Service Oriented Architecture - IT6801

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Service Oriented Architecture

Service Oriented Architecture



XML in Context
XML: A Brief Glimpse
Essentials of XML: How We Got Here
The Beginnings of XML
The Promise of XML
Where Is XML Heading?
The Fundamentals of XML
Introduction to XML Syntax
XML Document Structure
XML Content Models
Rules of XML Structure
Well-Formed and Valid Documents
Linking XML Documents Together
Namespaces in XML
Applying Style to XML
Basics of Reading and Processing XML
International Language Support in XML
Validating XML with the Document Type Definition (DTD)
Document Type Definitions
Some Simple DTD Examples
Structure of a Document Type Definition and Declaration
DTD Attributes and its Types
DTD Entities
More DTD Directives
DTD Drawbacks and Alternatives
Creating XML Schemas
Introduction to the W3C XML Schema Recommendation
Creating XML Schemas
The X-Files: XPath, XPointer, and XLink
XPath: Operators, Special Characters and Syntax
XPointer: Points, Ranges, Notation
XLink: Simple and Extended Links
Defining XML Using Alternate Schema Representations
A Brief Review of XML Schemas
A Brief Review of XML Schemas
Dead Formats: XDR, DSD, and DCD
Schema for Object-Oriented XML (SOX)
Parsing XML Using Document Object Model(DOM)
What is DOM, Anyway?
What DOM is Not
Why Do I Need DOM?
Disadvantages of Using DOM
DOM Levels
DOM Core
DOM Traversal and Range
DOM Implementations: JDOM, NanoXML, TinyXML, kXML
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
Parsing XML Using SAX
What Is SAX, Anyway?
What SAX Is Not
Why Do I Need SAX?
Disadvantages of SAX
SAX Versions
SAX Basics : Packages, Implementations
Working with SAX
Transforming XML with XSL
XSL Technologies
XSLT for Document Publishing
Getting Started with XSLT
The Missing Piece: The XSLT Processor
Advanced Features of XSLT
XSL for Business-to-Business (B2B) Communication
XSL Formatting Objects
Web Application Integration: Java Servlets, XSLT, and XSL-FO
Integrating XML with Databases
XML Database Solutions
Modeling Databases in XML
Formatting XML for the Web
A Brief History of DSSSL
A Brief History of CSS
XML Presentation Using CSS
An Overview of XHTML - XHTML 1.0: The Transition
An Overview of XHTML - XHTML 1.1: Modularization
Coca Cabana Technology Shop Case Study: Building a Web Site for the Future
An Overview of XForms
Interactive Graphical Visualizations with SVG
Vector Graphics to Complement Bitmap Graphics
SVG: An XML Standard for Vector Graphics
Creating an Interactive Graphical Visualization
Defining the Content DTD
Creating the XML Content
Creating an SVG Content Presentation Prototype
SVG with Style Using CSS
Defining the XSL to Transform XML Content to SVG Presentation
Powering Web Pages with SVG
SVG-To-Go with XSL-FO
SVG Structure and Elements
XML Development Primer
The Future of SVG
XML and Content Management
What Is Web Content Management?
What are the Components of a Content-Management Workflow?
The Role of XML in Web Content Management
WebDAV Document Creation
How to Design the XML Content Environment
The Role of Metadata (RDF and PRISM) in Web Content Management
Web Content Syndication with RSS and ICE
RSS Content Syndication
Content Syndication Using ICE
Selecting a Content-Management Solution
Architecting Web Services
What Are Web Services?
Business Motivations for Web Services
Technical Motivations for Web Services
The Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Architecting Web Services
Web Services Building Blocks: SOAP
Introduction to SOAP
Basic SOAP Syntax
Sending SOAP messages
SOAP Implementations
The Future of SOAP
Web Services Building Blocks: WSDL and UDDI
Introduction to WSDL
Basic WSDL Syntax
SOAP Binding
WSDL Implementations
Introduction to UDDI
UDDI - Vendor Implementations
The Future of UDDI
Leveraging XML in Visual Studio .NET
The .NET Strategy
The ADO.NET Data Provider
The ADO.NET DataSet Class
The System.Xml Namespace
Using XML in the .NET Enterprise Servers
SQL Server 2000
Understanding XML Standards
Standards and Vocabularies
The Definition of “Standard” as Excerpted from the American Heritage Dictionary
Standards Organizations: Who Is Creating the Standards?
Standards Stack Layers
Standards Stack Aspects
Community Vocabularies Layer
Implementing XML in E-Business
What Is the Supply Chain?
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
E-Business and the Internet- Enabled Supply Chain
Different Types of B2B Interaction
Components of E-Business XML Systems
Enterprise Integration
CommerceNet eCo Framework
Delivering Wireless and Voice Services with XML
The Vision of Ubiquitous Computing
Key Technologies : WAP, WML, VoiceXML
Wireless Applications with WAP and WML
Voice Applications with VoiceXML
Applied XML in Vertical Industry
The Vertical Industries
Professional Services Standards
Finance and Accounting: The Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
Health Care: Health Level Seven (HL7)
Legal Industry XML Standards: Legal XML
Real Estate: Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO)
Business Administration and Human Resources (HR): Human Resources XML (HR-XML)
Travel and Hospitality: Open Travel Alliance (OTA)
Manufacturing: TranXML, Architecture, Engineering, and Construction XML (aecXML)
Scientific and Engineering: Biotech, Chemistry
Print, Media, and Entertainment: NewsML
A Final Note: XML Standards Adoption
RDF for Information Owners
Basics of the Resource Description Framework
The RDF Family of Specifications
The RDF Data Model: Just Enough Graph Theory and The RDF Graph
RDF Schema
Working with the Angle Brackets
The Semantic Web for Information Owners
Precursors of the Semantic Web: Project Xanadu, HyTime
Architecture of the Semantic Web
How Do Semantics Get into the Semantic Web?
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification
XML Documents
XML Logical Structures




