Consider a thin uniform rod AB. Its center of mass is at its midpoint C. Let two forces which are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction be applied at the two ends A and B of the rod perpendicular to it. The two forces are separated by a distance of 2r as shown in Figure 5.13.
As the two equal forces are opposite in direction, they cancel each other and the net force acting on the rod is zero. Now the rod is in translational equilibrium. But, the rod is not in rotational equilibrium. Let us see how it is not in rotational equilibrium. The moment of the force applied at the end A taken with respect to the center point C, produces an anticlockwise rotation. Similarly, the moment of the force applied at the end B also produces an anticlockwise rotation. The moments of both the forces
cause the same sense of rotation in the rod. Thus, the rod undergoes a rotational motion or turning even though the rod is in translational equilibrium.
A pair of forces which are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction and separated by a perpendicular distance so that their lines of action do not coincide that causes a turning effect is called a couple. We come across couple in many of our daily activities as shown in Figure 5.14.
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