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Chapter: XML and Web Services : Building XML-Based Applications : Parsing XML Using SAX

Working with SAX

• Walking Through an XML Document, • Validation, • Handling Errors, • Entity References, • Lexical Events.

Working with SAX


In this section, we will explore a series of examples. The examples will exercise different parts of the SAX API to illustrate how they are used and demonstrate how they work.


Walking Through an XML Document


Let’s look at a simple example in which we read an XML document from disk and print out some of the contents. This example will help you understand how the SAX API works. In this example, we will print out just the element names and the text between the elements. The source code for SAXDemo.java is shown in Listing 8.1.


LISTING 8.1    SAXDemo.java


package  com.madhu.xml;


import java.io.*;

import org.xml.sax.*;


import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;

import javax.xml.parsers.*;


public class SAXDemo extends DefaultHandler { public void startDocument() {


System.out.println(“***Start  of  Document***”);




public void endDocument() { System.out.println(“***End of Document***”);




public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) {


System.out.print(“<” + qName); int n = attributes.getLength(); for (int i=0; i<n; i+=1) {


System.out.print(“ “ + attributes.getQName(i) + “=’” + attributes.getValue(i) + “‘“);








public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { System.out.println(new String(ch, start, length).trim());




public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {


System.out.println(“</”  +  qName  +  “>”);




public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length != 1) {


System.err.println(“Usage: java SAXDemo <xml-file>”); System.exit(1);




SAXDemo  handler  =  new  SAXDemo();


SAXParserFactory  factory  =  SAXParserFactory.newInstance();


SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();

parser.parse(new File(args[0]), handler);






The first thing we need to do is import the necessary packages. For this example, we will need the org.xml.sax package and the org.xml.helpers package. In addition, we have imported the javax.xml.parsers package. This package is part of JAXP, defined by the Java Community Process (JCP). Although this package is outside the scope of SAX proper,


it is helpful in locating and creating a default SAX parser. It is not absolutely required, as you will see in later examples, but it shows one of the recommended ways of creating a SAX parser. This package is shipped with Xerces as well as JAXP from Sun Microsystems.


Our class extends DefaultHandler in order to capture events. DefaultHandler is a con-venience adapter class defined in org.xml.sax.helpers. It implements four interfaces:


EntityResolver, DTDHandler, ContentHandler, and ErrorHandler. We could have implemented ContentHandler alone, but then we would be required to fill in all the methods of ContentHandler, even if we were not interested in all the events.


DefaultHandler defines empty stub methods for all these events. That way, we are free to fill in only the methods we are interested in. All other events are discarded.


In order to register our handler, we can create a SAXParser instance and call its parse() method with a file and handler instance. The code to do this is located in the main() method of the example. This uses a factory class defined in JAXP. In later examples, we will see other ways of creating a parser and registering handlers.


In the example, we have defined five methods: startDocument(), endDocument(), startElement(), characters(), and endElement(). These methods will be called in response to related events, and they are defined in the ContentHandler interface, along with a number of others. Once the parse() method is called, our methods will be called in response to events until the end of input is reached or an error occurs. Descriptions of all the methods defined in ContentHandler are provided in Table 8.4.


TABLE 8.4     The ContentHandler Methods


Method : Description

characters() : Receives notification of character data

endDocument() : Receives notification of the end of a document

endElement() : Receives notification of the end of an element

endPrefixMapping() : Ends the scope of a prefix-URI mapping

ignorableWhitespace() : Receives notification of ignorable whitespace in element content

processingInstruction() : Receives notification of a processing instruction

setDocumentLocator() : Receives an object for locating the origin of SAX document events

skippedEntity() : Receives notification of a skipped entity

startDocument() : Receives notification of the beginning of a document

startElement() : Receives notification of the beginning of an element

startPrefixMapping() : Begins the scope of a prefix-URI namespace mapping


The startElement() and endElement() methods accept several arguments: namespace URI, local name, qualified name, and attributes. The first three are defined depending on whether namespaces are used. The characters() method provides an array of characters and locations where valid characters are found in the array. This is done for performance reasons. Typically, a String can be easily created, as shown earlier.


A sample XML document, library.xml,  is used for testing and is shown in Listing 8.2.


