Management of third stage
uterus usually rest for a few minutes after the delivery of the baby. But
normal contractions soon start again to separate the placenta and push it to
the lower uterine segment or vagina. While the placenta separate there may be
slight blood loss. The midwife must observe the woman’s condition as she wait
for signs of placenta separation.
The woman
lies in dorsal position. The midwife places her left hand on the uterus to know
that it is well contracted. When well contracted the uterus feels hard like a
cricket ball. Also to note the size of the uterus. The hand must not meddle
with the uterus. Signs of placenta separation are also observed for. Asepsis
and antisepsis must be maintained throughout this stage.
Cord lengthens
Uterus becomes harder and mobile.
Small gush of blood.
Fundus rises.
cord Traction; this method is becoming commonly used now a days because of its
advantages of reducing the risk of post partum Haemorrhage, shortens the third
stage of labour.
It is
done by administration of sytometrine 2 mls, 5 unit Oxytocin ,0.5mg Ergometrine
with the birth of the anterior shoulder or the after coming head. The success
of the method depends on good knowledge of pharmacological action of the
oxytocic drug used and proper timing of the procedure. A downward and outward
traction is applied on the cord following birth canal while the left hand
braces the uterus backwards to provide counter-traction. The uterus must be
well contracted. Mayor forceps could be applied to give a firmer grip on the
cord. This method must not be combined with fundal pressure to prevent
inversion of the uterus. A sterile kidney should be placed against the perineum
to collect blood loss and receive the placenta
Preterm baby
Macerated fetus
With this
method the placenta must have separated and lying in the lower uterine segment
or vagina. The uterus must be well contracted. The woman must relax her
abdominal muscles by breathing through her mouth gently. The well contracted
uterus is used to push the placenta out as the piston is used to push fluid out
of the syringe.
midwife standing on the patient’s right hand, grasp the fundus with her left
hand with her fingers behind the uterus and her thumb in the front. She then
applies a pressure with the palm of her hand towards the pelvic outlet in a
downward and backward
The right hand receives the placenta at the vulva then the left hand joins it
when the placenta is almost completely expelled. Give Ergometrine 05mg i.m.
uterine contraction will separate the placenta. When the placenta has separated
and descended into the lower segment signs of placental separation are present
with the next contraction the woman is asked to push as she did for the
delivery of the baby. The placenta is received into a cupped hand, twisting the
membranes into a rope to prevent it breaking. If membranes are adherent then
apply a gentle up and down traction using a forceps.
In this
method the placenta must also have separated and the uterus well contracted.
The midwife places her left hand on the uterus over the symphysis pubis. A
forceps is applied on the cord or cord wound round the right hand twice, a
gentle traction is applied while the left hand applied on upward pressure on
the uterus. If properly used it is a safe method.
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