XML and Web Services Unleashed by Ron Schmelzer et al

Part I Essentials of XML

Chapter 1 : XML in Context

XML in Context
XML: A Brief Glimpse
Essentials of XML: How We Got Here
The Beginnings of XML
The Promise of XML
Where Is XML Heading?

Chapter 2 : The Fundamentals of XML

The Fundamentals of XML
Introduction to XML Syntax
XML Document Structure
XML Content Models
Rules of XML Structure
Well-Formed and Valid Documents
Linking XML Documents Together
Namespaces in XML
Applying Style to XML
Basics of Reading and Processing XML
International Language Support in XML

Chapter 3 : Validating XML with the Document Type Definition DTD

Validating XML with the Document Type Definition (DTD)
Document Type Definitions
Some Simple DTD Examples
Structure of a Document Type Definition and Declaration
DTD Attributes and its Types
DTD Entities
More DTD Directives
DTD Drawbacks and Alternatives

Chapter 4 : Creating XML Schemas

Creating XML Schemas
Introduction to the W3C XML Schema Recommendation
Creating XML Schemas

Chapter 5 : The X Files XPath XPointer and XLink

The X-Files: XPath, XPointer, and XLink
XPath: Operators, Special Characters and Syntax
XPointer: Points, Ranges, Notation
XLink: Simple and Extended Links

Chapter 6 : Defining XML Using Alternate Schema Representations

Defining XML Using Alternate Schema Representations
A Brief Review of XML Schemas
A Brief Review of XML Schemas
Dead Formats: XDR, DSD, and DCD
Schema for Object-Oriented XML (SOX)

Part II Building XML

Chapter 7 : Parsing XML Using Document Object Model

Parsing XML Using Document Object Model(DOM)
What is DOM, Anyway?
What DOM is Not
Why Do I Need DOM?
Disadvantages of Using DOM
DOM Levels
DOM Core
DOM Traversal and Range
DOM Implementations: JDOM, NanoXML, TinyXML, kXML
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)

Chapter 8 : Parsing XML Using SAX

Parsing XML Using SAX
What Is SAX, Anyway?
What SAX Is Not
Why Do I Need SAX?
Disadvantages of SAX
SAX Versions
SAX Basics : Packages, Implementations
Working with SAX

Chapter 9 : Transforming XML with XSL

Transforming XML with XSL
XSL Technologies
XSLT for Document Publishing
Getting Started with XSLT
The Missing Piece: The XSLT Processor
Advanced Features of XSLT
XSL for Business-to-Business (B2B) Communication
XSL Formatting Objects
Web Application Integration: Java Servlets, XSLT, and XSL-FO

Chapter 10 : Integrating XML with Databases

Integrating XML with Databases
XML Database Solutions
Modeling Databases in XML

Chapter 11 : Formatting XML for the Web

Formatting XML for the Web
A Brief History of DSSSL
A Brief History of CSS
XML Presentation Using CSS
An Overview of XHTML - XHTML 1.0: The Transition
An Overview of XHTML - XHTML 1.1: Modularization
Coca Cabana Technology Shop Case Study: Building a Web Site for the Future
An Overview of XForms

