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Chapter: XML and Web Services : The Semantic Web : RDF for Information Owners

The RDF Data Model: Just Enough Graph Theory and The RDF Graph

The RDF data model is a graph: a mathematical construct that connects nodes and arcs in tinker toy–like fashion. Many find the fundamental simplicity of graphs very appealing.

The RDF Data Model


The RDF data model is a graph: a mathematical construct that connects nodes and arcs in tinker toy–like fashion. Many find the fundamental simplicity of graphs very appealing. In this section, you will learn just enough graph theory to understand the basic math-ematical characteristics of the RDF graph. As a developer, you will find this useful in selecting and tailoring graph algorithms for processing the RDF graph.


You will see that the RDF graph is a collection of statements (or triples). We will look at issues of representing RDF statements in syntax and go through the construction rules that allow an RDF graph to be created from XML syntax. We will conclude the chapter by summarizing how XML elements and attributes are assembled to create a representa-tion of the graph for interchange.


Just Enough Graph Theory


The one-minute graph theorist would say that there are only two fundamental graph con-structs:






Arcs may have labels and may be directed (such as a one-way street). Figure 23.2 shows the basic parts of graph, where “Jane” and “books” are nodes connected with a directed arc whose label is “sells.”

A graph data model can be very powerful. Graph structures are used for many large-scale modeling tasks, including air traffic control, enterprise resource allocation, and so forth. Graphs can model both object-oriented and relational database systems, and they can be formalized mathematically. Therefore, it is possible (or at least should be possible) to assess the structures of RDF graphs mathematically and prove that some graphs are “bet-ter” than others, at least according to some formal criterion. These formal properties are useful for a data model to have, as we know from the power that relational algebra has given the relational model.


Graph literature is vast. Mainstream graph theory, accessible to the nonspecialist, seems to focus more on pleasing symmetries and visual elegance, but “real Web” graphs, such as the RDF graph, lack those characteristics. Figure 23.3 shows the sort of graph that seems of interest to academics.


The Web—a set of connections (arcs) between resources (nodes) that we must model in RDF to create the Semantic Web—lacks such symmetry. That said, we have already listed two formal characteristics of the RDF graph that a specialist would recognize:





The one-minute graph theorist would add that RDF graphs are distinguished by the char-acteristics they lack as much as by the characteristics they possess. RDF graphs have the following characteristics:


   Complete. That is, all <IT>Not complete</IT> two nodes have an arc running between them. As you’ll learn in the next section, RDF demands triples—two nodes connected by a labeled arc—and nothing less than triples. The elegant five-pointed star shown in Figure 23.3 is complete. A square, with its corners consid-


ered nodes and its sides arcs, is not complete, but a square with a corner-to-corner × would be.


   Not connected. It is not always possible to reach any node from any other node. (The sets of resources for two RDF triples might disjoint.)


   Not symmetrical. That is, an RDF graph is not like a triangle, a square, a star, or a buckyball; it is more like a model railroad track or the net.


In addition, the RDF graph is:


•  Cyclic.


Figure 23.4 shows a cycle from node C to node D to node E and back to node C. In addi-tion, the figure illustrates the other formal characteristics we have just discussed. The graph is complete. However, it is not connected: Nodes F and G can only be reached from each other, not from any of the other nodes in the graph. What’s more, the graph isn’t symmetrical around the vertical axis from x to y.


The RDF Graph


The RDF graph is the data model of RDF. It is a mathematical construct—a collection of triples—whose characteristics define the expectations of developers and information owners when RDF information is processed. Any RDF document should generate the same graph when processed by any RDF processor; that is the operational definition of interoperability.


The RDF Statement


An RDF statement is often called a triple because it has three parts, as you’ll recall from the earlier blackboard discussion:








We now ask, in RDF, what are subjects, predicates, and objects? The answer: They are all resources, uniquely identified on the Web by URIs. The exceptions to this answer are string literals and “anonymous nodes” (to be treated later in this chapter), which are resources but are not uniquely identified, except possibly by an RDF application for its own internal purposes.

