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Chapter: Security in Computing : Protection in General-Purpose Operating Systems

User Authentication

An operating system bases much of its protection on knowing who a user of the system is. In real-life situations, people commonly ask for identification from people they do not know:

User Authentication


An operating system bases much of its protection on knowing who a user of the system is. In real-life situations, people commonly ask for identification from people they do not know: A bank employee may ask for a driver's license before cashing a check, library employees may require some identification before charging out books, and immigration officials ask for passports as proof of identity. In-person identification is usually easier than remote identification. For instance, some universities do not report grades over the telephone because the office workers do not necessarily know the students calling. However, a professor who recognizes the voice of a certain student can release that student's grades. Over time, organizations and systems have developed means of authentication, using documents, voice recognition, fingerprint and retina matching, and other trusted means of identification.


In computing, the choices are more limited and the possibilities less secure. Anyone can attempt to log in to a computing system. Unlike the professor who recognizes a student's voice, the computer cannot recognize electrical signals from one person as being any different from those of anyone else. Thus, most computing authentication systems must be based on some knowledge shared only by the computing system and the user.


Authentication mechanisms use any of three qualities to confirm a user's identity.


           Something the user knows. Passwords, PIN numbers, passphrases, a secret handshake, and mother's maiden name are examples of what a user may know.


           Something the user has. Identity badges, physical keys, a driver's license, or a uniform are common examples of things people have that make them recognizable.


           Something the user is. These authenticators, called biometrics, are based on a physical characteristic of the user, such as a fingerprint, the pattern of a person's voice, or a face (picture). These authentication methods are old (we recognize friends in person by their faces or on a telephone by their voices) but are just starting to be used in computer authentications. See Sidebar 4-3 for a glimpse at some of the promising approaches.


Two or more forms can be combined for more solid authentication; for example, a bank card and a PIN combine something the user has with something the user knows.


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