Maternal and Child Health Nursing

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Maternal and Child Health Nursing

Maternal and Child Health Nursing

Anatomy and physiology of female reproductive

Introduction - Anatomy and physiology of female reproductive system
Bony Pelvis
Pelvic floor
Part of the fetal skull
Measurements of the fetal skull
Importance of the fetal skull to the midwife
The scalp
The intracranial membranes and sinuses - Fetal skull
Moulding - Fetal skull

The Female Reproductive System

The Vulva
The Vagina
The Uterus
The Fallopian Tubes
The Ovaries
The Menstrual Cycle
Minor Discomforts Associated With Menstruation

The Male Reproductive System

The Male Reproductive System
External Organs - Male Reproductive System
Internal Organs - Male Reproductive System
The Male Hormones
Formation of the Spermatozoa: Spermatogenes (Spermatogenesis)

Fetal Development Placenta Development and Fetal Circulation

Fetal and Placental Development and Fetal Circulation
Formation of the Decidua
Growth and Development of the Fertilised Ovum
The Placenta Development
Functions of the Placenta
The Membranes - Placenta
The Umbilical Cord or Funis
Diseases of the Placenta
Fetal Circulation

Urinary System

Urinary System
Functions of the kidney
The ureters
The bladder
The urethra
Psychological changes in pregnancy, labour and puerperium
The breast
Physiology of Lactation - breast

Physiology of Pregnancy

Physiology of Pregnancy
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy
Differential Diagnosis - Physiology of Pregnancy
Physiological changes due to pregnancy
The minor disorders of pregnancy
Psychosocial care in pregnancy
Digestive system - The minor disorders of pregnancy
Musculoskeletal system - The minor disorders of pregnancy
Genito-urinary system - The minor disorders of pregnancy
Circulatory system - The minor disorders of pregnancy
Nervous system - The minor disorders of pregnancy

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care
Aim of antenatal care
Process of Antenatal care
Advice to the Pregnant Woman
General examination of the ante-natal patients
Investigations - General examination of the ante-natal patients
Abdominal examination - General examination of the ante-natal patients
Head fitting - General examination of the ante-natal patients
Calculation of expected date of delivery (EDD)
Prenatal screening for hospital delivery


Stages of labour
Duration of labor
Physiology of labour
Methods of placental separation
Causes of onset of labor: Hormonal and Mechanical Theories
Signs of Labour
Mechanism of normal labor
Pain relief in labour
Methods of Pain relief in labour
Drugs used in labour

Management of Labor

Management of patient in labour
Indications for vaginal examination
Subsequent management of labour
Second stage - Management of patient in labour
Methods of delivery - Management of patient in labour
Left lateral position - Management of patient in labour
Management of third stage - Management of patient in labour
Care after the delivery of the placenta


Psychology of puerperium
Restoration of ovulation and menstruation
Management of puerperium
Birth control/family planning methods

Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour

Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour
Cephalopelvic Disproportion - (CPD)
Retroverted Gravid Uterus
Breast Conditions - Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Psychosis in Pregnancy
Harmful and Traditional Practices against Women and Children
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Non-venereal Vaginal Infections
Other Acute Infections - Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour

Obstetric Conditions that Complicate Pregnancy

Obstetric Conditions that Complicate Pregnancy
Essential Hypertension
Intra Uterine Death of Fetus (IUD)
Postmaturity (Prolonged Pregnancy)
Multiple Pregnancy
Diagnosis of twins
The Effect of Twins on Pregnancy
The Effect of Twins on Labour

Medical Conditions in Pregnancy

Medical Conditions in Pregnancy
Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Pregnancy
Cardiac Diseases
Anaemia in Pregnancy
Nutritional or Pathological Anaemia In Pregnancy
Folic Acid Deficiency Anaemia
Sickle Cell (Disease Anaemia in Pregnancy)
Malaria in Pregnancy


Breech Presentation
Occipito Posterior Position
Abnormal Uterine Action: Definition, Causes and Types
Transverse Lie/ Shoulder Presentation: Causes, Diagnosis, Management

Obstetric Emergencies

Obstetric Emergencies
Bleeding In Early Pregnancy
Abortion and Causes, Types of Abortion
Blood Mole - Bleeding In Early Pregnancy
Extra-uterine Pregnancy
Abdominal Pregnancy - Bleeding In Early Pregnancy
Hydatidiform Mole
Post Abortion Care (PAC)
Bleeding In Late Pregnancy
Management of Undiagnosed APH
Placental Praevia
Abruptio Placenta
Obstructed Labour
Rupture of Uterus
Cord Presentation
Cord Prolapse
Maternal and Fetal Distress
Obstetric Shock
Mendelson’s syndrome (Pulmonary acid Aspiration Syndrome)
Amniotic Fluids Embolism
Endotoxic Shock

Abnormal Puerperium

Sub-Involution - Abnormal Puerperium
Post Partum Hemorrhage
Puerperal Pyrexia
Thrombotic Diseases
Puerperal Psychosis

Obstetric Interventions

Obstetric Interventions
Episiotomy /Perineal Laceration
Types of Episiotomy /Perineal Laceration
Induction of Labour
Vacuum Extraction - Ventouse
Forceps Delivery
Caesarean Section and Types of Caesarean Section
Destructive Operations (Embryotomy)

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