LISTING 8.2    library.xml—Sample XML Document


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>

<!DOCTYPE library SYSTEM “library.dtd”>





<book author=”Herman Melville”>Moby Dick</book>

<book author=”Zane Grey”>The Last Trail</book>






<book  author=”William  Manchester”>


The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill </book>






<book author=”Hecht, Zajac”>Optics</book>




To execute SAXDemo,  you can enter the following command:


java  com.madhu.xml.SAXDemo  library.xml


This command specifies that the input file, library.xml, is located in the current direc-tory. The output of SAXDemo is shown in Listing 8.3. It shows beginning and end of docu-ment events, elements, and text. Note that formatting such as tabs and spaces is lost. This happens because text is trimmed of whitespace by calling the trim() method of the


String class.


LISTING 8.3    Output from SAXDemo


***Start of Document*** <library>




<book author=’Herman Melville’> Moby Dick




<book author=’Zane Grey’> The Last Trail







<book  author=’William  Manchester’>


The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill </book>






<book author=’Hecht, Zajac’> Optics








***End  of  Document***




SAX parsers come in two varieties: validating and nonvalidating. Validating parsers can determine whether an XML document is valid based on a Document Type Definition (DTD) or Schema.


The SAX parser shipped with Apache Xerces is a validating parser. In order to use vali-dation, you must turn it on by setting the validation feature to true. If you attempt to turn on validation with a nonvalidating parser, a SAXNotSupportedException will be thrown. If the parser does not recognize the feature, a SAXNotRecognizedException will be thrown. This helps in determining whether you mistyped the feature name.


In the following example, we will write a simple program to validate an XML document. The document is expected to include a reference to its DTD, and the DTD is expected to be accessible. In this example, the DTD will be located on the local hard drive in the same directory as the document itself. SAX parsers are smart enough to understand URLs, so if an HTTP URL is specified, the parser will go out to the network to get the DTD. Later, you will see how this automatic resolution of DTDs can be controlled in our code. The source code for SAXValidator.java is shown in Listing 8.4.

LISTING 8.4    SAXValidator.java


package  com.madhu.xml;


import java.io.*;

import org.xml.sax.*;


import  org.xml.sax.helpers.*;

public  class  SAXValidator  extends  DefaultHandler  {

private boolean valid; private boolean wellFormed;


public SAXValidator() { valid = true; wellFormed = true;




public void startDocument() { System.out.println(“***Start of Document***”);




public void endDocument() { System.out.println(“***End of Document***”);




public void error(SAXParseException e) { valid = false;




public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) { wellFormed = false;




public void warning(SAXParseException e) { valid = false;




public boolean isValid() { return valid;




public boolean isWellFormed() { return wellFormed;




public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length != 1) {


System.err.println(“Usage: java SAXValidate <xml-file>”); System.exit(1);




XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader( “org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser”);


parser.setFeature(“http://xml.org/sax/features/validation”,  true);


SAXValidator handler = new SAXValidator(); parser.setContentHandler(handler);



parser.parse(new InputSource(new FileReader(args[0]))); if (!handler.isWellFormed()) {


System.out.println(“Document  is  NOT  well  formed.”);




if (!handler.isValid()) { System.out.println(“Document is NOT valid.”);




if (handler.isWellFormed() && handler.isValid()) { System.out.println(“Document is well formed and valid.”);







In this example, we will avoid the use of JAXP classes in order to create a parser. Instead, we will use XMLReaderFactory. This is needed to set features and properties. In order to validate the document, we will enable validation by setting the feature http://xml.org/sax/features/validation to true. We will register an error handler in addition to a ContentHandler. Remember that DefaultHandler implements




ErrorHandler contains three methods that can be used to determine whether a document is well formed and valid. A summary of the ErrorHandler methods is provided in Table 8.5.


TABLE 8.5     The ErrorHandler Methods

Method : Description

error() : Receives notification of a recoverable error

fatalError() : Receives notification of a nonrecoverable error

warning() : Receives notification of a warning


Either error() or warning() will be called if the document is well formed but not valid (that is, it violates the rules of the DTD), and fatalError() will be called if the docu-ment is not well formed. In this example, we will set flags for different types of errors and report the results when parsing is finished.


