Chapter: XML and Web Services : Applied XML : Implementing XML in E-Business


Overview of ebXML Process, Collaborative Protocol Profile, Core Components, Registry and Repository, Messaging, Business Process and Information Modeling, Business Messages, Proof of Concept Demonstration, More on ebXML Architecture, Future Development and Maintenance.


One of the major projects targeted at solving some of these e-business problems for small, medium, and large organizations is the e-business XML (ebXML) project, a joint project from UN/CEFACT and OASIS. EbXML is aimed squarely at making e-business transactions accessible to all businesses, including the smallest of business organizations.


EbXML was created in 1999 as a joint partnership by UN/CEFACT and OASIS in order to replace or augment existing EDI standards. The group saw the main challenge as being able to deliver the same value large organizations realized in the EDI specification to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The ebXML group saw its main goal as producing an XML-based standard that would accelerate e-business deployment, reduce cost, be easy to support, and support worldwide business needs. It is for this reason that many say that ebXML “supports anyone, anywhere to do business with anyone else over the Internet.” The specification intends for companies of all sizes to be able to dynami-cally locate each other via the Internet in order to conduct business through XML-based electronic messages.


The ebXML effort has been developed in an open environment, and as a result participa-tion is free and open to anyone. The specification was also designed to be complimentary with existing standards and technical specifications such as UN/EDIFACT, ASC X12, and others. The goal was not to reinvent the wheel in e-business but rather to apply what was learned there to SMEs. The final result is a “plug-and-play” architecture that allows modular and incremental use of ebXML technologies by those interested. The end intent is that vendors will build applications that support these open standards that are afford-able, easily developed, and available even for the smallest of organizations. The promise of ebXML is the ability to fulfill all business communication needs, but as we all know, ambition and end result sometimes do not meet.


The ebXML framework was developed as part of an intense, global effort that lasted only 18 months. As part of this process, UN/CEFACT was involved because it is one of only four international bodies that can enact legally binding standards. UN/CEFACT has pre-viously lent its weight to the development and standardization of the global EDI format known as UN/EDIFACT. The final specification was delivered in May of 2001 in Vienna, Austria. At this event, a proof of concept demonstration was shown in which over two dozen companies and organizations demonstrated their implementations of ebXML.


The ebXML specification is comprised of three main infrastructure components and sev-eral other supporting technologies focused on such issues as document creation and busi-ness process definition. These architecture components are designed so they may be independently and modularly implemented. The ebXML infrastructure components include the following:


   Collaborative Protocol Profile (CPP)


   Core components


   Registry and repository




   Business process modeling


Needless to say, ebXML utilizes XML for the definition of all messages, process models, and supporting content. However, ebXML may transport any type of data, such as binary content or EDI transactions. It is notable that ebXML expresses trading partner agree-ments and business service interfaces in XML as well. The only major non-XML


component of the architecture is the common business process models, which utilize established modeling standards such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the results of which are stored in a global registry.


It should be noted that there are not one but rather two ebXML architectures. One of these architectures describes the software components of the technical infrastructure and is known as a product architecture. The other architecture is focused on systems analysis and development and is known as a process architecture. The actualization of these dif-ferent architecture models is realized in the Business Operational View (BOV) and Functional Service View (FSV), which are described later in this chapter.


Also, the ebXML architecture has been constructed in a way that its various components and sections, as described earlier, can be used independently and without dependency. This loosely related nature of the systems allows users to pick and choose those aspects of ebXML that are best suited to their operations without unnecessary baggage in sup-porting components they are not interested in.


Overview of ebXML Process


The process followed in the ebXML model can be simply described as two companies— Company A and Company B—that desire to conduct business in a trading partner relationship. First, the originating trading partner, Company A, looks up industry specifi-cations and business processes and builds a local implementation. The company then cre-ates a profile for its business, known as the Collaborative Protocol Profile (CPP), and registers it with the registry. Company A might wish to contribute new business processes to the registry or simply reference available ones. The CPP contains all the information necessary for potential trading partners to determine which business roles Company A is interested in, and which technologies and protocols it can engage in for these various roles.


