The System.Xml Namespace
XML within the .NET framework is a key component, and as such, Microsoft
has pro-vided a comprehensive set of classes to perform all sorts of tasks
related to the opera-tions dealing with XML. Everything from reading and
writing XML, to parsing XML, to validating XML, to performing transformations
on XML, and more can be found within the classes provided by the .NET
The System.Xml namespace within the Visual Studio .NET Framework provides the set of
classes necessary to perform everything from simple to complex operations on
XML data. The following classes may be found within the System.Xml namespace:
In addition to these classes, the System.Xml namespace contains a set of child name-spaces that contain other
classes to perform more specialized operations:
These namespaces, as you can probably guess by their names, provide
classes to deal with specific operations or provide specific functionality related
to schemas, serializa-tion, XPath expressions, and XSLT transformations.
The XmlDocument Class
The XmlDocument class found in the System.Xml namespace is a .NET implementation of the core W3C Document Object
Model (DOM), levels 1 and 2. Because this particular class is nothing more than
another DOM for XML, we’ll forego spending a lot of time going over how to use
it, because Chapter 7, “Parsing XML Using Document Object Model,” has already
done a good job of teaching you how to use a DOM object. Instead, what we’ll do
here is list the various members of the XmlDocument class, such as the pub-lic instance properties of the XmlDocument class, as shown in Table 17.9.
TABLE 17.9 Some of the Public Instance
Properties of the XmlDocument Class
Name : Description
Attributes : Holds a
reference to an XmlAttributeCollection object
BaseURI : Indicates the
base URI of the current node
ChildNodes : Holds a
reference to an XmlNodeList object
DocumentElement : The root
XmlElement for the document
DocumentType : Holds a
reference to the DOCTYPE node within the document
FirstChild : Holds a
reference to the first child node of the current node
HasChildNodes : Indicates
whether the current node has any child nodes
Implementation : Holds a
reference to the XmlImplementation object for the current document
InnerText : Specifies the
concatenated values of the current node and all its children
InnerXml : Specifies the
XML fragment of the children of the current node
IsReadOnly : Indicates
whether the current node is read-only
Item : Returns the
specified child element
LastChild : Holds a
reference to the last child of the current node
LocalName : Indicates the
local name of the current node
Name : Indicates the
qualified name of the current node
NamespaceURI : Indicates
the namespace URI for the current node
NameTable : Holds a
reference to the XmlNameTable object associated with this implementation
NextSibling : Holds a
reference to the next node following the current node
NodeType : Indicates the type
of node
OuterXml : Returns the XML
fragment of the current node and its child nodes
OwnerDocument : Holds a
reference to the XmlDocument object for the current node
ParentNode : Holds a
reference to the parent node of the current node
Prefix : Specifies the
namespace prefix for the current node
PreserveWhitespace :
Specifies whether whitespace should be preserved
PreviousSibling : Holds a
reference to the node immediately preceding the current node
Value : Specifies the value
of the current node
XmlResolver : Sets the
XmlResolver object to use for resolving external resources
Chapter 7 covered the XML Document Object Model (DOM) in detail.
Microsoft, ever striving to merge a defined “standard” and its vision of a
“standard,” hasn’t forgotten how important the DOM is to developers. However,
rather than simply use the current COM implementation of the DOM, Microsoft has
decided to include a specialized class in the .NET Framework that is a DOM
implementation that will run in the managed environment of the CLR. Table 17.10
lists the public instance methods available for the
XmlDocument class.
TABLE 17.10 Some of the Public Instance
Methods of the XmlDocument Class
Name : Description
AppendChild : Adds the
specified node to the end of the child node of the current node
Clone : Creates a
duplicate of the current node
CloneNode : Creates a
duplicate of the current node
CreateAttribute :
Creates an XmlAttribute object with the specified name
CreateCDataSection :
Creates an XmlCDataSection object containing the specified data
CreateComment :
Creates an XmlComment object containing the specified data
: Creates an XmlDocumentFragment object
CreateDocumentType :
Creates an XmlDocumentType object
CreateElement :
Creates an XmlElement object
: Creates an XmlEntityReference object with the
: specified name
CreateNavigator :
Creates an XPathNavigator object for navigating this object
CreateNode : Creates
an XmlNode object
: Creates an XmlProcessingInstruction object with the specified name and data
: Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace object
CreateTextNode :
Creates an XmlText object with the specified text
CreateWhitespace :
Creates an XmlWhitespace object
CreateXmlDeclaration :
Creates an XmlDeclaration object with the specified values
Equals : Determines
whether two object instances are equal
GetElementById : Gets
the XmlElement object with the specified ID
GetElementsByTagName :
Returns an XmlNodeList object containing a list of all descendant elements that
match the specified name
GetEnumerator :
Provides support for the for-each style iteration over the nodes in the
specified node
GetNamespaceOfPrefix :
Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given prefix that is in scope
for the current node and returns the name-space URI in the declaration
GetPrefixOfNamespace :
Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given name- space URI that is in
scope for the current node and returns the prefix defined in that declaration
GetType : Gets the
type of the current instance
ImportNode : Imports a
node from another document into the current document
InsertAfter : Inserts
a node immediately after the specified node
InsertBefore : Inserts
a node immediately before the specified node
Load : Loads the
specified XML data
