Chapter: Maternal and Child Health Nursing : Obstetric Emergencies

Obstetric Shock

Shock is collapse which is mostly due to circulatory failure. Shock in obstetric does not differ from surgical shock.

Obstetric Shock


Shock is collapse which is mostly due to circulatory failure. Shock in obstetric does not differ from surgical shock.



In most cases shock in obstetrics are associated with


·              Hemorrhage (especially carried by Trauma)


·              Prolonged or severe anesthesia


·              Severe pains associated with manual removal of placenta.


Difficult labour, forceful dilatation of the cervix, difficultinstrumental delivery, internal version, Rupture of uterus. Inversion of uterus.Concealed accidental hemorrhage.Pulmonary embolism.


·              Amniotic fluid embolism – Intravascular coagulation .


·              Reaction to blood transfusion of incompatible blood.


·              Severe infection (clostridia or gm-ve enteric bacteria).


·              Very really – Air embolism.


·              It maybe purely neurogenic and due to fear.


·              Sudden reduction in intra-abdominal pressure following the delivery of twins.


In most cases shock is caused by more than one factor – hemorrhage and trauma and prolonged anesthesia.


Signs and symptoms

·              Rapid and thready pulse  - 90 beats & above


·              B/P of below 90 systolic call for alarm


·              Increased pallor of the skin ,Cold sweat ,cyanosis ,Subnormal temperature


·              Deep and sighing respiration. Restlessness, Patient may complain of thirst or faintness. May loose consciousness.



Call Doctor at the first sign of rising pulse rate.


Urgent resuscitative treatment


Principle of treatment.


·              The administration of fluids – collapse is due to circulatory failure so increase blood volume – usin g ABO group and Rhesus type. Plasma may be used. Saline or Dextrose may be set up temporarily.


·              Raise foot of bed – to maintain circulation to the vital organs.


·              Oxygen by mask at the rate of 1 –2 litres/minute


·              Rest – Morphine to relief pain.


·              Keep in a quiet and undisturbed as possible.


·              Cortisone or nor adrenaline are sometimes effect in adrenal failure but not in other cases as it may cause severe vasoconstriction and decrease venous return further.


·              Avoid warm – cold skin constrict the arterioles in the skin directing the little blood to the heart and brain. Warming the skin may contradict this compensatory mechanism.


·              Stimulantsuch as coramine (2mls) may be given intramuscularly.


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