We will use an invalid XML document, invalid-library.xml, for testing. The docu-ment and referenced DTD, library.dtd, is shown in Listings 8.5 and 8.6, respectively. If you look closely, you will notice what is wrong with the document. If you can’t find the problem, it will become clear in the next example.

LISTING 8.5    invalid-library.xml—Invalid XML Document


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <!DOCTYPE library SYSTEM “library.dtd”> <library>




<book author=”Herman Melville”>Moby Dick</book>

<book author=”Zane Grey”>The Last Trail</book>






<book  author=”William  Manchester”>


The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill </book>






<book author=”Hecht, Zajac”>Optics</book>





LISTING 8.6    library.dtd—DTD File


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”US-ASCII”?>

<!ELEMENT library (fiction|biography|science)*>

<!ELEMENT fiction (book)+>


<!ELEMENT biography (book)+>

<!ELEMENT science (book)+>


<!ATTLIST  book  author  CDATA  #REQUIRED>


The output is shown in Listing 8.7.


LISTING 8.7    Output from SAXValidator


***Start  of  Document***


***End of Document*** Document is NOT valid.


A number of features are defined in SAX. A detailed list can be found at http://www.megginson.com/SAX/Java/features.html. Features are enabled by calling the setFeature() method with the feature name and the value true. Features are dis-abled with the value false. Here is a brief summary of SAX 2.0 features:




true: Performs namespace processing.



true: Reports the original prefixed names and attributes used for namespace decla-rations.




true: All element names, prefixes, attribute names, namespace URIs, and local names are internalized using java.lang.String.intern.




true: Reports all validation errors (implies external-general-entities and external-parameter-entities).


       http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities true: Includes all external general (text) entities.




true: Includes all external parameter entities, including the external DTD subset.


Handling Errors


Did you figure out what was wrong with the XML document in the last example? Don’t worry if you didn’t. We’ll write a program to tell us what’s wrong. The previous example told us the document was not valid, but it didn’t tell us where or what was not valid. The Locator interface can give us the parse position within a ContentHandler method. The position information includes line number and column number. It is important to note that the Locator object should not be used in any other methods, including ErrorHandler methods. Fortunately, ErrorHandler methods supply a SAXParseException object that can also give us position information.


The source code for SAXErrors.java is shown in Listing 8.8.


LISTING 8.8    SAXErrors.java


package  com.madhu.xml;


import java.io.*; import org.xml.sax.*;


import  org.xml.sax.helpers.*;


public class SAXErrors extends DefaultHandler { private Locator locator;


public void startDocument() { System.out.println(“***Start of Document***”);




public void endDocument() { System.out.println(“***End of Document***”);




public void setDocumentLocator(Locator inLocator) { System.out.println(“***Got Locator***”); locator = inLocator;


int  line  =  locator.getLineNumber();


int column = locator.getColumnNumber(); String publicID = locator.getPublicId(); String systemID = locator.getSystemId();


System.out.println(“Line “ + line + “, column “ + column); if (publicID != null) {


System.out.println(“Public  ID  “  +  publicID);




if (systemID != null) { System.out.println(“System ID “ + systemID);






public void printLocation(SAXParseException e) { int line = e.getLineNumber();


int column = e.getColumnNumber(); String publicID = e.getPublicId(); String systemID = e.getSystemId();


System.out.println(“Line “ + line + “, column “ + column); if (publicID != null) {


System.out.println(“Public  ID  “  +  publicID);




if (systemID != null) { System.out.println(“System ID “ + systemID);






public void error(SAXParseException e) { printLocation(e);


System.out.println(“Recoverable error: “ + e.getMessage()); Exception ex = e.getException();


if  (ex  !=  null)  {


System.out.println(“Embedded  exception:  “  +  ex.getMessage());






public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) { printLocation(e);

System.out.println(“Non-recoverable error: “ + e.getMessage()); Exception ex = e.getException();


if  (ex  !=  null)  {


System.out.println(“Embedded  exception:  “  +  ex.getMessage());






public void warning(SAXParseException e) { printLocation(e);