LoadXml : Loads the
XML document from the specified string
CreateElement :
Creates an XmlElement object
: Creates an XmlEntityReference object with the specified name
CreateNavigator :
Creates an XPathNavigator object for navigating this object
CreateNode : Creates
an XmlNode object
: Creates an XmlProcessingInstruction object with the specified name and data
: Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace object
CreateTextNode :
Creates an XmlText object with the specified text
CreateWhitespace :
Creates an XmlWhitespace object
CreateXmlDeclaration :
Creates an XmlDeclaration object with the specified values
Equals : Determines
whether two object instances are equal
GetElementById : Gets
the XmlElement object with the specified ID
GetElementsByTagName :
Returns an XmlNodeList object containing a list of all descendant elements that
match the specified name
GetEnumerator :
Provides support for the for-each style iteration over the nodes in the
specified node
GetNamespaceOfPrefix :
Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given prefix that is in scope
for the current node and returns the name-space URI in the declaration
GetPrefixOfNamespace :
Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given name- space URI that is in
scope for the current node and returns the prefix defined in that declaration
GetType : Gets the
type of the current instance
ImportNode : Imports a
node from another document into the current document
InsertAfter : Inserts
a node immediately after the specified node
InsertBefore : Inserts
a node immediately before the specified node
Load : Loads the
specified XML data
LoadXml : Loads the
XML document from the specified string
Normalize : Puts all
XmlText nodes in the full depth of the subtree underneath the current node into
a “normal” form, where only markup separates XmlText nodes (that is, there are
no adjacent XmlText nodes)
PrependChild : Adds
the specified node to the beginning of the child nodes for the current node
ReadNode : Creates an
XmlNode object based on the information in an XmlReader object
RemoveAll : Removes
all the children and/or attributes of the current node
RemoveChild : Removes
the specified child node
ReplaceChild :
Replaces the specified child node with another node
Save : Saves the XML
document to the specified location
SelectNodes : Selects
a list of nodes matching the XPath expression
SelectSingleNode :
Selects the first node that matches the XPath expression
Supports : Tests
whether the DOM implementation implements a specific feature
ToString : Returns a
string that represents the current object
WriteContentTo : Saves
all the children of the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter object
WriteTo : Saves the
XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter object
The XmlDataDocument Class
You’ve already seen how you can load hierarchical XML data into a data
set so that you can access the information in a relational manner. You’ve also
seen how you can create hierarchical XML data from a data set that can then be
loaded into an XmlDocument object from which you can perform operations on that XML. However, the
steps neces-sary to perform these tasks are less than ideal. Wouldn’t it be
great if you could simply load the information contained within a data set
directly into a DOM object from which you could perform data manipulations?
Believe it or not, within Visual Studio .NET, you can.
The Visual Studio .NET Framework provides a class that allows you to do
just that. The XML framework and the ADO.NET Framework provide a unified
programming model
to access XML as well as relational data. The XmlDataDocument class within the XML framework
provides the necessary bridge between ADO.NET and the XML framework. Table
17.11 lists some of the public instance properties of the XmlDataDocument class.
TABLE 17.11 Some of the Public Instance
Properties Available on the XmlDataDocument Class
Name : Description
Attributes : Holds a reference to an XmlAttributeCollection object
BaseURI : Indicates the base URI of the current node
ChildNodes : Holds a reference to an XmlNodeList object
DataSet : Holds a reference to the data set that provides the
relational : data for the
XmlDataDocument object
DocumentElement : The root XmlElement for the document
DocumentType : Holds a reference to the DOCTYPE node within the document
FirstChild : Holds a reference to the first child node of the current
HasChildNodes : Indicates whether the current node has any child nodes
Implementation : Holds a reference to the XmlImplementation object for
the current document
InnerText : Specifies the concatenated values of the current node and
all its children
InnerXml : Specifies the XML fragment of the children of the current
IsReadOnly : Indicates whether the current node is read-only
Item : Returns the specified child element
LastChild : Holds a reference to the last child of the current node
LocalName : Indicates the local name of the current node
Name : Indicates the qualified name of the current node
NamespaceURI : Indicates the namespace URI for the current node
NameTable : Holds a reference to the XmlNameTable object associated with
this implementation
NextSibling : Holds a reference to the next node following the current
NodeType : Indicates the type of node
OuterXml : Returns the XML fragment of the current node and its child
OwnerDocument : Holds a reference to the XmlDataDocument object for the
current node
ParentNode : Holds a reference to the parent node of the current node
Prefix : Specifies the namespace prefix for the current node
PreserveWhitespace : Specifies whether whitespace should be preserved
PreviousSibling : Holds a reference to the node immediately preceding
the current node
Value : Specifies the value of the current node
XmlResolver : Sets the XmlResolver object to use for resolving external
Because XmlDataDocument is a subclass of the XmlDocument class, it inherits all the prop-erties, events, and methods from the XmlDocument class. However, the XmlDataDocument class provides some additional
methods that help manage relational data as hierarchical data. Table 17.12
lists some of the public instance methods available for the XmlDataDocument class.
