The Role of XML in Web Content Management
Because each organization’s definition of Web content management is so
personalized, it is rare that a complete content-management solution can be
purchased “out of the box.” Usually, Web content-management solutions vendors
spend a good deal of time cus-tomizing their tools to meet customer
requirements and integrating tools from a number of vendors. Other
content-management tools vendors simply provide low-level APIs and let you do
the rest!
Whether you are purchasing a content-management system or integrating
your own, it is important to realize the critical role XML can play in your Web
content-management solution. First, XML can enable the components of the
content-management solution to communicate and pass data from one to another.
Second, application components within the content-management system can
themselves be XML based. These roles of XML in Web content management are
discussed in the following subsections.
XML to Integrate System Components
Perhaps the most important role XML can play in the success of a Web
content-manage-ment solution is when it is the “glue” used to integrate the
applications that make up the content-management solution. As you know, XML is
a standard, neutral, data-encoding format. Each component of a Web
content-management system you purchase or a solu-tion that you integrate
yourself will be easier to plug and play if it is XML compliant. This means
that each application component uses XML as a nonproprietary data format when
it talks to other applications and that it uses XML when it passes data to
another application component.
XML-Based Application Components
XML can also serve as the basis for certain application components
within the content-management solution. The following content-management
applications rely on XML functionality:
The creation of XML-encoded
structured content
The validation of XML content
The automated
transformation/rendition/presentation of content across a variety of media
The attachment of metadata to
facilitate the management, discovery, and assembly of content
Automated, reliable, secure
content distribution over the Web
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