System.out.println(“Warning: “ + e.getMessage()); Exception ex = e.getException();


if  (ex  !=  null)  {


System.out.println(“Embedded  exception:  “  +  ex.getMessage());






public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length != 1) {


System.err.println(“Usage: java SAXErrors <xml-file>”); System.exit(1);




XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader( “org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser”);


parser.setFeature(“http://xml.org/sax/features/validation”,  true);


SAXErrors handler = new SAXErrors(); parser.setContentHandler(handler); parser.setErrorHandler(handler);


parser.parse(new  InputSource(new  FileReader(args[0])));






This example is very similar to the previous example, but the ContentHandler method setDocumentLocator() is added to obtain a Locator instance. Detailed information is printed in the error methods.


We will use the same invalid document and DTD from the previous example for testing. The output is shown in Listing 8.9.


LISTING 8.9    Output from SAXErrors


***Got Locator*** Line 1, column 1


***Start  of  Document***

Line  4,  column  12


Recoverable error: Element type “fictions” must be declared. Line 16, column 11


Recoverable error: The content of element type “library” must match [ic:ccc]”(fiction|biography|science)*”.

***End  of  Document***


As expected, a validation error occurs at line 4. The fictions tag should be fiction. Another error is encountered at the ending library tag. This is caused by the same error.


Entity References


SAX parsers will resolve entity references automatically. However, there are cases when you might want to resolve an entity reference yourself. In the following example, we will define an entity for hardcover books. It will be referenced as &hc; and defined in our DTD. If we use an HTTP URL to define the entity, the SAX parser will go out to the network to resolve it. What we want to do here is resolve the entity using a local file. We can accomplish this using an EntityResolver. The source code for SAXEntity.java is shown in Listing 8.10.


LISTING 8.10  SAXEntity.java


package  com.madhu.xml;


import java.io.*; import org.xml.sax.*;


import  org.xml.sax.helpers.*;


public class SAXEntity extends DefaultHandler { public SAXEntity() {




public void startDocument() { System.out.println(“***Start of Document***”);




public void endDocument() { System.out.println(“***End of Document***”);




public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) {

 System.out.print(“<”  +  qName);


int n = attributes.getLength(); for (int i=0; i<n; i+=1) {


System.out.print(“ “ + attributes.getQName(i) + “=’” + attributes.getValue(i) + “‘“);








public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { System.out.println(new String(ch, start, length).trim());




public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {


System.out.println(“</”  +  qName  +  “>”);




public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) { try {


if (systemId.equals(“http://www.madhu.com/xml/hardcover.txt”)) { return new InputSource(


new  FileReader(“hardcover.txt”));




}  catch  (IOException  e)  {




return  null;  //  for  default  behavior




public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length != 1) {


System.err.println(“Usage: java SAXEntity <xml-file>”); System.exit(1);




XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader( “org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser”);


parser.setFeature(“http://xml.org/sax/features/validation”,  true);


SAXEntity handler = new SAXEntity(); parser.setContentHandler(handler); parser.setEntityResolver(handler);


parser.parse(new  InputSource(new  FileReader(args[0])));







EntityResolver is also implemented by DefaultHandler. EntityResolver contains only one method, resolveEntity(), which will be called with the system ID and public ID, depending on how the entity is defined. Once we determine what the entity is, we must return an InputSource pointing to where the entity resides.


InputSource is a class defined in package org.xml.sax. InputSource can be created given an InputStream or Reader. If an entity with our ID is referenced, we will return an InputSource pointing to a local file named hardcover.txt. In all other cases, null is returned, meaning use the default behavior and resolve all other entities automatically.


We will use an XML document that uses the hardcover entity, entity-ref.xml, for test-ing. The document and referenced DTD, library.dtd, is shown in Listings 8.11 and 8.12, respectively.