TABLE 17.12 Some of the Public Instance Methods Available of
the XmlDataDocument Class
Name : Description
AppendChild : Adds the
specified node to the end of the child node of the current node.
Clone : Creates a
duplicate of the current node.
CloneNode : Creates a
duplicate of the current node.
CreateAttribute :
Creates an XmlAttribute object with the specified name.
CreateCDataSection :
Creates an XmlCDataSection object containing the specified data.
CreateComment :
Creates an XmlComment object containing the specified data.
: Creates an XmlDocumentFragment object.
CreateDocumentType :
Creates an XmlDocumentType object.
CreateElement :
Creates an XmlElement object.
: This method is not supported by the XmlDataDocument class. If it’s called, an
exception will be thrown.
CreateNavigator :
Creates an XPathNavigator object for navigating this object.
CreateNode : Creates
an XmlNode object.
: Creates an XmlProcessingInstruction object with the specified name and data.
: Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace object.
CreateTextNode :
Creates an XmlText object with the specified text.
CreateWhitespace :
Creates an XmlWhitespace object.
CreateXmlDeclaration :
Creates an XmlDeclaration object with the specified values.
Equals : Determines
whether two object instances are equal.
GetElementById : This
method is not supported by the XmlDataDocument class. If it’s called, an
exception will be thrown.
GetElementFromRow :
Returns the XmlElement object associated with the specified DataRow object.
GetElementsByTagName :
Returns an XmlNodeList object containing a list of all the descendant elements
that match the specified name.
GetEnumerator :
Provides support for the for-each style iteration over the nodes in the
specified node.
GetNamespaceOfPrefix :
Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given prefix that is in scope
for the current node and returns the name-space URI in the declaration.
GetPrefixOfNamespace :
Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given name-space URI that is in
scope for the current node and returns the prefix defined in that declaration.
GetRowFromElement :
Returns the DataRow object for the specified XmlElement object.
GetType : Gets the type
of the current instance.
ImportNode : Imports a
node from another document into the current document.
InsertAfter : Inserts
a node immediately after the specified node.
InsertBefore : Inserts
a node immediately before the specified node.
Load : Loads the
specified XML data and synchronizes the XmlDataDocument object with the data
LoadXml : Loads the
XML document from the specified string.
Normalize : Puts all
XmlText nodes in the full depth of the subtree
underneath the current node into a “normal” form, where only markup
separates XmlText nodes (in other words, there are no adjacent XmlText nodes).
PrependChild : Adds
the specified node to the beginning of the child nodes for the current node.
ReadNode : Creates an
XmlNode object based on the information in an XmlReader object.
RemoveAll : Removes
all the children and/or attributes of the current node.
RemoveChild : Removes
the specified child node.
ReplaceChild :
Replaces the specified child node with another node.
Save : Saves the XML
document to the specified location.
SelectNodes : Selects
a list of nodes matching the XPath expression.
SelectSingleNode :
Selects the first node that matches the XPath expression.
Supports : Tests
whether the DOM implementation implements a specific feature.
ToString : Returns a
string that represents the current object.
WriteContentTo : Saves
all the children of the XmlDocument node to the speci-fied XmlWriter object.
WriteTo : Saves the
XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter object.
You can see from Tables 17.11 and 17.12 that in addition to the
properties and methods found in the XmlDocument class, the XmlDataDocument class has a few specialized prop-erties and methods that integrate the XmlDocument class with the DataSet class.
The following C# code demonstrates how to create an XmlDataDocument object from a given data set:
string cConn =
➥ Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind”;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection oConn = new ➥ System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cConn);
oDA = new
➥ System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(
➥ ”Select * From Customers Where CustomerID Like ➥ ’A%’”, oConn);
System.Data.DataSet oDS =
new System.Data.DataSet();
oXML =
➥ new
Here’s the code for VB .NET:
Dim cConn As
string = “Data
➥ Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind”
Dim oConn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = new
➥ System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cConn)
Dim oDA As
= new
➥ System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(
➥ ”Select * From Customers Where CustomerID Like ➥ ’A%’”, oConn)
Dim oDS As
System.Data.DataSet = new
Dim oXML As System.Xml.XmlDataDocument = ➥ new
Basically, the preceding code loads the relational data into a DataSet object, and then we use that DataSet object as a parameter that is
passed to the constructor of the XmlDataDocument
object. At this point, Visual Studio .NET does
something intriguing: You may
modify and manipulate the data in either object—the DataSet object or the XmlDataDocument object—and the changes will be
reflected in the other object. This means you still have one data source you may modify, but you have two
different objects that allow you to do so, and each object picks up on the
changes made in the other object.
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