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Chapter: Maternal and Child Health Nursing : Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour

Other Acute Infections - Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour

Typhoid, pneumonia, dysentery, malaria and febrile conditions: These conditions may terminate pregnancy. In some cases the placental barrier is crossed through the toxins from the mother and the death of the fetus may result.

Other Acute Infections


·              Typhoid, pneumonia, dysentery, malaria and febrile conditions: These conditions may terminate pregnancy. In some cases the placental barrier is crossed through the toxins from the mother and the death of the fetus may result.


·              Virus infections: Rubella, measles, poliomyelitis, influenza,chickenpox, smallpox and whooping cough are the common virus diseases.


·              Pyelitis: Though it is not common in pregnancy, it does effect on pregnancy.


·              Ureters are very close to the intestines and hence E.Coli infection. It can occur at any time of pregnancy but most common 16th to 24th week of pregnancy.


The causative organisms are E. coli, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.


Signs and Symptoms


Pain in the loin, headache, nausea and vomiting. If there is stasis there will be painful and frequency of micturition. In severe cases pyrexia 38.9° C and more with rigor.




By urine analysis causative organism should be discovered. Sensitivity test, as to what antibiotic drug, which is corresponding.Usually broad spectrum antibiotic. Urine is acid in reaction, fishy smell.


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