As you saw in our blackboard example, an RDF statement is like a simplified sentence in a natural language like English. Figure 23.5 shows the sentence “Jane sells books” in the form of an RDF graph. Jane (a nonretrievable resource represented by the URI [Jane]) is the subject node of the statement. Books (nonretrievable and represented by [books]) is the object node of the statement. Sells ([sells]) is the predicate, and it labels the arc between the subject and object. Because arcs in RDF are directed, running from subject to object, we always know which node is the subject and which node is the object.

Now that you know that subjects, objects, and predicates are all resources on the Web and are uniquely identified, you can see that many statements (indeed, an infinite number of statements) can be made about any resource, and that any resource can be a subject or an object (or a predicate). Figure 23.6 shows the flexibility of the RDF graph, as it shows how to connect three statements: “Jane sells books,” “books enrich publishers,” and “publishers pay Jane.” The figure shows that resources that are subjects in one statement can be objects in another, and vice versa.

Figure 23.7 shows that we can even make statements about statements—in this case, “‘Jane sells books’ exemplifies a statement.” This capability is called reification. Here are two examples of reification that show why it is useful:


   “John says that ‘Jane sells books.’”


   “Morgoth the Vile says that ‘Jane sells books.’”


Suppose I trust John: The reified statement “Jane sells books” is likely to be true, and I might go on to investigate the books she sells. Suppose I do not trust Morgoth: The rei-fied statement is likely to be false, and I probably wouldn’t invest the time to work out its implications. (This is a small example of the “web of trust,” discussed in Chapter 24.)

Further, if RDF were not able to make statements about statements through reification, it would not be able to document or assert that its own statements are RDF statements, a strange limitation indeed. We’ll look at reification in some detail later in this section.

To sum up: RDF triples (or statements) have subjects, predicates, and objects. Subjects, predicates, and objects are all resources, uniquely identified by URIs (except, again, for literals and anonymous nodes). Resources can participate in an infinite number of state-ments. Furthermore, we can make statements about (models of) statements. Before turn-ing to the data model of RDF, which formalizes these relationships and provides the mathematical formalism to which all RDF notations must conform, we need to look at RDF syntax, because we will need to represent the model in syntax.

Issues in RDF Syntax


RDF has a single data model, but the specification allows the model to be represented in several ways:


   Pictorially, in nodes and arcs diagrams


   Via XML serialization (which can be “abbreviated”)


   Via curly brace serialization


Typically, graph-based modeling languages and data models have at least two syntactic representations. Conceptual graphs and the Unified Modeling Language (UML) both have a graphical and a serialized, linear notation, for example, as do most textbooks on graph theory. The compact, pictorial representation is used for communication between humans (authors, reviewers, and clients). The linear notation is used to interchange mod-els between systems; the graphical notation is deconstructed into the linear notation by the sender and reconstituted into the pictorial notation by the receiver. The process of deconstruction and reconstitution works because the linear and graphical notations are formally equivalent. RDF is typical in this regard.

However, RDF’s XML syntax exhibits atypical features. First, there is no W3C XML schema (or even XML DTD) to which RDF instances must conform. Some implementers (that is, those outside the “RDF community” who are not necessarily true believers) believe that the lack of a clear syntax specification makes implementing the spec (at least interoperably) virtually impossible. (Later in this chapter, Table 23.2 attempts to suma-rize RDF syntax.)


Second, RDF makes heavy use of a technique called abbreviation, where verbose and less-verbose versions of the XML are deemed to represent the RDF graph in the same way. (This is shown later in the chapter in Figure 23.15.)

In this chapter, we will use the pictorial and XML syntax for examples. RDF is about statements, and the pictorial notation represents statements effectively. Even though the XML syntax is not particularly stable, it is likely to be understood by the many readers who will encounter it in other publications by the RDF community and when they’re cre-ating their own documents.


For completeness, here is the curly braces serialization of an RDF statement (“triple”):




In this notation, subjects, predicates, and objects are determined by order, not graphical images or angle brackets. Notice, too, that in curly braces notation, the predicate comes first, unlike the XML serialization and the pictorial notation.


