Identity and Lagrange’s Identity
Theorem 6.9 (Jacobi’s identity)
For any three vectors ,
, we have
Using vector triple product expansion, we have
Adding the above equations and using the scalar product of two
vectors is commutative, we get
Theorem 6.10 (Lagrange’s identity)
Since dot and cross can be interchanged in a scalar product, we
Example 6.19
Prove that
Using the definition of the scalar triple product, we get
By treating (×
) as the first vector in the
vector triple product, we find
Using this value in (1), we get
Example 6.20
Prove that .
Treating ( ×
) as the first vector on
the right hand side of the given equation and using the vector triple product
expansion, we get
Example 6.21
For any four vectors ,
, we have
Taking = (
) as
a single vector and using the vector triple product expansion, we get
Example 6.22
State whether they are equal.
Example 6.23
Solution (i)
By definition,
On the other hand, we have
Therefore, from equations (1) and (2), identity (i) is verified.
The verification of identity (ii) is left as an exercise to the reader.
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