Information Management - IT6701

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Information Management

Information Management






Security in Computing By Charles P Pfleeger

Chapter 1 : Is There a Security Problem in Computing

What Does "Secure" Mean?
Protecting Software in Automobile Control Systems
Why Universities Are Prime Targets
The Meaning of Computer Security
Record Record Loss
Top Methods of Attack
Computer Criminals
The Terrorists, Inc., IT Department
Methods of Defense

Chapter 2 : Elementary Cryptography

Elementary Cryptography
Elementary Cryptography - Terminology and Background
Substitution Ciphers
Transpositions (Permutations)
Making "Good" Encryption Algorithms
The Data Encryption Standard(DES)
The AES Encryption Algorithm
Public Key Encryption
The Uses of Encryption

Chapter 3 : Program Security

Program Security
Secure Programs
Nonmalicious Program Errors
Viruses and Other Malicious Code
Nonmalicious Flaws Cause Failures
Why Worry About Malicious Code?
Kinds of Malicious Code
Rapidly Approaching Zero
How Viruses Attach
How Viruses Gain Control
Homes for Viruses
Virus Signatures
The Source of Viruses
Prevention of Virus Infection
Truths and Misconceptions About Viruses
First Example of Malicious Code: The Brain Virus
Example: The Internet Worm
More Malicious Code: Code Red
Malicious Code on the Web: Web Bugs
Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?
Trapdoors - Targeted Malicious Code: Examples, Causes
Salami Attack
Rootkits and the Sony XCP
Privilege Escalation
Interface Illusions
Keystroke Logging
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
Timing Attacks
Covert Channels: Programs That Leak Information
Controls Against Program Threats
The Nature of Software Development
Modularity, Encapsulation, and Information Hiding
Peer Reviews
Hazard Analysis
Good Design and Prediction
Static Analysis
Configuration Management
Lessons from Mistakes
There's More Than One Way to Crack a System
Formal Methods Can Catch Difficult-to-See Problems
Programming Practice Conclusions
Standards of Program Development
Process Standards
Program Controls in General

Chapter 4 : Protection in General Purpose Operating Systems

Protection in General-Purpose Operating Systems
Protected Objects and Methods of Protection
Memory and Address Protection
Control of Access to General Objects
File Protection Mechanisms
User Authentication
Biometrics: Ready for Prime Time?
Passwords as Authenticators
Additional Authentication Information
Attacks on Passwords
Password Selection Criteria
The Authentication Process
Biometrics: Authentication Not Using Passwords

Chapter 5 : Designing Trusted Operating Systems

Designing Trusted Operating Systems
What Is a Trusted System?
Security Policies
Models of Security
Trusted Operating System Design
The Importance of Good Design Principles
Trusted System Design Elements
Security Features of Ordinary Operating Systems
Security Features of Trusted Operating Systems
Kernelized Design
Layered Design
Assurance in Trusted Operating Systems
Typical Operating System Flaws
Assurance Methods
Open Source
Security as an Add-On

Chapter 6 : Database and Data Mining Security

Database and Data Mining Security
Introduction to Databases
Security Requirements
Reliability and Integrity
Sensitive Data
Multilevel Databases
Proposals for Multilevel Security
Data Mining

Chapter 7 : Security in Networks

Security in Networks
Network Concepts
Network Media
Network Protocols
Types of Networks
Threats in Networks
Who Attacks Networks?
Threats in Transit: Eavesdropping and Wiretapping
Protocol Flaws
Message Confidentiality Threats
Message Integrity Threats
Format Failures
Web Site Vulnerabilities
Denial of Service
Distributed Denial of Service
Threats in Active or Mobile Code
Threats in Active or Mobile Code
Networks Complex Attacks
Network Security Controls - Security Threat Analysis
Architecture - Security in Networks
Encryption - Security in Networks
Content Integrity - Security in Networks
Strong Authentication and Kerberos - Security in Networks
Access Controls - Security in Networks
Wireless Networks Security
Honeypots, Alarms and Alerts - Security in Networks
Traffic Flow Security
Types of Firewalls
Example Firewall Configurations
Intrusion Detection Systems
Types of IDSs(Intrusion Detection Systems)
Goals for Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) Strengths and Limitations
Secure E-Mail

