Rupture of Uterus
of uterus is a serious obstetric accident. It is common in developing countries
where antenatal care is very poor. It is an countered in women of high parity.
Ruptured uterus may be complete or incomplete. Incomplete does not invoke the
peritoneal covering of the uterus but complete involves all uterine muscle
Obstructed labour e .g (CPD, mal presentation)
High parity
Previous trauma to the uterus e.g CLS, Myomectomy,
D & C.
Difficult obstetric manipulation e.g Harrison – the
presence of previous uterine scar.
Instrumental delivery use of forceps or vacuum,
craniotomy, decapitation.
Abuse of oxytocic drugs e.g in the presence of
previous scar.
Occurs in
the last four weeks of pregnancy in cases of previous caesarean section or
sometimes early stage of labour. The term silent rupture is used as the symptom
may not be dramatic usually symptoms are:
Law abdominal pain which be accompanied by vaginal
Patient may feed faint and goes into sever shock
Cold and damming skin
Low B/P,rapid and thready pulse
Contractions and abdominal pain ceases as soon as
the fetus is extruded into the peritoneal cavity.
On abdominal palpation
There is
an area of tenderness
parts are easily palpated
No fetal
movement and fetal heart sound ceases.
Midiwife should inform the doctors immediately
Observe vital sign quarter hourly.
Gave analgesic- morphin 15mg 1.m
Set up I.V normal saline
Cross match blood for transfusion of immediate
laparatomy possibly hysterectomy and stabilization silent ruptures are
sometimes discovered after delivery, uterine routine exploration of the uterus.
In this case no treatment is necessary but the woman is observed closely for
hystectomy was not done, on discharge she should be informed to avoid pregnancy
for about 2 years. She should be told to report in a hospital as soon as she
gets pregnant and inform them about her previous operation. Elective ceasarean
section must be done near term with subsequence pregnancy.
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