What Is DOM, Anyway?
The Document Object Model (DOM) provides a way of representing an XML
document in memory so that it can be manipulated by your software. DOM is a
standard applica-tion programming interface (API) that makes it easy for
programmers to access elements and delete, add, or edit content and attributes.
DOM was proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in August of 1997 in
the User Interface Domain. The Activity was eventually moved to the
Architecture Domain in November of 2000. Here’s a good place to start looking
for DOM-related information:
DOM by itself is just a specification for a set of interfaces defined by
W3C. In fact, the DOM interfaces are defined independent of any particular programming
language. You can write DOM code in just about any programming language, such
as Java, ECMAScript (a standardized version of JavaScript/JScript), or C++.
There are DOM APIs for each of these languages. W3C uses the Object Management
Group’s (OMG) Interface Definition Language (IDL) to define DOM in a
language-neutral way. Language-specific bindings,
or DOM interfaces, exist for these languages. The DOM specification itself
includes bindings for Java and ECMAScript, but third parties have defined bindings
for many other languages.
Any number of organizations provide implementations in accordance with
the DOM specification. An implementation
is a complete set of APIs for a given programming lan-guage that supports the
DOM specification. You might suspect that commercial software vendors would
sell DOM implementations, but it turns out that there are several open-source
and freely available implementations. These implementations are well
docu-mented and of high quality. They are commonly used in production software
with very good results. This is a result of a well-written specification by
W3C. Due to the availabil-ity of high-quality free implementations, few if any
implementations are sold for profit. We will look at some of these
implementations along with sample code throughout this chapter.
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