Chapter: XML and Web Services : Building XML-Based Applications : Parsing XML Using Document Object Model

DOM Core

Parents, Children, and Siblings, DOM Interfaces, Java Bindings, Walking Through an XML Document, Creating an XML Document.

DOM Core


The DOM core is available in DOM Level 1 and beyond. It permits you to create and manipulate XML documents in memory. As mentioned earlier, DOM is a tree structure that represents elements, attributes, and content. As an example, let’s consider a simple XML document, as shown in Listing 7.1.


LISTING 7.1    Simple XML Document




<customer>James Bond</customer>

<merchant>Spies R Us</merchant>



<item>Night vision camera</item>

 <item>Vibrating massager</item>





Figure 7.1 shows a diagram of the tree structure representing the XML document from Listing 7.1.

As you can see, elements and text in the XML document are represented by nodes in the tree structure. A node is an abstract concept that can take the form of an element, attribute, text, or some other information.


Parents, Children, and Siblings


In formal computer science literature, lots of different terms are used to describe the parts of a tree structure. You may have run into words such as root, branches, and leaves. This is a bit abstract and doesn’t describe relationships very well, so the DOM specifica-tion uses the words parents, children, and siblings to represent nodes and their relation-ships to one another.


Parent nodes may have zero or more child nodes. Parent nodes themselves may be the child nodes of another parent node. The ultimate parent of all nodes is, of course, the root node. Siblings represent the child nodes of the same parent. These abstract descrip-tions of nodes are mapped to elements, attributes, text, and other information in an XML document.


DOM interfaces contain methods for obtaining the parent, children, and siblings of any node. The root node has no parent, and there will be nodes that have no children or sib-lings. After all, the tree has to start and end somewhere!


DOM Interfaces


As mentioned earlier, the DOM interfaces are defined in IDL so that they are language neutral. The DOM specification goes into excruciating detail with respect to the inter-faces. Of course, it must—what good is a spec if it is incomplete? A few fundamental interfaces are the most important. If you understand how these interfaces work, you can solve most problems without learning the entire spec inside and out.


The fundamental interfaces are listed in Table 7.1, along with a brief description of each.


TABLE 7.1     Fundamental Interfaces


The diagram in Figure 7.2 shows the relationships among the interfaces described in Table 7.1.

A number of extended interfaces are not mandatory but may be available in some imple-mentations. These interfaces are beyond DOM Level 1 and are discussed later in this chapter. You can determine whether these interfaces are supported by calling the hasFeature() method of the DOMImplementation interface. You can use the arguments “XML” and “2.0” for the feature and version parameters of the hasFeature() method. For a detailed explanation, refer to the DOM specification on the W3C Web site.


The extended interfaces are listed in Table 7.2, along with a brief description of each.


TABLE 7.2     Extended Interfaces

Interface : Description


CDATASection : Text representing CDATA

DocumentType : A node representing document type

Notation : A node with public and system IDs of a notation

Entity : A node representing an entity that’s either parsed or unparsed

EntityReference : A node representing an entity reference

ProcessingInstruction : A node representing an XML processing instruction


Java Bindings


The DOM working group supplies Java language bindings as part of the DOM specifica-tion. The specification and Java language bindings are available at the W3C Web site. These bindings are sets of Java source files containing Java interfaces, and they map exactly to the DOM interfaces described earlier. The package org.w3c.dom contains the Java interfaces but does not include a usable implementation. In order to make the inter-faces do something useful, you will need an implementation, or a parser.


A number of DOM implementations are available for Java. Two of the most popular are Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP), developed by Sun Microsystems, and Xerces, developed as part of the Apache XML project. Both JAXP and Xerces are freely avail-able in source and binary (.class) form. JAXP is available on the Sun Web site at, and Xerces is available on the XML Apache Web site at


Walking Through an XML Document


Let’s look at an example in which we load an XML document from disk and print out some of its contents. This example will help you understand how the API works and how to traverse nodes in a number of ways. In the first example, we will print out just the ele-ment names using getNodeName() from the Node interface. We will start from the root and recursively print all child node names, indenting for clarity. The source code for is shown in Listing 7.2.



package  com.madhu.xml;




import org.w3c.dom.*;

import javax.xml.parsers.*;


public  class  SimpleWalker  {


protected DocumentBuilder docBuilder;

protected Element root;


public  SimpleWalker()  throws  Exception  {


DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();


