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Chapter: Security in Computing : Program Security

Viruses and Other Malicious Code

By themselves, programs are seldom security threats. The programs operate on data, taking action only when data and state changes trigger it.

Viruses and Other Malicious Code


By themselves, programs are seldom security threats. The programs operate on data, taking action only when data and state changes trigger it. Much of the work done by a program is invisible to users who are not likely to be aware of any malicious activity. For instance, when was the last time you saw a bit? Do you know in what form a document file is stored? If you know a document resides somewhere on a disk, can you find it? Can you tell if a game program does anything in addition to its expected interaction with you? Which files are modified by a word processor when you create a document? Which programs execute when you start your computer or open a web page? Most users cannot answer these questions. However, since users usually do not see computer data directly, malicious people can make programs serve as vehicles to access and change data and other programs. Let us look at the possible effects of malicious code and then examine in detail several kinds of programs that can be used for interception or modification of data.


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