Chapter 8 : Administering Security

Administering Security
Security Planning
Contents of a Security Plan
Security Planning Team Members
Assuring Commitment to a Security Plan
Business Continuity Plans
Incident Response Plans
Risk Analysis
The Nature of Risk
Steps of a Risk Analysis
Arguments For and Against Risk Analysis
Organizational Security Policies
Characteristics of a Good Security Policy
Policy Issue Example: Government E-mail
Physical Security
Interception of Sensitive Information
Contingency Planning
Physical Security Recap

Chapter 9 : The Economics of Cybersecurity

The Economics of Cybersecurity
Making a Business Case
Quantifying Security
The Economic Impact of Cybersecurity
Data to Justify Security Action
A Summary of Recent Security Surveys
Are the Data Representative?
Sources of Attack and Financial Impact
Modeling Cybersecurity
Current Research and Future Directions

Chapter 10 : Privacy in Computing

Privacy in Computing
Privacy Concepts
Computer-Related Privacy Problems
Privacy Principles and Policies
Authentication and Privacy
What Authentication Means
Data Mining
Privacy on the Web
Shopping on the Internet
E-Mail Security
Impacts on Emerging Technologies

Chapter 11 : Legal and Ethical Issues in Computer Security

Legal and Ethical Issues in Computer Security
Protecting Programs and Data
Copyrights - Protecting Programs and Data
Patents - Protecting Programs and Data
Trade Secrets
Protection for Computer Objects
Information and the Law
Rights of Employees and Employers
Redress for Software Failures
Computer Crime
Why Computer Crime Is Hard to Define and Prosecute
Examples of Statutes
International Dimensions
Why Computer Criminals Are Hard to Catch
What Computer Crime Does Not Address
Cryptography and the Law
Ethical Issues in Computer Security
Case Studies of Ethics: Use of Computer Services
Case Studies of Ethics: Privacy Rights
Case Studies of Ethics: Denial of Service
Case Studies of Ethics: Ownership of Programs
Case Studies of Ethics: Proprietary Resources
Case Studies of Ethics: Fraud
Case Studies of Ethics: Accuracy of Information
Case Studies of Ethics: Ethics of Hacking or Cracking
Codes of Computer Ethics

Chapter 12 : Cryptography Explained

Cryptography Explained
Mathematics for Cryptography
Symmetric Encryption
Data Encryption Standard
Advanced Encryption Standard
Public Key Encryption Systems
MerkleHellman Knapsacks
RivestShamirAdelman (RSA) Encryption
The El Gamal and Digital Signature Algorithms
Quantum Cryptography

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web by Peter Morville

Chapter 1 : What Makes a Web Site Work

What Makes a Web Site Work
Consumer Sensitivity Boot Camp
Web Site Work - If You Don't Like to Exercise
The Role of the Information Architect

Chapter 2 : Introduction to Information Architecture

Who Should Be the Information Architect?
Collaboration and Communication
Organizing Information

Chapter 3 : Organizing Information

Organizing Information
Organizational Challenges
Organizing Web Sites and Intranets
Creating Cohesive Organization Systems
Designing Navigation Systems

Chapter 4 : Designing Navigation Systems

Designing Navigation Systems
Browser Navigation Features
Building Context
Improving Flexibility
Types of Navigation Systems
Integrated Navigation Elements
Remote Navigation Elements
Designing Elegant Navigation Systems
Labeling Systems

Chapter 5 : Labeling Systems

Labeling Systems
Why You Should Care About Labeling
Labeling Systems, Not Labels
Types of Labeling Systems
Creating Effective Labeling Systems
Fine-Tuning the Labeling System
Non-Representational Labeling Systems
A Double Challenge - Labeling Systems
Searching and Your Web Site

Chapter 6 : Searching Systems

Searching and Your Web Site
Understanding How Users Search
Designing the Search Interface
In an Ideal World: The Reference Interview
Indexing the Right Stuff
To Search or Not To Search?

Chapter 7 : Research

Research: Defining Goals
Learning About the Intended Audiences
Identifying Content and Function Requirements
Grouping Content
Conceptual Design

Chapter 8 : Conceptual Design

Conceptual Design
Brainstorming with White Boards and Flip Charts
Metaphor Exploration
High-Level Architecture Blueprints
Architectural Page Mockups
Design Sketches
Web-Based Prototypes
Production and Operations

Chapter 9 : Production and Operations

Production and Operations
Detailed Architecture Blueprints
Content Mapping
Web Page Inventory
Point-of-Production Architecture
Architecture Style Guides
Learning from Users
Information Architecture in Action

Chapter 10 : Information Architecture in Action

Information Architecture in Action
Archipelagoes of Information
A Case Study: Henry Ford Health System

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