After Company A registers itself in the registry, a prospective trading partner, Company B, can search the repository for Company A’s CPP and check to make sure that its profile is compatible with Company B’s requirements. The next step is that a Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) is automatically negotiated between parties based on the con-formance of the CPPs as well as associated protocols and other standards and recommen-dations. The final result is that the two organizations can now conduct business. The transactions are encoded in business messages that are encapsulated in ebXML message envelopes and conducted according to industry needs. The ebXML process is illustrated in Figure 20.4.



Collaborative Protocol Profile


The Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP) describes a company’s message-exchange capabilities, business processes, and business collaborations in a standardized and portable manner. The business processes that are described indicate how trading partners are to interact with the company. A business collaboration describes both “ends” of a B2B transaction, meaning that in a typical buyer-seller scenario, the CPP describes the selling process and semantics of the seller as well as the buying process and semantics of the buyer. The resulting CPP is stored with a registry to later be located and searched.


The Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) is an addition to this model that describes the exact requirements and mechanisms for the transactions that two companies perform with each other. The CPA is formed by combining the CPPs of the two organizations and can be manually formed or automatically generated depending on the commerce transac-tion scenario. The CPA therefore becomes a binding contract that describes the terms and conditions for individual collaborations. The CPA is the actual implementation of a CPP by virtue of agreement on given terms. For example, if a CPP indicates that some prop-erty can be utilized in a transaction, the CPA will state that the given property will be used in a given commerce exchange.


The CPP specifies such properties as the contact information of an organization, supported network and file transport protocols, specific network addresses, security implementations, and business process specifications.

Core Components


An important part of the ebXML architecture is the specification of a set of ebXML schemas that contain formats for different types of shared business data such as dates, monetary amounts, tax formats, account owners, exchange contracts, and other specifica-tions. These schemas are known as core components and are shared across all industries and user communities. The core components are meant to be the basic “atoms” of infor-mation used in business messages and are also known as common business objects in other e-business specifications. The schemas also provide a means to enable extensibility so that different types of information in different industries, geographies, or individual organizations can represent the same information in different ways.


In addition, ebXML describes a “core library” that defines a standard set of parts that will, in turn, be used by other ebXML elements. This library can contain such items as core processes that are referenced by more specific business processes.


Registry and Repository


The ebXML registry is a central storage facility that stores the data required for ebXML to interact with organizations and their profiles. The registry stores a variety of business-related information, including the core components, CPPs, business process and informa-tion meta models, and related documents or fragments, including Web Services documents, Java files, and even multimedia documents. The registry is the place where ebXML-participating businesses go before and during the conducting of electronic busi-ness transactions. Basically, when a business wants to start an ebXML relationship with another business, it queries a registry in order to locate a suitable partner and to find information about requirements for dealing with that partner.


The registry contains a set of query capabilities that allows users to search for relevant documents and potential business partners. Technologies such as the Java APIs for XML Registries (JAXR) can be used to query ebXML registries. In addition, the ebXML reg-istry has a relationship with the more Web Services–centric Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry.


UDDI was developed as a joint project co-sponsored by IBM, Microsoft, and Ariba and announced in September 2000. The main difference between the ebXML registry and UDDI’s is that the ebXML registry is a local container for actual business information itself that can be of any type of content, including CPP, schemas, commonly used XML components, as well as Web Services, whereas the UDDI registry is mainly meant to be a global source of Web Services–related content. The UDDI registry system contains three types of information: white, yellow, and green pages. White pages store information about companies’ organizational profiles, including their names and key services. Yellow pages categorize these organizations by industry standard codes or by physical geograph-ical location. Green pages provide a mechanism for companies to store their actual ser-vices interfaces that allow them to interface with other organizations. It is quite feasible, however, for business partners to first search UDDI registries that could result in refer-ences to a CPP stored in an ebXML registry. Therefore, this becomes a two-step process, leveraging the benefits of both systems.


Originally, the ebXML registry was going to be a fully distributed, networked set of interacting registries that would provide transparent interaction to any ebXML-compliant registry through interfacing with a single source, but time constraints lead to the specifi-cation of just a single registry. Instead, the group now leverages its partnership with UDDI, as mentioned earlier.


In many cases, the terms registry and repository are used interchangeably, but in truth, the two perform different functions. The registry provides the interface and access mech-anism, information model, and reference system implementation, whereas the repository provides the actual, physical information store.




