Why Computer Crime Is Hard to Define
From these examples, it is
clear that the legal community has not accommodated advances in computers as
rapidly as has the rest of society. Some people in the legal process do not
understand computers and computing, so crimes involving computers are not
always treated properly. Creating and changing laws are slow processes,
intended to involve substantial thought about the effects of proposed changes.
This deliberate process is very much out of pace with a technology that is
progressing as fast as computing.
Adding to the problem of a
rapidly changing technology, a computer can perform many roles in a crime. A
particular computer can be the subject, object, or medium of a crime. A
computer can be attacked (attempted unauthorized access), used to attack
(impersonating a legitimate node on a network), and used as a means to commit
crime (Trojan horse or fake login). Computer crime statutes must address all of
these evils.
Why Computer Crime Is Hard to Prosecute
Even when everyone
acknowledges that a computer crime has been committed, computer crime is hard
to prosecute for the following reasons.
Lack of understanding.
Courts, lawyers, police agents, or jurors do not necessarily understand
computers. Many judges began practicing law before the invention of computers,
and most began before the widespread use of the personal computer. Fortunately,
computer literacy in the courts is improving as judges, lawyers, and police
officers use computers in their daily activities.
Lack of physical evidence.
Police and courts have for years depended on tangible evidence, such as
fingerprints. As readers of Sherlock Holmes know, seemingly minuscule clues can
lead to solutions to the most complicated crimes (or so Doyle would have you
believe). But with many computer crimes there simply are no fingerprints and no
physical clues of any sort.
Lack of recognition of
assets. We know what cash is, or diamonds, or even negotiable securities. But
are twenty invisible magnetic spots really equivalent to a million dollars? Is
computer time an asset? What is the value of stolen computer time if the system
would have been idle during the time of the theft?
Lack of political impact.
Solving and obtaining a conviction for a murder or robbery is popular with the
public, and so it gets high priority with prosecutors and police chiefs.
Solving and obtaining a conviction for an obscure high-tech crime, especially
one not
obvious and significant loss, may get less attention. However, as computing
becomes more pervasive, the visibility and impact of computer crime will increase.
Complexity of case. Basic
crimes that everyone understands, such as murder, kidnapping, or auto theft,
can be easy to prosecute. A complex money-laundering or tax fraud case may be
more difficult to present to a jury because jurors have a hard time following a
circuitous accounting trail. But the hardest crime to present may be a
high-tech crime, described, for example, as root access by a buffer overflow in
which memory was overwritten by other instructions, which allowed the attacker
to copy and execute code at will and then delete the code, eliminating all
traces of entry (after disabling the audit logging, of course).
Age of defendant.. Many
computer crimes are committed by juveniles. Society understands immaturity and
disregards even very serious crimes by juveniles because the juveniles did not
understand the impact of their actions. A more serious, related problem is that
many adults see juvenile computer crimes as childhood pranks, the modern
equivalent of tipping over an outhouse.
Even when there is clear
evidence of a crime, the victim may not want to prosecute because of possible
negative publicity. Banks, insurance companies, investment firms, the
government, and healthcare groups think their trust by the public will be
diminished if a computer vulnerability is exposed. Also, they may fear
repetition of the same crime by others: so-called copycat crimes. For all of
these reasons, computer crimes are often not prosecuted.
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