for a line to lie in a plane
We observe that a straight line will lie in a plane if every
point on the line, lie in the plane and the normal to the plane is
perpendicular to the line.
i) If the line lies in the plane
= d , then
= d and
= 0
ii) if the line lies in the plane Ax + By + Cz
+ D = 0 , then
Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D = 0 and aA + bB + cC = 0
Verify whether the line lies in the plane 5x − y + z =
8 .
Here, ( x1, y1, z1
) = (3, 4, −3) and direction ratios of the given straight line are (a,b,
c) = (−4, −7,12) . Direction ratios of the normal to the given plane are ( A,
B,C ) = (5, −1,1) .
We observe that, the given point ( x1, y1,
z1 ) = (3, 4, −3) satisfies the given plane 5x − y +
z = 8
Next, aA + bB + cC = (−4)(5) + (−7)(−1) + (12)(1) = −1 ≠0
. So, the normal to the plane is not perpendicular to the line. Hence, the
given line does not lie in the plane.
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