Messages specified by ebXML are sent between partners by means of the messaging architecture, which provides an “envelope” encapsulating a message with all necessary transmission semantics, including asynchronous or synchronous communications modes, transaction control, security, and reliability settings. The messaging service provides the means for the system to exchange a “payload,” which may or may not be an actual ebXML business document. In addition to the enveloping and transmission capabilities, an ebXML message can specify routing instructions to ensure that a given party receives the document. EbXML messages utilize SOAP as the actual mechanism for message passing and extend the SOAP protocol via additional functionality to support attach-ments, security, and reliable delivery. The actual transport protocol, such as HTTP, SMTP, or FTP, is left to the user to implement.


Business Process and Information Modeling


As with all e-business systems, most of the intelligence in a system is stored not in the actual XML-encoded messages but in the business processes that surround the docu-ments. Business process information includes transaction requirements, workflow and document processing, collaboration, and data encapsulation, among other related things. These business process documents describe how a business functions internally and how other organizations can appropriately interface with the company. As systems move from being human based to being machine automated, the appropriate electronic rendition of these processes is of utmost importance.


Business processes are formally described in ebXML by the Business Process Speci-fication Schema (BPSS) and may also be modeled in UML. The BPSS describes all the activities that a business is interested in engaging in with its partners.


Using an XML DTD, BPSS provides a definition of an XML document that describes the way an organization does business. The CPA and CPP deal specifically with the tech-nical and integration needs and aspects of a business but don’t specifically deal with the business processes and workflow inherent in a company. Rather, the BPSS specifically handles modeling around the roles, specification of business document usage, general processes, workflow and document flow, security and legal aspects, transactions, acknowledgments, and overall status. The BPSS can then be used to create applications that automatically configure the system based on the specific business details of a trading partner.


In addition, users can use the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM), which uti-lizes UML, as a means to model ebXML business processes. UMM is an implementation of UML that specifically deals with methods for performing business and information modeling in the context of an e-business system. The model prescribes the specific items and their relationships that are to be produced from modeling analysis. The BPSS itself is just a subset of the UMM information model. To simplify the process, ebXML has produced simple “worksheets” that can enable nontechnical users to create information necessary for BPSS without performing full UMM modeling. These business process analysis worksheets and guidelines assist nontechnical analysts with the process of gath-ering the required data to describe a business process. In addition, ebXML has also pro-duce a predefined catalog of common business processes that can be reused by more specific BPSS definitions. The group has produced a set of e-commerce patterns that are examples of common business patterns, a methodology for discovering core components in preexisting business documents or new processes, a set of standard naming conven-tions based on ISO 11179, and catalogs of core components and context drivers to assist in helping users to extend and build definitions of business messages.


The business process specification DTD declaration can be found in Listing 20.1.


LISTING 20.1  ProcessSpecification DTD Declaration (Courtesy of


<!ELEMENT   ProcessSpecification (Documentation*,


(Include*  |  DocumentSpecification*  |


ProcessSpecification* | Package | BinaryCollaboration | BusinessTransaction | MultiPartyCollaboration)*)>


<!ATTLIST  ProcessSpecification

name    ID        #REQUIRED

version CDATA           #REQUIRED

uuid     CDATA           #REQUIRED  >

As you can see, the ebXML process specification contains a root element called ProcessSpecification, which may contain references to other process or document specifications or other information. Each process specification has a globally unique identifier called “uuid” as well as a name and version that is specific to the model being represented. Within the process specification is a defined set of collaborations that are either MultiPartyCollaboration elements or BinaryCollaboration elements. These collaborations play roles for the transacting business parties. Listing 20.2 shows an excerpt of a sample package of collaborations.


LISTING 20.2  A Package of Collaborations (Courtesy of


<Package  name=”Ordering”>


<!— First the overall MultiParty Collaboration —>

<MultiPartyCollaboration name=”DropShip”>


<BusinessPartnerRole name=”Customer”>

<Performs authorizedRole=”requestor”/>

<Performs authorizedRole=”buyer”/>


<Transition  fromBusinessState=”Catalog  Request”

toBusinessState=”Create Order”/>



<BusinessPartnerRole name=”Retailer”> <Performs authorizedRole=”provider”/>

<Performs authorizedRole=”seller”/> <Performs authorizedRole=”Creditor”/>

<Performs authorizedRole=”buyer”/> <Performs authorizedRole=”Payee”/>




<BinaryCollaboration name=”Request Catalog”>

<AuthorizedRole name=”requestor”/> <AuthorizedRole name=”provider”/>


<BusinessTransactionActivity      name=”Catalog Request” businessTransaction=”Catalog Request” fromAuthorizedRole=”requestor” toAuthorizedRole=”provider”/>




Business Messages


The final element of ebXML architecture is the actual business messages themselves. These documents contain the business-level information that is sent as part of the e-busi-ness communication. The business message is wrapped in a number of layers as per the previous description. Business messages are wrapped within ebXML message envelopes, which in turn are wrapped in SOAP messages that are communicated via HTTP, SMTP, FTP, or some other protocol. The business message is simply considered to be a “pay-load” for the ebXML system.


