autonomic Periphery
Intramural Plexus
Autonomic Neurons: Structure and Signal Transmission

Functional Systems

Brain Function
Corticospinal Tract - Motor Systems
Extrapyramidal Motor System
Motor End Plate
Tendon Organ - Motor Systems
Muscle Spindle - Motor Systems
Common Terminal Motor Pathway
Cutaneous Sensory Organs
Pathway of the Epicritic Sensibility
Pathway of the Protopathic Sensibility
Gustatory Organ: Taste Buds, Taste Fibers
Olfactory Organ
Limbic System
Cingulate Gyrus - Limbic System
Septal Area - Limbic System

The Eye

Eyelids - Structure of the Eye
Lacrimal Apparatus - Structure of the Eye
Orbital cavity (eye socket) - Structure of the Eye
Muscles of the Eyeball - Structure of the Eye
Eyeball: Development, Structure
Anterior Part of the Eye
Cornea - Structure of the Eye
Anterior Chamber of the Eye
Iris - Structure of the Eye
Ciliary Body - Structure of the Eye
Lens of the Eye - Structure of the Eye
Vascular Supply - Structure of the Eye
Fundus of the Eye
Retina: Neural Layer, Structures, Neuronal Circuits - Structure of the Eye
Optic Nerve - Structure of the Eye
Photoreceptors - Structure of the Eye
Visual Pathway - Eye
Topographic Organization of the Visual Pathway - Eye
Ocular Reflexes - Eye

The Ear

Structure of The Ear
Outer Ear - Structure of The Ear
Middle Ear - Structure of The Ear
Tympanic Cavity - Structure of Middle Ear
Auditory Ossicles - Structure of Middle Ear
Medial Wall of the Tympanic Cavity
Muscles of the Tympanic Cavity
Inner Ear - Structure of The Ear
Cochlea - Structure of The Ear
Organ of Corti - Structure of The Ear
Vestibular Apperatus - Structure of The Ear
Acoustic maculae and its function
Vestibular Sensory Cells - Structure of The Ear
Auditory Pathway of The Ear
Vestibular Pathways of The Ear

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