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Chapter: XML and Web Services : Essentials of XML : The Fundamentals of XML

XML Document Structure

The major portions of an XML document include the following: The XML declaration The Document Type Declaration The element data The attribute data

XML Document Structure


As you can tell from the example in Listing 2.2, an XML document consists of a number of discrete components or sections. Although not all the sections of an XML document may be necessary, their use and inclusion helps to make for a well-structured XML docu-ment that can easily be transported between systems and devices.


The major portions of an XML document include the following:


                The XML declaration


                The Document Type Declaration


                The element data


                The attribute data


The character data or XML content

Each of these major components will be explored in great detail in this section of the chapter. By the end of this section, you should have a thorough understanding of what comprises an XML document.


XML Declaration


The first part of an XML document is the declaration. A declaration is exactly as it sounds: It is a definite way of stating exactly what the document contains. Just like the Declaration of Independence states that the United States planned to separate itself from Great Britain, the XML declaration states that the following document contains XML content.


The XML declaration is a processing instruction of the form <?xml ...?>. Although it is not required, the presence of the declaration explicitly identifies the document as an XML document and indicates the version of XML to which it was authored. In addition, the XML declaration indicates the presence of external markup declarations and charac-ter encoding. Because a number of document formats use markup similar to XML, the declaration is useful in establishing the document as being compliant with a specific ver-sion of XML without any doubt or ambiguity. In general, every XML document should use an XML declaration. As documents increase in size and complexity, this importance likewise grows.


The XML declaration consists of a number of components. Table 2.2 lists these various components and their specifications.

The standalone document declaration defines whether an external DTD will be processed as part of the XML document. When standalone is set to “yes”, only internal DTDs will be allowed. When it is set to “no”, an external DTD is required and an internal DTD becomes an optional feature. Listing 2.3 illustrates a few valid XML declarations.

The first declaration defines a well-formed XML document, whereas the second defines a well-formed and valid XML document. The third declaration shows a more complete definition that states a typical use-case for XML. Namely, the declaration states that the XML document complies with version 1.0 of the specification and requires external markup declarations that are encoded in UTF-8.


Document Type Declaration


Once we are aware that we are talking about a specific version of an XML document, the next step is to be more specific about the content contained within. The Document Type Declaration (DOCTYPE) gives a name to the XML content and provides a means to guaran-tee the document’s validity, either by including or specifying a link to a Document Type Definition (DTD). Although SGML requires a Document Type Declaration, XML has no restrictions of the sort, although one should be included to avoid an ambiguous under-standing of document content.

Although well-formed XML documents don’t require the inclusion of the DOCTYPE, valid XML documents do. This discussion of “well formed” and “valid” will be covered later in this document, but the basic gist is that XML documents can be fairly freeform or comply to a strict guideline of what content can be contained within. Valid XML docu-ments must declare the document type to which they comply, whereas well-formed XML documents can include the DOCTYPE to simplify the task of the various tools that will be manipulating the XML document.


A Document Type Declaration names the document type and identifies the internal con-tent by specifying the root element, in essence the first XML tag that the XML-process-ing tools will encounter in the document. A DOCTYPE can identify the constraints on the validity of the document by making a reference to an external DTD subset and/or include the DTD internally within the document by means of an internal DTD subset. The gen-eral forms of Document Type Declarations follow the forms identified in Listing 2.4.

LISTING 2.4 General Forms of the Document Type Declarations



<!DOCTYPE  NAME  SYSTEM  “file”  [  ]>


In the first form listed, the DOCTYPE is referring to a document that only allows use of an externally defined DTD subset. The second declaration only allows an internally defined subset within the document. The final listing provides a place for inclusion of an inter-nally defined DTD subset between the square brackets while also making use of an external subset. In the preceding listing, the keyword NAME should be replaced with the actual root element contained in the document, and the “file” keyword should be replaced with a path to a valid DTD. In the case of our shirt example, the DOCTYPE is


<!DOCTYPE  shirt  SYSTEM  “shirt.dtd”>


because the first tag in the document will be the <shirt> element and our DTD is saved to a file named shirt.dtd, which saved in the same path as the XML document.


The only real difference between internally and externally defined DTD subsets is that the DTD content itself is contained within the square brackets, in the case of internal subsets, whereas external subsets save this content to a file for reference, usually with a .dtd extension. The actual components of the Document Type Declaration are listed in Table 2.3.