Now that you understand how to represent RDF statements in both pictorial and XML syntax, we can now exhibit the formal data model of RDF.


The RDF Data Model


This section shows how the concepts of the RDF data model are classified, how these elements map to XML syntax, and how some “convenience” XML syntax enables the mapping of XML syntax to the RDF data model.


There are 10 concepts in the RDF formal model, as listed here:






















We’ll discuss the meaning of each concept in turn. Most of them you are already familiar with. For example, RDF:Subject, RDF:Predicate, and RDF:Object are indeed the three parts of the RDF triple, and RDF:Statement is that triple (or statement).


The new concepts are RDF:Alt, RDF:Bag, and RDF:Seq. These concepts are called con-tainers. Their names bear a suspicious resemblance to the old-time SGML Abstract Syntax content model connectors—ALT, AND, and SEQ—and indeed the semantics are similar. Each container concept represents a collection of subjects or objects, where the items in the collection have the following characteristics:


   Mutually exclusive. RDF:Alt (alternate). Like a content model with an OR (|) con-nector, one of the alternatives must be chosen.


   Unordered. RDF:Bag (collection). Like a content model with an AND (&) connector, the order in which the members of the bag are serialized is not significant. (A bag is a collection rather than a set, because detecting duplicate members of the collec-tion is considered to be a validation function.)


   Ordered. RDF:Seq (sequence). Like a content model with a SEQ (,) connector, the order in which the members of the bag are serialized is significant.


The ord data model concept gives us, as you’ll see later when we construct containers, a way to refer to a container’s individual members.


Finally, the literal data model concept enables data (in XML, #PCDATA) to be incorpo-rated into the RDF graph. The data is treated as primitive and is not interpreted in any way, even if it contains XML markup characters.


These 10 data model concepts are sorted into three buckets (object types):








In this case, properties is a subset of resources.

You already know what resources and literals are. A property is just a predicate. In object-oriented (OO) design, resources correspond to objects and properties correspond to instance variables.


How do these object types map to the RDF triple? The RDF data model maps them as follows:


   Subject. RDF:Alt, RDF:Bag, RDF:Seq, and RDF:Statement (resource object type)


   Predicate. RDF:Object, RDF:Predicate, RDF:Subject, and RDF:Type (property object type)


Object. RDF:Alt, RDF:Bag, RDF:Seq, RDF:Statement, literal, and ord (resource and literal object type)


How does the data model affect the nature of the statements we can make in RDF? First, objects of the type Statement can be the subjects and objects of sentences, but not the predicates of statements. For example, we cannot say “The man ‘The man bit the dog’ the dog,” if indeed we would ever want to. Second, objects of the type Object, Predicate, Subject, or Type can be predicates in statements but cannot be subjects or objects. Finally, objects of type literal (data) can be the object of a statement but never the sub-ject—that is, what the statement is “about.” If you hear the idea expressed that RDF is about metadata (data about data), not data, this is the formal expression of that notion.


We now turn to mapping object types in the data model to XML elements. As it turns out, the following types all map directly to RDF XML elements: To create the RDF tag name, replace the string “RDF” in the concept name with the RDF namespace prefix, so RDF:Alt becomes rdf:Alt, for example.


The string “RDF” in the concept name is replaced in the tag name with the RDF name-space qualifier, except for RDF:Type, which maps to an attribute (this mapping is implicit in RDFMS but made explicit in RDFS):


















So far, we’ve been working top-down from the RDF data model to the RDF XML syn-tax. Working bottom-up from the formal grammar in the specification, we find the fol-lowing XML convenience constructs:












These utility constructs comprise the scaffolding that is discarded when RDF XML syn-tax is processed into an RDF graph. The details of this process are given in the next sec-tion, “Constructing the RDF Graph from XML Syntax.”


Tables 23.1, 23.2, and 23.3 summarize the relationships just described between data model object types, XML elements that map to these object types, and the utility XML constructs, respectively.


Constructing the RDF Graph from XML Syntax


This section provides pictorial and XML serialization representations for all the state-ment constructions specified in RDFMS.