DOMImplementation domImp = docBuilder.getDOMImplementation();

 if (domImp.hasFeature(“XML”, “2.0”)) {

System.out.println(“Parser  supports  extended  interfaces”);






public  void  parse(String  fileName)  throws  Exception  {


Document doc = docBuilder.parse(new FileInputStream(fileName)); root = doc.getDocumentElement();


System.out.println(“Root  element  is  “  +  root.getNodeName());




public void printAllElements() throws Exception { printElement(“”, root);




public void printElement(String indent, Node aNode) {

System.out.println(indent + “<” + aNode.getNodeName() + “>”);

Node child = aNode.getFirstChild();


while (child != null) { printElement(indent + “\t”, child);

child = child.getNextSibling();




System.out.println(indent  +  “</”  +  aNode.getNodeName()  +  “>”);




public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

SimpleWalker sw = new SimpleWalker();









Looking at the code, the first thing we need to do is import the necessary packages. We need the DOM package, which is in org.w3c.dom, and we also need the javax.xml. parsers package. The DOM package we know about, but the javax.xml.parsers pack-age is different. It’s not part of the W3C DOM specification at all. It contains two critical classes for DOM: DocumentBuilder and DocumentBuilderFactory. These classes are needed because the DOM interfaces do not provide a way to load or create documents; this is up to the implementation. The javax.xml.parsers package is part of Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and is defined through the Java Community Process (JCP JSR-005). Details on JSR-005 can be found at Apache Xerces includes this package as part of the distribution. The classes in the javax.xml.parsers package are implementation independent, so it is possible to write application code that is completely separate from a particular DOM implementation. If you find a better implementation tomorrow, you can plug it in without changing your application code.

Execution begins at the main method, which will create an instance of our SimpleWalker class and call a couple of its methods to do the work. There are several methods in the DocumentBuilder class (javax.xml.parsers package) for loading and parsing an


XML file. You can supply a, an InputStream, or other source. We will use FileInputStream to load our file, but first we need to get an instance of DocumentBuilder, which is an abstract class, so we can’t create an instance directly.


That’s the job of DocumentBuilderFactory, which is also abstract, but it has a static fac-tory method, newInstance(), that we can use to create a DocumentBuilder. From there we can use one of the parse() methods to give us a Document object. Now we are totally in the DOM world. We can also obtain a DOMImplementation to find out what features our parser has. In this case, we are trying to find out whether extended interfaces are supported.


Once we have a Document object, we can get the root element by calling the getDocumentElement() method. It turns out that the Document object itself is a node, but it’s not the root node. We must call getDocumentElement() to get the root.


The method printElement() in SimpleWalker does all the heavy lifting. It prints out the node name and then iterates through the child nodes recursively. Indenting is added for clarity. A sample XML file, library.xml, is used for testing and is shown in Listing 7.3.


LISTING 7.3    library.xml—Sample XML File


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>





<book>Moby Dick</book>

<book>The Last Trail</book>






<book>The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill</book>





The example can be executed using the following command:


java  SimpleWalker  library.xml


The output is shown in Listing 7.4.


LISTING 7.4    Output from SimpleWalker


Parser supports extended interfaces Root element is library





































































The output is mostly what we expect—all the element names are indented nicely to show contained elements. However, what are all those <#text> elements? As mentioned earlier, any text in an XML document becomes a child node in DOM. If we call getNodeName() on a text node, we get #text, not the text itself. If we want to get the text, we must determine whether we have a text node and then call getNodeValue().


We need only make a minor modification to the printElement() method, as shown in Listing 7.5.


LISTING 7.5    Modified printElement() Method


public void printElement(String indent, Node aNode) { if (aNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {


System.out.println(indent  +  aNode.getNodeValue());



}  else  {


System.out.println(indent + “<” + aNode.getNodeName() + “>”);

Node child = aNode.getFirstChild();


while (child != null) { printElement(indent + “\t”, child);

child = child.getNextSibling();




System.out.println(indent  +  “</”  +  aNode.getNodeName()  +  “>”);






As you can see, the modified method checks the node type and formats the output as needed. The output after the modification is shown in Listing 7.6.


LISTING 7.6    Output After printElement() Modification


Parser supports extended interfaces Root element is library










Moby  Dick







The  Last  Trail













The  Last  Lion,  Winston  Spencer  Churchill












Notice the extra blank lines before and after each element. That’s because the DOM parser treats any whitespace between elements as text.


