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Chapter: Human Nervous System and Sensory Organs : Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves

Submandibular Ganglion

Submandibular Ganglion
The submandibular ganglion (AB18) lies to-gether with several small secondary ganglia in the floor of the mouth above the subman-dibular gland (AB19) and below the lingual nerve (AB20), to which it connects viaseveral ganglionic branches.

Submandibular Ganglion

The submandibular ganglion (AB18) lies to-gether with several small secondary ganglia in the floor of the mouth above the subman-dibular gland (AB19) and below the lingual nerve (AB20), to which it connects viaseveral ganglionic branches. Its pregan-glionicparasympathetic fibers (B21) origi-nate from the superior salivatory nucleus, run in the facial nerve (intermediate nerve), and leave the nerve together with the taste fibers (B22) in the chorda tympani (AB9). In the latter, the fibers reach the lingual nerve (AB20) and extend in it to the floor of the mouth where they cross over into the gan-glion (AB18). Postganglionic sympatheticfibers from the plexus of the external carotidartery reach the ganglion via the sympa-thetic branch (B23) given off by the plexus ofthe facial artery; they pass through the gan-glion without synapsing.

The postganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers pass partly in the glan-dular branches to the submandibular gland,partly in the lingual nerve to the sublingualgland (AB24) and to the glands in the distaltwo-thirds of the tongue.

A25 Ciliary ganglion.

A26 Trigeminal ganglion.

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