Figure 23.8 summarizes the conventions we will use in the pictorial syntax for RDF. There are two kinds of nodes: circles (for nodes that represent resources) and rectangles (for nodes that represent literals). Nodes that do not represent resources (so-called anony-mous nodes) are empty circles.

Listing 23.2 is the XML serialization of the pictorial statement in Figure 23.8. Notice the one-to-one equivalence between the pictorial and XML representations of the model. The description element with the value of its about attribute is equivalent to the subject node. The tag name my:myPredicate is equivalent to the predicate label on the arc that connects subject to object (when the namespace prefix is not expanded). The value of the rdf:resource attribute, [myObject], is equivalent to the object node.


LISTING 23.2    Pictorial Syntax for RDF Data Model Serialized as XML


<rdf:Description about=”[mySubject]” xmlns:my=”[NS]”> <my:myPredicate rdf:resource=”[myObject]”/>


The XML serialization examples use three conventions, in addition to the conventions for showing URIs introduced earlier in this chapter. First, XML IDs and string literals are bold. Second, XML covered previously in the table and not repeated will be indicated with a bold ellipsis (...).

Finally, in the pictorial examples, namespace prefixes are replaced by the URIs to which they map when processed—in this instance, my to [NS]. This underscores the fact that namespaces are resources too.


Figure 23.9 shows the RDF statements that are reconstituted from the serialized children of rdf:Description. At the left, we see the RDF graph that is created by XML markup on the right.

The subjects of the statements are created in three ways: as a node whose resource is identified by the URI in the value of the rdf:Description element’s about attribute (statements A through G), as a node whose resource is identified by the value of the rdf:Description element’s id attribute (statement I), and as an anonymous node, because the rdf:Description element has neither an about nor an id attribute.


The predicates of all the statements are created by expanding the namespace-qualified tag name (generic identifier) of the child element of rdf:Description, as in statements A through C. In the examples, the namespace prefix my in the markup is replaced by its namespace name [NS] in the graph, as given in the xmlns:my namespace declaration on the rdf:RDF element in production A. (The predicates for statements D through J are cre-ated as described earlier and are replaced in the markup by ellipses on the right side.)


When the child element of rdf:Description is not an RDF element, the objects for all the statements are created as nodes either from the #PCDATA contained in the predicate element (in the example, my:myPredicate), as in statement A; from XML markup con-tained in the predicate element when the predicate’s rdf:parseType attribute has a value of literal, as in statement B; or from the resource identified by the URI in the value of the predicate element’s rdf:resource attribute, as in statement C.


When the child element is an RDF element, it may be another rdf:Description element, as in statements D through F. As mentioned earlier, the resource of the object node may be identified with an ID (statement D), with the about attribute (statement E), or as anonymous (statement F).


The child element may also be an RDF container element; the object of the statement becomes the resource identified by the value of the id attribute of that container, as in statement G.


The objects and predicates in statements H and I are created as described earlier and are therefore replaced by ellipses on both the graph and markup sides.


Figure 23.10 shows how a single subject can be distributed over several objects in the graph using the aboutEach attribute.


There are two statements in Figure 23.10, although they both have the same subject ([mySubject]) and predicate ([myPredicate]), derived respectively from the rdf:Description and my:myPredicate elements, as shown previously in Figure 23.9.


The objects in the statements are created as nodes from the children of the RDF con-tainer element whose ID is the value of the aboutEach attribute on the containing rdf:Description element.


Figure 23.11 shows the RDF statements that are created in the graph when a serialized RDF container is reconstituted (rdf:Seq is used, but the same applies to rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag). The productions are parallel to Figure 23.9, with the container in place of rdf:Description and the list items in place of the predicate elements.

The subject of each statement is a node whose resource is the container element itself, identified by the value of its id attribute.


The predicates of each statement are nodes whose resources are the rdf:li elements, identified by their sequence within the XML markup, in the form RDF:_1, RDF:_2, up to RDF:_n, where n the number of list items, as generated by the RDF processor.