Proof of Concept Demonstration


In order to verify that the concepts within the ebXML specification meet real-world requirements, a simultaneous effort to produce a “proof of concept” has been initiated by the group. The workgroup has demonstrated its progress at each quarterly ebXML meet-ing and has shown how the various components are integrated. Feedback is given to each ebXML working group on problems, challenges, and features discovered in the imple-mentation. Resulting standards then reflect the results of the Proof of Concept team. The end result is to create a specification that is real-world tested (to some degree) and meets the needs of facilitating the implementation of cost effective e-business systems for SMEs. At the last meeting of the working group in May 2001, more than two dozen ven-dors participated in the Proof of Concept demonstration—and many of these participants are software vendors who no doubt will be releasing products based on ebXML.

More on ebXML Architecture


As mentioned earlier, there are really two different architectural views of ebXML. We have spent much time covering the technical architecture of ebXML but have not really spent much time with the conceptual thinking behind the initiative. It is important to realize that the teams responsible for the architecture approached the specification from a business workflow point of view. This resulted in the creation and selection of business components and objects that would be common to businesses across multiple industries, geographies, and markets. These objects, such as location, party, and address, would be designed not only to meet the specific needs of the various technical groups but also to be reused in multiple, unexpected ways in the future. In this manner, ebXML could be a constantly updated specification that unites cross-industry e-business needs with a stan-dard technical definition.


The ebXML architectural model is a two-part conceptual model whose origin is in the OpenEDI group of UN/CEFACT. The first part of this model is the Business Operational View (BOV), which deals with the semantics of e-business data exchanges. This view of the model deals with the various operational requirements, agreements, and business obligations and requirements for an e-business exchange that applies to ebXML trading partners. Figure 20.5 illustrates the BOV.

The second part of the model is the Functional Service View (FSV), which deals more with the various deployment services and needs of ebXML. It deals with the stages in  which ebXML systems are developed and deployed. The execution of the FSV consists of implementation, discovery and deployment, and runtime phases. The implementation phase is concerned with developing and creating ebXML-compliant systems and infra-structures. The discovery and deployment phase deals with the various aspects of discov-ering ebXML resources that can be manually or automatically configured for use in


an ebXML system. Finally, the runtime phase deals with the actual execution and physical aspects of e-business exchange in a real-world ebXML scenario between trading partners.


In addition to these phases, it is important to note that the FSV has a specific focus on the information technology (IT) requirements for the implementation of a successful ebXML system. These various IT aspects include the following:


   Capabilities for implementation, discovery, deployment, and runtime scenarios


   Data-transfer infrastructure interfaces


   User application interfaces


   Protocols for interoperation of XML vocabulary deployments from different organizations


The registry serves as the means for actually delivering the BOV and FSV, because it provides a set of integral services for enabling the sharing of information, business processes, and related e-business data between ebXML trading partners. The FSV is shown below in Figure 20.6.


Future Development and Maintenance


As per the original stated objectives of the group, the ebXML effort was officially closed at the May 2001 meeting of ebXML in Vienna, Austria. The ongoing development and maintenance of the infrastructure of ebXML has officially been handed to the OASIS group, whereas the document definition, process discovery, and process definition com-ponents were moved to a group operating under the auspices of UN/CEFACT. In order to make sure that these two groups stay in sync, a formal coordinating committee was formed with frequent exchanges of progress.


Participation in ebXML is very high at the moment and consists of almost every large software vendor and XML-consuming organization currently in the market. Many associ-ations, government standards bodies, and other groups are also members or otherwise affiliated with ebXML. Backers include a large number of high-tech, manufacturing, logistics, finance, and other companies of many different industries. Many standards groups are also working with ebXML, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), W3C, and RosettaNet.

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