LISTING 8.11  entity-ref.xml—XML Document with Entity Reference


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <!DOCTYPE library SYSTEM “library.dtd”> <library>




<book author=”Herman Melville”>Moby Dick</book> <book author=”Zane Grey”>The Last Trail</book>






<book  author=”William  Manchester”>


The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill &hc; </book>






<book author=”Hecht, Zajac”>Optics &hc;</book> </science>





LISTING 8.12  library.dtd—DTD with Entity Reference Definition


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”US-ASCII”?>

<!ELEMENT library (fiction|biography|science)*>

<!ELEMENT fiction (book)+>


<!ELEMENT biography (book)+>

<!ELEMENT science (book)+>



<!ATTLIST  book  author  CDATA  #REQUIRED>


<!ENTITY  hc  SYSTEM  “http://www.madhu.com/xml/hardcover.txt”>


The output is shown in Listing 8.13.


***Start of Document*** <library>




<book author=’Herman Melville’> Moby Dick




<book author=’Zane Grey’> The Last Trail








<book  author=’William  Manchester’>


The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill (hardcover)









<book author=’Hecht, Zajac’> Optics










***End  of  Document***


Parsers can skip entities if they are nonvalidating or if entity features are set to false. In either case, the skippedEntity() method defined in ContentHandler will be called with the name of the entity.


Lexical Events


You saw earlier how to capture basic events, such as elements and characters, but what about comments, CDATA, and DTD references? We can receive these events as well using an extension interface called LexicalHandler. LexicalHandler is part of the org.xml.sax.ext package, which is not necessarily supported by all SAX implementa-tions. Xerces, of course, provides support for the extension package.


The source code for SAXLexical.java is shown in Listing 8.14.


LISTING 8.14  SAXLexical.java


package  com.madhu.xml;


import java.io.*; import org.xml.sax.*;

import org.xml.sax.ext.*; import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;


public class SAXLexical extends DefaultHandler implements LexicalHandler { public SAXLexical() {




public void startDocument() { System.out.println(“***Start of Document***”);




public void endDocument() { System.out.println(“***End of Document***”);




public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) {


System.out.print(“<” + qName); int n = attributes.getLength(); for (int i=0; i<n; i+=1) {


System.out.print(“ “ + attributes.getQName(i) + “=’” + attributes.getValue(i) + “‘“);








public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { System.out.println(new String(ch, start, length).trim());




public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {


System.out.println(“</”  +  qName  +  “>”);




public void startDTD(String name, String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException {


System.out.print(“*** Start DTD, name “ + name); if (publicId != null) {


System.out.print(“  PUBLIC  “  +  publicId);




if  (systemId  !=  null)  {


System.out.print(“  SYSTEM  “  +  systemId);




System.out.println(“  ***”);



public void endDTD() throws SAXException { System.out.println(“*** End DTD ***”);




public void startEntity(String name) throws SAXException { System.out.println(“*** Start Entity “ + name + “ ***”);




public void endEntity(String name) throws SAXException { System.out.println(“*** End Entity “ + name + “ ***”);




public void startCDATA() throws SAXException { System.out.println(“*** Start CDATA ***”);




public void endCDATA() throws SAXException { System.out.println(“*** End CDATA ***”);




public void comment(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {


System.out.println(“<!—  “  +


new  String(ch,  start,  length)  +  “  —>”);




public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length != 1) {


System.err.println(“Usage: java SAXLexical <xml-file>”); System.exit(1);




XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader( “org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser”);


parser.setFeature(“http://xml.org/sax/features/validation”,  true);


SAXLexical handler = new SAXLexical(); parser.setContentHandler(handler); parser.setProperty(“http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler”,




parser.parse(new  InputSource(new  FileReader(args[0])));





Notice that we are explicitly implementing LexicalHandler. This is necessary because DefaultHandler does not implement LexicalHandler. We must fill in all methods of LexicalHandler whether we are interested in them or not. That’s just the way interfaces work. The methods for LexicalHandler are listed in Table 8.6.


TABLE 8.6     The LexicalHandler Methods


Method : Description


comment() : Reports an XML comment anywhere in the document

endCDATA() : Reports the end of a CDATA section

endDTD() : Reports the end of DTD declarations

endEntity() : Reports the end of an entity

startCDATA() : Reports the start of a CDATA section

startDTD() : Reports the start of DTD declarations, if any

startEntity() : Reports the beginning of some internal and external XML entities

In the main() method, notice that in order to register a lexical handler, we must call setProperty(). This is different from the standard handlers because LexicalHandler is an extension. If a method in the standard API includes a reference to LexicalHandler, it will not compile unless the extension package is included. The setProperty() method accepts a String property name and an Object property. This avoids the direct reference to LexicalHandler in the API. The property, in this case, is the handler itself.