Depending on the type of node, we might need to use getNodeName(), getNodeValue(), or maybe getAttributes(). Table 7.3 summarizes what each of the methods gives you, depending on the interface type.


TABLE 7.3     Node Method Result Summary


It’s important to note that attributes are not child nodes of elements. You must explicitly call getAttributes() to obtain a NamedNodeMap containing the attributes. NamedNodeMap is convenient for attributes because you can easily get a specific attribute by name or by index (starting from 0).


Something else to keep in mind is that many of the methods can throw a DOMException or some other exception. DOMException is a checked exception, meaning it must be caught or thrown. In our simple example, we just throw all exceptions to the caller. If an exception gets to main, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) will catch the exception, print out a stack trace, and terminate the program. That’s okay for this simple case, but in production you might want to handle exceptions yourself.


Creating an XML Document


In this example, we will create an XML document in memory, from scratch, and then write it out to disk. You might do something like this if you have data from a non-XML source, such as a database, and you want to create an XML document based on the data. You could do this by just printing out raw tags and avoid DOM altogether. This will work fine in many cases, but there are potential maintenance problems. First, you might not generate well-formed XML due to coding errors. Second, it’s a lot more work!


For the data source, we will use the directory of the local disk. The XML document produced will be a directory listing in XML. The source code for is shown in Listing 7.7.




package  com.madhu.xml;




import org.w3c.dom.*;

import javax.xml.parsers.*;


public  class  DocBuilder  {


protected DocumentBuilder docBuilder;

protected Element root;


protected Document doc;

protected PrintWriter writer;


public  DocBuilder()  throws  Exception  {


DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();




public void buildDOM(String startDir) throws Exception {

doc = docBuilder.newDocument();


root  =  doc.createElement(“directory-listing”);

appendFile(root, new File(startDir));





public void appendFile(Node parent, File aFile) throws Exception { if (aFile.isDirectory()) {


Element dirElement = doc.createElement(“directory”);

dirElement.setAttribute(“name”, aFile.getName());

File[] files = aFile.listFiles();


int  n  =  files.length;


for (int i=0; i<n; i+=1) {

appendFile(dirElement, files[i]);




parent.appendChild(dirElement); } else {


Element fileElement = doc.createElement(“file”);

Text fileName = doc.createTextNode(aFile.getName());








public void writeDOM(PrintWriter bw) throws Exception {

writer = bw;


writer.println(“<?xml version=\”1.0\” encoding=\”UTF-8\”?>”);

writeNode(“”, root);




public void writeNode(String indent, Node aNode) {

switch (aNode.getNodeType()) {


case  Node.TEXT_NODE:


writer.println(indent + aNode.getNodeValue());




case  Node.ELEMENT_NODE:


writer.print(indent + “<” + aNode.getNodeName());

NamedNodeMap attrs = aNode.getAttributes();


int n = attrs.getLength(); for (int i=0; i<n; i+=1) {


Node  attr  =  attrs.item(i);


writer.print(“ “ + attr.getNodeName() + “=\””);

writer.print(attr.getNodeValue() + “\””);






Node child = aNode.getFirstChild();

while (child != null) {


writeNode(indent + “\t”, child);

child = child.getNextSibling();



writer.println(indent + “</” + aNode.getNodeName() + “>”);







public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { DocBuilder db = new DocBuilder(); db.buildDOM(args[0]);


PrintWriter bw = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter(args[1]));










To create an XML document, we use the DocumentBuilderFactory and the DocumentBuilder interfaces as before. However, instead of calling parse() in


DocumentBuilder to create a Document object, we will call the newDocument() method. This creates an empty Document object. Then we create elements and attributes as needed and attach them appropriately.


The bulk of the work can be found in the methods buildDOM() and appendFile(). Directories and files are treated as elements. The name of a directory becomes an attribute for a directory element, whereas the name of a file is added as a text child node for a file element. A portion of the output from the program is shown in Listing 7.8.


LISTING 7.8    Partial Output from DocBuilder


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <directory-listing>


<directory name=”..”> <directory name=”com”>


<directory name=”madhu”> <directory name=”xml”>




















<directory name=”test”> <file>


LISTING 7.8    continued




<file> personal-schema.xml


















The Document interface contains the methods needed for creating any type of node. Element nodes contain a method called setAttribute() that conveniently creates and adds an attribute in one step. If an attribute with the same name already exists, its value is replaced.


You’ll also notice that the code in the writeNode() method is improved over similar code in SimpleWalker. It handles elements, text nodes, and attributes as well.

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