Markup and Content


In addition to the XML declaration and the Document Type Declaration, XML docu-ments are composed of markup and content. In general, six kinds of markup can occur in an XML document: elements, entity references, comments, processing instructions, marked sections, and Document Type Declarations. The following sections explore these markup types and illustrate how they are used. Of course, needless to say, that which is not markup is content, and this content must comply with rules of its own.




Within an XML document, elements are the most common form of markup. XML ele-ments are either a matched pair of XML tags or single XML tags that are “self-closing.” Matching XML tags consist of markup tags that contain the same content, except that the ending tag is prefixed with a forward slash. For example, our shirt element begins with <shirt> and ends with </shirt>. Everything between these tags is additional XML text that has either been defined by a DTD or can exist by virtue of the document merely being well formed. When elements do not come in pairs, the element name is suffixed by the forward slash. For example, if we were merely making a statement that a shirt existed, we may use <on_sale/>. In this case, there would be no other matching element of the same name used in a different manner. These “unmatched” elements are known as empty elements. The trailing “/>” in the modified syntax indicates to a program process-ing the XML document that the element is empty and no matching end tag should be sought. Because XML documents do not require a Document Type Declaration, without this clue it could be impossible for an XML parser to determine which tags were inten-tionally empty and which had been left empty by mistake.


A question arises about the difference between empty elements and matched element tags that simply contain no content. In reality, there is basically no distinction between the two. It is valid in XML to use the empty-element tag syntax in either case. Therefore, it is legal to use a matched start and end tag pair for elements that are declared as empty. However, for concerns of interoperability and parser compliance, it is best to use the empty-element syntax for elements declared as empty and to make sure that other ele-ments have some content contained within.


Elements can be arbitrarily nested within other elements ad infinitum. In essence, XML is a hierarchical tree. This means that XML elements exist within other elements and can branch off with various children nodes. Although these elements may be restricted by DTDs or schema, the nature of XML is to allow for the growth of these elements in a manner that’s as “wide” or “deep” as possible. This means that a single XML element can contain any number of child elements, and the depth of the XML tree can consist of any number of nodes.


You can pretty much name XML elements anything you want, but specific rules need to be followed so that the elements aren’t confused with other markup content. XML ele-ments can contain letters, numbers, and other characters, but names cannot start with a number or any punctuation character. XML names cannot contain spaces because white-space is used within an element to separate the various attribute sections. Also, XML ele-ments cannot contain the greater-than or less-than characters for obvious reasons. For less-obvious reasons, XML elements cannot start with the letters “xml” because they are reserved for future use. Also, XML elements cannot contain the colon character because it is reserved for use in XML namespaces (covered later in this chapter).


In particular, no XML element names are reserved because namespaces can be used to avoid inadvertent conflicts. Although punctuation marks (other than the colon) can be used within an XML element name, you should avoid the hyphen (-) and period (.) characters in element names because some software applications might confuse them for arithmetic or object operations. Element names should be descriptive and not confusing. After all, one of the main values of XML is that it can be read by humans! For example, what does <jxf12> mean to anyone but a computer—if anything at all? Document cre-ators should use descriptive terms that accurately and as specifically as possible describe the content contained within.

Element names can be as long as you like, with almost no real size limitation. This means that the element <wow_this_really_is_one_heck_of_a_long_element_name> is actually valid, but what programmer would want to type that element repeatedly or encode a soft-ware application to key on that particular element name. Also, some devices with con-strained memory capabilities may not work well with overly long XML tag names. In any case, long names are an annoyance to developers, systems, and users alike, despite XML’s support for this feature. It’s best to leave long content strings to the XML content and keep them out of element and attribute names. XML also allows for the use of non-English letters, such as á, é, and ò, in a document. In fact, XML allows all Unicode 2.3 characters to be used, although there is an effort to upgrade the specification to further use Unicode 3.0 characters in attribute and element names. However, there is no such restric-tion on XML content, which allows any valid Unicode character to be used.




Within elements, additional information can be communicated to XML processors that modifies the nature of the encapsulated content. For example, we may have specified a <price> element, but how do we know what currency this applies to? Although it’s pos-sible to create a <currency> subtag, another more viable approach is to use an attribute. Attributes are name/value pairs contained within the start element that can specify text strings that modify the context of the element. Listing 2.5 shows an example of possible attributes in our shirt example.