A sample XML document, comment.xml, is used for testing and is shown in Listing 8.15.


LISTING 8.15  comment.xml—Sample XML Document


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <!DOCTYPE library SYSTEM “library.dtd”>


<!—  A  short  list  of  books  in  a  library  —>






<book author=”Herman Melville”>Moby Dick</book> <book author=”Zane Grey”>The Last Trail</book>






<book  author=”William  Manchester”>


The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill </book>







<book author=”Hecht, Zajac”>Optics</book> </science>



The output is shown in Listing 8.16.


LISTING 8.16  Output from SAXLexical


***Start  of  Document***


            Start  DTD,  name  library  SYSTEM  library.dtd  ***


            Start  Entity  [dtd]  ***


            End  Entity  [dtd]  ***


            End  DTD  ***


<!— A short list of books in a library —> <library>




<book author=’Herman Melville’> Moby Dick




<book author=’Zane Grey’> The Last Trail








<book  author=’William  Manchester’>


The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill </book>






<book author=’Hecht, Zajac’> Optics








***End  of  Document***



Notice the DTD and entity references in the beginning and the comment immediately following the DTD events.





 Thus far, you have seen lots of examples of how to use SAX. Now let’s look at a practical example where we can put it to use. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts a survey of all residents and businesses in the U.S. every 10 years. The product of this survey is a vast quantity of information on everything from population and salaries to retail sales and education. The information is primarily used by the government for zoning and redistricting, but it has many uses in the private sector as well.


Historically, the census was recorded on paper. In the late 1800s, it was pro-jected that the population of the U.S. had grown to such a point that more than 10 years would have been required to process and tabulate all the data! As soon as the census data was tabulated, it would have become obsolete and a new census would be required. The problem was solved by inventor Herman Hollerith, who devised a scheme of punching holes in paper that could be tabu-lated quickly using a machine. This was the first punch-card machine. Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896, which, after mergers and acquisitions, grew into International Business Machines (IBM).


Because the census is conducted by the federal government and paid for by public funds, the information is available to the public free of charge. In fact, it is available on the U.S. Census Web site (probably stored in an IBM database!). The problem is that the data is prepared for human consumption in HTML, which is not easily digested by databases.


The census has a site dedicated to state and county quick facts. It can be found at http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/index.html. This site contains just a small portion of the data compiled by the Census Bureau, but it’s still a lot of data! It would be useful to grab this data and reformat it so that it can be bulk-loaded into a database. Once the data is in a database, we can perform inter-esting queries on people, businesses, and geography.


This is where SAX fits in. What we need to do is write a program that parses these Web pages and pulls out the important information. There are, in fact, hundreds of pages of information, because there is data on every state and every county in every state. For our case study, we will just collect the data for each state. The program can easily be extended to collect data for each county as well.


As you are probably aware, common HTML is usually not well formed. So it is not possible to use standard SAX parsers such as Xerces. Fortunately, Anders Kristensen has developed HTML Enabled XML Parser (HEX) for just this purpose. HEX is a SAX 1.0 parser that accepts HTML and tolerates all its problems. HEX can be found at http://www-uk.hpl.hp.com/people/sth/java/hex.html.


The Census Quick Facts Web pages are organized in a hierarchy. The home page contains links to state pages, and each state page contains links to county pages. What we need to do is first parse the home page, grab the links for the state pages, and then parse each state page. The home page and the state pages are formatted differently, so there are different content handlers for each. The source code for the main class, Spider.java, is shown in Listing 8. 17.


