Respiratory Tract Infections in Children
o Common: During the first 3 years of life, a child may have up to 6
episodes of otitis media, 2 episodes of gastro-enteritis and 6 respiratory
infections per year. 10 – 15% have 12 colds per year.
o Other risk factors:
§ Breast feeding is protective
§ Passive smoking
§ Exposure to infection: older siblings, day care, etc
§ Socio-economic status (multifactorial)
o 95% of respiratory infections involve the upper respiratory tract and
90% are viral
o But antibiotics prescribed in 70% of cases. Leads to:
§ Unnecessary adverse effects: rashes, diarrhoea, thrush, plus more serious ADRs
§ Cost
§ Antibiotic resistance ® major increases in cost. Especially S pneumoniae and S. aureus
§ Reduce unnecessary prescribing by developing guidelines, practitioner education, public relations and ¯OTC antibiotic sales (eg mupirocin)
Pathogenesis: 60% due to
rhinoviruses and coronaviruses, then RSV, parainfluenza viruses, influenza and
Starts with nasal congestion,
throat irritation ® sneezing, watery nasal discharge
· Low grade fever, malaise, cough, headache
· After 1 – 3 days nasal discharge becomes thicker and mucopurulent. This is part of the natural history of URTI and does not indicate a bacterial super-infection
Generally improved by day 10,
although cough (in 30%) and nasal discharge (in 40%) may persist for > 2
Numerous RCTs have consistently
failed to show that antibiotics alter the course of the common cold
= Infection of the middle ear
· Presentation:
o Eardrum opaque (not semitransparent), red, normal landmarks lost,
bulging. But if kid is screaming, ear will be red regardless
o Otalgia, otorrhoea, hearing loss
o Systemic signs: fever, irritability
o If it ruptures, child will be instantly better (but parents will panic!). Acutely ruptured eardrum will heal in 24 hours
o S pneumoniae (30 – 50%)
o Non-typeable strains of H influenzae (20 – 30%)
o M Catarrhalis (10 – 20%)
o Viral (10 – 20%) especially RSV
o Mixed bacterial/viral infections account for 50% of antibiotic failures
o Without treatment, 70 –90% of infections resolve spontaneously
o Those least likely to respond are:
§ Aged < 2 years
§ Those with constitutional disturbance (eg > 39 C)
§ Where S pneumoniae is the pathogen
· Antibiotics:
o Should be directed against S pneumoniae: it is the most common pathogen, the least likely to resolve spontaneously, and the most commonly associated with mastoiditis. Amoxycillin for 7 – 10 days (?5 days just as good) is the treatment of choice, even when there are non-susceptible S pneumoniae isolates. Good penetration of middle ear. Erythromycin/cotrimoxazole if allergic. Main reason for antibiotics is to prevent rare complications
o For the 90 – 95% of otitis media that responds to antibiotics, 90% are
due to spontaneous resolution
o If < 2 years, constitutional disturbance and persistent symptoms >
48 hours:
§ Amoxycillin 15 – 30 mg/kg TID for 10 days (ie high dose).
§ If no improvement after 48 – 72 hours try Augmentin (cover H influenzae
and Moraxella)
§ Main aim is to reduce the very small chance of suppurative complications
o Treatment for Acute Otitis Media in children (NZ Guideline for Acute
Otitis Media):
§ Main benefit from antibiotics is less pain on the 2nd or 3rd day in 1 in 17 kids, and failure to spread to other side in 1 in 17. No effect on pain on first day, prevention of recurrence or build up of middle ear fluid
§ Side effects of skin rash, vomiting or diarrhoea are as common as benefits
§ Recommendation: use Paracetamol, return to doctor if symptoms persist beyond 48 hours, and have ears checked in a month for persisting fluid (common in first several weeks) – this occurs in about 1 in 10
o Oral cephalosporins and 2nd generation macrolides don‟t penetrate the middle ear and/or have poor
activity against S pneumoniae
o Mastoiditis in 0.1%. Incidence is
not increased by delayed treatment
o Little evidence to suggest that untreated otitis media causes
o Very rare: petrositis, labyrinthitis, facial palsy,
subdural/epidural/brain abscess
Risk factors for recurrent acute
otitis media: childcare centres, passive smoking, family history, reflux
o Ensure correct diagnosis
o Reassure: spontaneous improvement in many after age 2 – 3 years and
during summer
o Limit passive smoking, discourage pacifier use
o Encourage breast feeding in infancy
o Antibiotic prophylaxis generally ineffective
o Avoid unproven therapies: antihistamines, decongestants, chiropractic, homeopathy and naturopathy
Refer to paediatrician/ENT
surgeon if febrile seizures, antibiotic intolerance, hearing loss/speech
problems, underlying facio-cranial abnormalities
In the future, conjugate
pneumococcal vaccines are likely to play an important role
· = Presence of sterile or infected fluid in middle ear
Chronic OME (=Glue Ear) if > 3
months. If it hasn‟t cleared by then, less likely to clear spontaneously.