LISTING 2.5 Attribute Examples


<price currency=”USD”>…</price>

<on_sale start_date=”10-15-2001”/>


One of the significant features of attributes is that the content described by them can fol-low strict rules as to their value. Attributes can be required, optional, or contain a fixed value. Required or optional attributes can either contain freeform text or contain one of a set list of enumerated values. Fixed attributes, if present, must contain a specific value. Attributes can specify a default value that is applied if the attribute is optional but not present. With these properties, attributes can add a considerable amount of value to ele-ment content. For example, we may wish to restrict the possible currency values submit-ted to a list of acceptable three-character ISO currency codes. Or, we may only allow the value “USD” to be submitted. Likewise, we can specify that if no currency value is sub-mitted, the system will assume “USD” as the default value.


As you have seen, we can represent information in either elements or attrib-utes. So, when is the right time to communicate information in an element ver-sus using an attribute to communicate the same information. For instance, in our shirt example, when should we use <shirt><color>red</color></shirt> versus <shirt color=”red”>? This issue of elements versus attributes is a con-stantly recurring question that can be traced back to the SGML days. Of course, the answer is, it depends! After all, both formats are valid.


The main way to determine whether an element approach is more favorable to an attribute approach, or vice versa, is to identify how the information is to be used. Because most XML users agree that the decision is dependent on the implementation, many would argue that XML is not really an ideal language for data modeling, which requires a more strict sense for how data should be represented. Some of the common arguments are as follows.


Some visual XML browsers display element information but ignore attribute val-ues for purposes of display. Of course, many technologies display both element and attribute values. For those that don’t, the use of elements may prevail over attributes.


When DTDs are used, attributes allow default or enumerated values as well as provide a means to restrict the possible data entered. Of course, various XML-based schema technologies are allowing these very same features in elements. However, for those using exclusively DTDs, these features may be a deciding point for the choice of attributes.


Because attributes are nonstructural (that is, they are merely name/value pairs), if you need further internal structure, the use of elements will be the logical choice.


If you are producing an application that is keyed on the name of elements, you should choose elements as the source of information. However, if that informa-tion is mainly in empty elements, using attributes can be equally useful and more simple.


Attributes can simplify the level of XML element nesting but can complicate document processing.


Various technologies are keyed on the element name rather than the attribute name or value. For this reason, using either elements or attributes may be the right approach.


If an item needs to occur multiple times, only elements can be used because attributes are restricted to appearing once within an element.


In general, elements are logical, structural units of information that represent objects of information. These objects can either contain textual information or subelements. However, attributes represent the characteristics of this informa-tion and therefore can only contain textual information. So, elements represent objects, whereas attributes represent the properties of those objects. Therefore, elements should be used for information chunks that are considered to be informational objects that can be related in a parent/child relationship, whereas attributes should be used to represent any information that describes the objects in context.


In any case, neither approach is right or wrong. The use of elements or attrib-utes is a choice that a designer needs to make upon implementation, taking into consideration all the benefits and advantages of each approach.

Entity References


There are times when we want to introduce special characters or make use of content that is constantly repeated without having to enter it multiple times. This is the role of the XML entity. Entities provide a means to indicate to XML-processing applications that a special text string is to follow that will be replaced with a different literal value. Entities can solve some otherwise intractable problems. For example, how do we insert a greater-than or less-than sign in our text? XML processors would interpret those characters as parts of an XML tag, which may not be our desired result. As such, the entity gives us a way to provide a character sequence that will be replaced with these otherwise invalid characters.


Each entity has a unique name that is defined as part of an entity declaration in a DTD or XML Schema. Entities are used by simply referring to them by name. Entity references are delimited by an ampersand at the beginning and a semicolon at the ending. The con-tent contained between the delimiters is the entity that will be replaced. For example, the &lt; entity inserts the less-than sign (<) into a document. Elements can be encoded so they aren’t processed or replaced by their entity equivalents in order to be used for dis-play or encoding within other element values. For example, the string <element> can be encoded in an XML document as &lt;element&gt;, and it therefore will not be processed. Listing 2.6 shows a number of sample entity references.


LISTING 2.6 Sample Entity References

<description>The following says that 8 is greater than 5</description>

<equation>4 &gt; 5</equation>


<prescription>The Rx prescription symbol is &#8478;

which is the same as &#x211E;</prescription>

Entities can also be used to refer to often repeated or varying text as well as to include the content of external files. For example, an entity &legal; can be replaced with an organization’s legal disclaimer, consisting of any XML text that is included in the DTD or read from a file.