LISTING 8.17  Spider.java


package  com.madhu.spider;


import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*;


import org.xml.sax.*; import hplb.xml.Tokenizer;


public  class  Spider  {


private int numberOfStates; private PrintWriter out;


public void process(String nStates, String outFile) throws Exception {



numberOfStates  =  Integer.parseInt(nStates);


out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)); processUSA();






public void processUSA() throws Exception { USAHandler usa = new USAHandler(); Tokenizer t = new Tokenizer(); t.setDocumentHandler(usa); t.setErrorHandler(usa);


URL u = new URL(“http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/index.html”); InputStream is = u.openStream();






int nStates = numberOfStates; Iterator it = usa.getStateNames();


while (it.hasNext() && nStates— > 0) { String state = (String) it.next();


String url = “http://quickfacts.census.gov” + usa.getStateURI(state);


processState(state,  url);





public void processState(String state, String url) throws Exception {



StateHandler st = new StateHandler(); Tokenizer t = new Tokenizer(); t.setDocumentHandler(st); t.setErrorHandler(st);


URL u = new URL(url); InputStream is = u.openStream(); t.parse(is);




System.out.println(state); out.print(“\”” + state + “\””); ArrayList dataList = st.getDataList(); int n = dataList.size();


for  (int  i=0;  i<n;  i+=1)  {


String[] data = (String[]) dataList.get(i); out.print(“, \”” + data[1] + “\””);








public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length != 2) {




“Usage: java Spider <# of states> <out-file>”); System.exit(1);




Spider m = new Spider(); m.process(args[0], args[1]);






When compiling this code, make sure there are no other SAX class libraries in your classpath. HEX includes classes in the same package as other SAX parsers, so a name conflict might arise. Make certain that you have not placed Xerces or other SAX APIs in your java/jre/lib/ext directory, because these classes are automatically added to your classpath.


The API for HEX is slightly different from SAX, but the principles are the same. Spider creates a Tokenizer (similar to XMLReader) and registers a handler, USAHandler, for the home page. This handler grabs the names of each state and the links to each state page.

Once this is done, a StateHandler is registered and input is accepted from the state Web pages. This is done for each state Web page. The output is stored in a text file named as a command-line parameter.


The source code for USAHandler.java is shown in Listing 8.18.


LISTING 8.18  USAHandler.java


package  com.madhu.spider;


import java.io.*; import java.util.*;


import org.xml.sax.*; import hplb.xml.Tokenizer;


public class USAHandler extends HandlerBase { private HashMap linkMap;


private String actionURL; private String stateParamName; private boolean grabText; private String statePage; private String optionText; private String url;


public  USAHandler()  {


linkMap = new HashMap(75); grabText = false;




public void startElement(String name, AttributeMap atts) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(“form”)) {


actionURL = atts.getValue(“ACTION”); return;




if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(“SELECT”)) { stateParamName = atts.getValue(“NAME”);


url = actionURL + “?” + stateParamName + “=”; return;




if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(“OPTION”)) { statePage = atts.getValue(“value”); if (statePage == null) {


statePage  =  atts.getValue(“VALUE”);




grabText = true; return;





public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws Exception {



if  (grabText)  {


String text = new String(ch, start, length); text = text.replace(‘\n’, ‘ ‘);


text = text.replace(‘\r’, ‘ ‘); optionText = text.trim(); linkMap.put(optionText, statePage);






public void endElement(String name) { grabText = false;




public void warning(String message, String systemID, int line, int column) throws Exception {


//  ignore  errors




public Iterator getStateNames() { return linkMap.keySet().iterator();




public  String  getStateURI(String  state)  {


String htmlPage = (String) linkMap.get(state); if (htmlPage == null) {


return  null;




return  url  +  htmlPage;






The home page contains an HTML form with a drop-down list in a form for each state. USAHandler grabs the ACTION attribute from the form, which is needed to get the state pages. It also grabs the state names and values from the drop-down list.


StateHandler does the real work of collecting the raw data. Each state Web page contains three tables with information on people, businesses, and geography. StateHandler grabs the data in each of these tables and puts it all in an array list. Spider takes this list and pulls out the state data, formats it, and writes it out to a file. The source code for StateHandler.java is shown in listing 8.19.

