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Chapter: Security in Computing : Designing Trusted Operating Systems


Temporal separation occurs when different processes are run at different times. For instance, some military systems run nonsensitive jobs between 8:00 a.m. and noon, with sensitive computation only from noon to 5:00 p.m.



Recall from Chapter 4 that Rushby and Randell [RUS83] list four ways to separate one process from others: physical, temporal, cryptographic, and logical separation. With physical separation, two different processes use two different hardware facilities. For example, sensitive computation may be performed on a reserved computing system; nonsensitive tasks are run on a public system. Hardware separation offers several attractive features, including support for multiple independent threads of execution, memory protection, mediation of I/O, and at least three different degrees of execution privilege. Temporal separation occurs when different processes are run at different times. For instance, some military systems run nonsensitive jobs between 8:00 a.m. and noon, with sensitive computation only from noon to 5:00 p.m. Encryption is used for cryptographic separation, so two different processes can be run at the same time because unauthorized users cannot access sensitive data in a readable form. Logical separation, also called isolation, is provided when a process such as a reference monitor separates one user's objects from those of another user. Secure computing systems have been built with each of these forms of separation.


Multiprogramming operating systems should isolate each user from all others, allowing only carefully controlled interactions between the users. Most operating systems are designed to provide a single environment for all. In other words, one copy of the operating system is available for use by many users, as shown in Figure 5-16. The operating system is often separated into two distinct pieces, located at the highest and lowest addresses of memory.


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