There are internal and external entities, and they both can be general or parameter enti-ties. Internal entities are defined and used within the context of a document, whereas external entities are defined in a source that is accessible via a URI. Internal entities are largely simple string replacements, whereas external entities can consist of entire XML documents or non-XML text, such as binary files. When using an external entity, you must define the type of the file. External entities that refer to these files must declare that the data they contain is not XML by using a notation. Parameter entities are entities that are declared and used within the context of a DTD or schema. They allow users to create replacement text that can be used multiple times to modularize the creation of valid doc-uments. Parameter entities can be either internal or external, but they cannot refer to non-XML data because you can’t have a parameter entity with a notation.


Another special form of entity is the character reference, which is used to insert arbitrary Unicode characters into an XML document. This allows international characters to be entered even if they can’t be typed directly on a keyboard. Character entities use decimal or hexadecimal references to describe their Unicode data values. For example, &#8478; and &#x211E; both encode the “Rx” character, also known as character number U+211E in Unicode.




One of the key benefits of XML is that humans can read it. A side effect of this feature is that there is a necessity to provide documentation around XML content that describes the intent or context of a given XML markup. Comments are quite simple to include in a document. The character sequence <!-- begins a comment and --> ends the comment. Between these two delimiters, any text at all can be written, including valid XML markup. The only restriction is that the comment delimiters cannot be used; neither can the literal string --. Comments can be placed anywhere in a document and are not con-sidered to be part of the textual content of an XML document. As a result, XML proces-sors are not required to pass comments along to an application. An example of a comment is shown in Listing 2.7.

Processing Instructions


Processing instructions (PIs) perform a similar function as comments in that they are not a textual part of an XML document but provide information to applications as to how the content should be processed. Unlike comments, XML processors are required to pass along PIs. Processing instructions have the following form:


<?instruction  options?>


The instruction name, called the PI target, is a special identifier that the processing application is intended to understand. Any following information can be optionally speci-fied so that the application is able to understand the context or further requirements of the PI. PI names can be formally declared as notations (a structure for sending such information). The only restriction is that PI names may not start with xml, which is reserved for the core XML standards. Listing 2.8 shows a sample processing instruction.


LISTING 2.8     Example of a Processing Instruction

<?send-message  “process  complete”?>


Marked CDATA Sections


Some documents will contain a large number of characters and text that an XML processor should ignore and pass to an application. These are known as character data (or CDATA) sec-tions. Within an XML document, a CDATA section instructs the parser to ignore all markup characters except the end of the CDATA markup instruction. This allows for a section of XML code to be “escaped” so that it doesn’t inadvertently disrupt XML processing.


CDATA sections follow this general form:




In the content section, any characters can be included, with the necessary exception of the character string ]]>. All content contained in the CDATA section is passed directly to the application without interpretation. This means that elements, entity references, com-ments, and processing instructions are all ignored and passed as string literals to process-ing applications. CDATA instructions must exist in the context of XML elements and not as standalone entities. Listing 2.9 shows sample CDATA information.


LISTING 2.9     A Sample CDATA Section

<object_code> <![CDATA[

function  master(poltice  integer)  {

if poltice<=3 then { intMaster=poltice+IntToString(FindElement(“<chicken>”));






]]> </object_code>

Document Type Definitions


Document Type Definitions (DTDs) provide a means for defining what XML markup can occur in an XML document. Basically, the DTD provides a mechanism to guarantee that a given XML document complies with a well-defined set of rules for document structure and content. These rules provide a framework for guaranteeing the “validity” of a document. DTDs and the more recent XML Schema are the means for defining the validity constraints on XML documents. Each of these are covered in great detail in later chapters of this book, but for now it is important to recognize that DTDs represent a spe-cific form of XML text that is allowable in an XML document.

XML Content


Of course, the value of XML is greatly enhanced by the presence of content within the elements. The content between XML elements is where most of the value lies in an XML document. In fact, that is almost exclusively where all the variable content lies. XML elements are usually well defined and strict in their application. When a DTD or XML Schema is used, users can’t change these portions of the document. Therefore, the informational content that the metadata describes is precisely where the variable data resides. Of course, it then behooves XML to be as widely lenient about XML content as possible.


In fact, XML content can consist of any data at all, including binary data, as long as it doesn’t violate rules that would confuse the content with valid XML metadata instruc-tions. This means that XML metadata delimiters must be escaped if they are not to be processed, and entities should be referenced if they are needed. XML content can contain any characters, including any valid Unicode and international characters. The content can be as long as necessary and contain hundreds of megabytes of textual infor-mation, if required. Of course, the size of the content is an implementation decision.

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