package  com.madhu.spider;


import java.io.*; import java.util.*;


import org.xml.sax.*; import hplb.xml.Tokenizer;


public class StateHandler extends HandlerBase { public static final int MAX_COLUMNS = 3;


private HashMap linkMap; private ArrayList dataList;


private String actionURL; private String countyParamName; private String countyPage; private String optionText; private String url;


private boolean grabOptionText; private boolean grabTable; private String[] row;


private  int  columnIndex;


public StateHandler() { linkMap = new HashMap(75);


dataList = new ArrayList(100); grabOptionText = false;


row = new String[MAX_COLUMNS]; columnIndex = -1;


grabTable  =  false;




public void startElement(String name, AttributeMap atts) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(“form”)) {


actionURL = atts.getValue(“ACTION”); return;




if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(“SELECT”)) { countyParamName = atts.getValue(“NAME”);


url = actionURL + “?” + countyParamName + “=”; return;




if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(“OPTION”)) { countyPage = atts.getValue(“value”); if (countyPage == null) {

countyPage  =  atts.getValue(“VALUE”);




grabOptionText = true; return;




if (grabTable && name.equalsIgnoreCase(“TR”)) { columnIndex = 0;






public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws Exception {



String text = new String(ch, start, length); text = text.replace(‘\n’, ‘ ‘);


text = text.replace(‘\r’, ‘ ‘); text = text.trim();


if (text.length() == 0) { return;




if (grabOptionText) { grabOptionText = false; optionText = text;


linkMap.put(optionText,  countyPage);




if (text.equals(“People QuickFacts”) || text.equals(“Business QuickFacts”) || text.equals(“Geography QuickFacts”)) {


grabTable  =  true;




if (columnIndex >= 0 && columnIndex < MAX_COLUMNS) { row[columnIndex++] = text;




if (columnIndex == MAX_COLUMNS) { columnIndex = -1; dataList.add(row);


row  =  new  String[MAX_COLUMNS];






public void endElement(String name) { grabOptionText = false;


if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(“table”)) { grabTable = false;





public void warning(String message, String systemID, int line, int column) throws Exception {


//  ignore  errors




public Iterator getCountyNames() { return linkMap.keySet().iterator();




public  String  getCountyURI(String  state)  {


String htmlPage = (String) linkMap.get(state); if (htmlPage == null) {


return  null;




return  url  +  htmlPage;




public ArrayList getDataList() { return dataList;






The program will take some time to run completely, depending on your Internet connection. What comes out is a file with one row for each state con-taining data on that state. The data is all quoted, so it can be easily bulk-loaded into most databases.


As mentioned earlier, the program can be extended to collect information on each county in every state. This is quite a bit of data, but it will contain a lot of interesting information on specific regions of the U.S. To collect county informa-tion, another handler, similar to StateHandler, can be created that parses data from the county Web pages. Fortunately, StateHandler also grabs the links for the counties, so a lot of the work is already done.


The output is shown in Listing 8.20. Note that the output is comma separated, which is acceptable by any database. Many databases now accept XML as an input format for bulk loading. XML format is also attractive for further process-ing or reformatting using XSLT. The program can be easily modified to produce valid XML by changing the print statements. Making other adjustments, such as removing percent symbols and commas in large numbers, might be a good idea also. These modifications are left as an exercise for you, the reader.

“Utah”, “2,233,169”, “29.6%”, “9.4%”, “32.2%”, “8.5%”, “89.2%”, “0.8%”, “Maryland”, “5,296,486”, “10.8%”, “6.7%”, “25.6%”, “11.3%”, “64.0%”, “New Mexico”, “1,819,046”, “20.1%”, “7.2%”, “28.0%”, “11.7%”, “66.8%”, “North Carolina”, “8,049,313”, “21.4%”, “6.7%”, “24.4%”, “12.0%”, “Washington”, “5,894,121”, “21.1%”, “6.7%”, “25.7%”, “11.2%”, “81.8%”,




SAX is an easy-to-use API for parsing XML data. It’s available in source and binary form free of charge. SAX has become one of the most popular tools for parsing XML due to its ease of use and widespread availability.


Unlike DOM, SAX is an event-based parser. SAX reads XML serially and generates events when elements, text, comments and other data are found. To use SAX, you simply extend or implement the relevant handler (DefaultHandler will work in most cases) and register it. Once this is done, the parser is pointed to an XML source and parsing can begin.


The event-based parsing scheme used by SAX does not solve all problems. It is not pos-sible to traverse a document at random or modify a document’s structure. Even still, SAX solves a large class of XML parsing problems easily and efficiently.



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