Chapter 12 : Interactive Graphical Visualizations with SVG

Interactive Graphical Visualizations with SVG
Vector Graphics to Complement Bitmap Graphics
SVG: An XML Standard for Vector Graphics
Creating an Interactive Graphical Visualization
Defining the Content DTD
Creating the XML Content
Creating an SVG Content Presentation Prototype
SVG with Style Using CSS
Defining the XSL to Transform XML Content to SVG Presentation
Powering Web Pages with SVG
SVG-To-Go with XSL-FO
SVG Structure and Elements
XML Development Primer
The Future of SVG

Chapter 13 : XML and Content Management

XML and Content Management
What Is Web Content Management?
What are the Components of a Content-Management Workflow?
The Role of XML in Web Content Management
WebDAV Document Creation
How to Design the XML Content Environment
The Role of Metadata (RDF and PRISM) in Web Content Management
Web Content Syndication with RSS and ICE
RSS Content Syndication
Content Syndication Using ICE
Selecting a Content-Management Solution

Chapter 14 : Architecting Web Services

Architecting Web Services
What Are Web Services?
Business Motivations for Web Services
Technical Motivations for Web Services
The Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Architecting Web Services

Chapter 15 : Web Services Building Blocks SOAP

Web Services Building Blocks: SOAP
Introduction to SOAP
Basic SOAP Syntax
Sending SOAP messages
SOAP Implementations
The Future of SOAP

Chapter 16 : Web Services Building Blocks WSDL and UDDI

Web Services Building Blocks: WSDL and UDDI
Introduction to WSDL
Basic WSDL Syntax
SOAP Binding
WSDL Implementations
Introduction to UDDI
UDDI - Vendor Implementations
The Future of UDDI

Chapter 17 : Leveraging XML in Visual Studio dotNET

Leveraging XML in Visual Studio .NET
The .NET Strategy
The ADO.NET Data Provider
The ADO.NET DataSet Class
The System.Xml Namespace

Chapter 18 : Using XML in the .NET Enterprise Servers

Using XML in the .NET Enterprise Servers
SQL Server 2000

Part III Applied XML

Chapter 19 : Understanding XML Standards

Understanding XML Standards
Standards and Vocabularies
The Definition of “Standard” as Excerpted from the American Heritage Dictionary
Standards Organizations: Who Is Creating the Standards?
Standards Stack Layers
Standards Stack Aspects
Community Vocabularies Layer

Chapter 20 : Implementing XML in E Business

Implementing XML in E-Business
What Is the Supply Chain?
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
E-Business and the Internet- Enabled Supply Chain
Different Types of B2B Interaction
Components of E-Business XML Systems
Enterprise Integration
CommerceNet eCo Framework

Chapter 21 : Delivering Wireless and Voice Services with XML

Delivering Wireless and Voice Services with XML
The Vision of Ubiquitous Computing
Key Technologies : WAP, WML, VoiceXML
Wireless Applications with WAP and WML
Voice Applications with VoiceXML

Chapter 22 : Applied XML in Vertical Industry

Applied XML in Vertical Industry
The Vertical Industries
Professional Services Standards
Finance and Accounting: The Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
Health Care: Health Level Seven (HL7)
Legal Industry XML Standards: Legal XML
Real Estate: Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO)
Business Administration and Human Resources (HR): Human Resources XML (HR-XML)
Travel and Hospitality: Open Travel Alliance (OTA)
Manufacturing: TranXML, Architecture, Engineering, and Construction XML (aecXML)
Scientific and Engineering: Biotech, Chemistry
Print, Media, and Entertainment: NewsML
A Final Note: XML Standards Adoption

Part IV The Semantic Web

Chapter 23 : RDF for Information Owners

RDF for Information Owners
Basics of the Resource Description Framework
The RDF Family of Specifications
The RDF Data Model: Just Enough Graph Theory and The RDF Graph
RDF Schema
Working with the Angle Brackets

Chapter 24 : The Semantic Web for Information Owners

The Semantic Web for Information Owners
Precursors of the Semantic Web: Project Xanadu, HyTime
Architecture of the Semantic Web
How Do Semantics Get into the Semantic Web?

Extensible Markup Language XML 1 0 Specification

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification
XML Documents
XML Logical Structures

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