When the child element of the container element is not an RDF element, the objects for all the statements are created as nodes either from the #PCDATA contained in the predicate element (in the example, rdf:li), as in statement A; from XML markup contained in the predicate element when the predicate’s rdf:parseType attribute has a value of literal, as in statement B; or from the resource identified by the URI in the value of the predicate element’s rdf:resource attribute, as in statement C.


When the child element is an RDF element, it may be an rdf:Description element, as in statements D through F. As mentioned earlier, the resource of the object node may be identified with an ID (statement D), with the about attribute (statement E), or as anony-mous (statement F).


The child element may also be an RDF container element; the object of the statement becomes the resource identified by the value of the id attribute of that container, as in statement G.


The objects and predicates in statements H and I are created as described earlier and are therefore replaced by ellipses on both the graph and markup sides.

Figure 23.12 shows the RDF statements that are created in the graph when the aboutEachPrefix feature is used on an rdf:Description element in the markup.


The subject of the statements is reconstituted from a serialized rdf:Description ele-ment, as shown previously in Figure 23.9. The predicate of the statements is reconsti-tuted as for any serialized rdf:Description element, again as in Figure 23.9.


The objects of the statements are created as nodes from resources whose identifiers begin with the character string that is the value of the aboutEachPrefix prefix on the rdf:Description element. In Figure 23.12, the prefix is [my]. Therefore, the resources [my]/foo.xml, [my]/bar.xml, and [my]/baz.xml are objects of the statements, and the resources [other]/foo.xml and [other]/bar.xml are not objects.


Figure 23.13 shows how the same graph can be reconstituted from serialized rdf:Description elements that use attributes rather than element content for their sub-ject and object resources.


Compare statement A with statement C in Figure 23.9. Whereas Figure 23.9 uses an ele-ment, my:myPredicate, for its predicate and the attribute value of its rdf:resource attribute for its object; statement A in Figure 23.13 uses the my:myPredicate attribute right in the rdf:Description element for the predicate and uses the value of that attribute for its object.


Now compare statement B with statement A in Figure 23.9. Here again, the predicate serialized from a my:myPredicate element in Figure 23.9 is reconstituted from the serial-ized attribute of the same name in statement B in Figure 23.13. Also, the reconstituted object is not the value of an rdf:resource attribute but rather the value of the my:myPredicate attribute.

Finally, compare statement C with the distributed referent in Figure 23.10. Again, whereas Figure 23.10 uses an element (my:myPredicate) for the predicate, statement C in Figure 23.13 uses an attribute (my:myPredicate) on rdf:Description. Also, whereas Figure 23.10 uses the value of an rdf:resource attribute for the object, statement C uses the value of an attribute (my:myPredicate).

Figure 23.14 shows the graph that is constructed by embedding a namespace-qualified XML element inside an rdf:Description element. The subject is taken from the value of the rdf:Description element’s about attribute. The predicate is RDF:type, and the object is the embedded XML element.

Figure 23.15 shows the graph reconstituted from ordinary XML elements and attributes, where the tag and attribute names are “namespace qualified” within an RDF description element.

The subject of statement A is the node reconstituted from the serialized parent rdf:Description element. The predicate of the statement is reconstituted from the namespace-qualified tag name of the child element. The object is reconstituted from the value of the rdf:resource attribute on that child element.


Statement B is a complete statement reconstituted from the child element itself. The sub-ject of the statement is reconstituted from the value of the rdf:resource attribute. The predicate of the statement is reconstituted from another qualified attribute name on the child element (here, my:myAttribute). The object of the statement is reconstituted from the value of that attribute name (my:myAttribute).


In effect, then, any XML element can be caused to constitute RDF statements, as long as it uses namespace-qualified names in its element and attribute names.


Figure 23.16 shows the process of RDF reification: making a statement about a model of a statement.

Why would we make a statement about a model of a statement instead of a statement about a statement? First, we avoid problems of recursion. Second, we avoid problems with data integrity in any store of RDF statements we might have. Suppose that we have a store of RDF statements, all of which are true. We then wish to make this statement: “The statement ‘blue is the same as green’ is false.” If we kept the statement “blue is the same as green” in our store of true statements, we lose our data integrity. We could, of course, make a separate store for statements that are false, but who would want to main-tain such a system? The upshot is that we want to be able to make statements about hypothetical statements—statements that would act just like statements if only we made them. That way, our store of true statements remains uncorrupted.


The answer, as mentioned previously, is to make statements about models of statements (that is, hypothetical statements). Figure 23.16 shows how to do this. In Figure 23.16, Statement A is a statement about a model of statement C. Again, when we build a model of statement C, we say that we “reify” it. (Statement C has a dotted line around it to show that a reified statement may be purely hypothetical, such as “blue is the same as green.”)

First, we construct a normal RDF statement using a description element, as detailed in Figure 23.9.


The subject of statement A is a node from the [myself] resource, which is the value of the about attribute of the rdf:Description element. ([mySelf] is the “reifier” of the hypothetical statement B.)


The predicate of statement A takes the expanded namespace-qualified tag name (here, my:myMetaPredicate).


The object of statement A (here, [myStatement]) is constituted by the value of the rdf:resource attribute on the predicate element.


The object of statement A—the resource [myStatement] (at B)—represents our state-ment model. Now, let’s build that model. We know that statements have subjects, predi-cates, and objects. Therefore, we need to say that one predicate of [myStatement] is that it is a type of statement, a second predicate is that it has a subject, a third that it has an object, and a fourth that it has a predicate.


Therefore, one predicate of [myStatement] is that its [RDF]:type is [RDF]:Statement. A second predicate of [myStatement] is that it has an [RDF]:subject, the resource [mySubject].


A third predicate of [myStatement] is that it has an [RDF]:predicate, the resource [myPredicate], and a fourth predicate of [myStatement] is that it has an [RDF]:object, the resource [myObject].


Because statement B has all the predicates that a nonhypothetical statement has, RDF can treat it as a statement. (If it walks like a duck....)


RDF XML Syntax Summary


Tables 23.4 and 23.5 supply what is missing from the RDF specification—something approaching a DTD. Table 23.4 gives the attributes that RDF elements may have; Table 23.5 lists their content models.


In Table 23.4, the RDF elements label rows, and the RDF attributes label columns. An element that may have an attribute has a bullet (•) in its cell. For example, rdf:Description may have an id attribute or an rdf:about attribute.

In Table 23.5, the RDF elements are on the left and their permitted content are on the right. For example, an rdf:Seq element can contain rdf:li elements.

TABLE 23.5     RDF XML Syntax: Permitted Content

XML Element        Permitted Content


rdf:RDF      rdf:Description  rdf:Alt  rdf:Seq  rdf:Bag  rdf:type  rdf:predi-cate  rdf:subject  rdf:object typed node

rdf:Description     rdf:type  rdf:predicate  rdf:subject  rdf:object  “qname”

Typed node “qname”     rdf:type  rdf:predicate  rdf:subject  rdf:object

rdf:Seq        rdf:li

rdf:Alt         rdf:li

rdf:Bag       rdf:li

rdf:li  string well-formed XML rdf:Description  rdf:Alt  rdf:Seq       rdf:Bag  rdf:predicate  rdf:subject  rdf:object typed node

rdf:type       string rdf:Description  rdf:Alt  rdf:Seq  rdf:Bag  rdf:type

          rdf:predicate  rdf:subject  rdf:object

rdf:predicate         string rdf:Description  rdf:Alt  rdf:Seq  rdf:Bag  rdf:type

          rdf:predicate  rdf:subject  rdf:object

rdf:subject   string rdf:Description  rdf:Alt  rdf:Seq  rdf:Bag  rdf:type

          rdf:predicate  rdf:subject  rdf:object

rdf:object    string rdf:Description  rdf:Alt  rdf:Seq  rdf:Bag  rdf:type

          rdf:predicate  rdf:subject  rdf:object

rdf:statement        rdf:subject  rdf:predicate  rdf:object

Here are the XML namespace declarations for RDF:


      rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#


      rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#


In this chapter, for readability, we show the first namespace as [RDF], and the second as [RDFS] when expanding these URIs.

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