Common up to age 5 or 6
Incidental finding in
asymptomatic child
o Hearing loss and its effects: speech delay, slurred speech, failing at school, irritable, poor balance, falling over. But delayed language and cognitive problems related more to genetic and SES than previous otitis media
Pathogenesis: eustachian tube
dysfunction (not just blockage)
Sequalae of otitis media: Middle
ear effusion:
o In 70% after 2 weeks
o In 50% after 1 month
o In 20% at 2 months
o In 5 – 10% after 3 months
o Associated with mild hearing loss.
o Effusion common after an ear infection.
Watch and wait
o If bubbles behind ear drum then it‟s resolving itself
o Drugs: antibiotics and decongestants not very effective
o If persisting > 3 – 6 months:
§ Test hearing
§ Limit passive smoke exposure
§ Treat underlying allergic rhinitis/adenoidal enlargement with
intra-nasal steroids
o Refer after 3 – 6 months if hearing loss and:
§ Failure to respond to antibiotics
§ Recurrent acute otitis media
§ Persistent otalgia
§ Retraction pockets
§ Expressive/receptive language delay
§ Underlying cranio-facial abnormalities (eg Down syndrome)
o ENTs say grommets are the treatment of choice: Aerate middle air (®¯ CO2 ®¯squamous metaplasia ®¯goblet cells ®¯effusion). Extrude over 18 months – 2 years. Take out if still there 5 yrs later. May take out adenoids at same time ® eustachian tube function (Paediatricians say adenoidectomy is treatment of choice).
o Precautions with grommets:
§ Plug ears when washing hair and bathing
§ Can swim in clean fresh water but no diving below the surface
Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
– with hole in drum. Treatment: get rid of infection then surgical repair
Almost 100% given broad-spectrum
antibiotics. Inappropriate in 90% of
· Pathogens:
· Viruses: Adenovirus, also rhinovirus, coronaviruses, RSV, Parainfluenza virus, influenza, enteroviruses, EBV
Bacteria: S Pyogenes (GABHS =
Group A Beta-Haemolytic Strep) in about 20 – 30% of cases, predominantly in
those over 4 years
Differentiating (at best 70%
predictive accuracy):
· Exudative tonsillitis: Adenovirus, GABHS, EBV
· > 4 years, enlarged tender anterior cervical lymph nodes and diffusely inflamed pharyngeal structures (+ exudates) suggests S Pyogenes
· Diffuse, sandpaper-like red rash, accentuated in skin creases (Pastia lines) suggest Scarlet Fever. See Streptococcus Pyogenes (Group A, b Haemolytic)
Nasal discharge, cough,
hoarseness, conjunctivitis or diarrhoea +/- fever +/- tonsillar exudates
suggests virus
Throat swabs: usually identify
organism, but 10 – 50% are carriers
· Treatment:
Aim: Prevent acute rheumatic
fever, suppurative complications (peri- or para tonsillar abscess) and hasten
o Only benzathine penicillin has been shown to reduce RF – and this was in
military personnel
o No convincing data which shows antibiotics reduce the risk of rare
suppurative complications
o Antibiotics reduce symptoms by 8 hours only
o Reinforces the notion that antibiotics are effective and increases the likelihood of their future use for trivial illnesses
· If high risk for RF (eg Maori, PI, > 4 years of age) take swabs or treat empirically. However, prescribing penicillin for sore throat hasn‟t altered the rates of RF, and many children with RF haven‟t consulted their doctor
S Pyogenes: penicillin, 500 –
1000 mg BID for 10 days (Allergy: erythromycin)
· Uncommon. Bacterial sinusitis complicates 0.5 – 5% of viral upper respiratory tract infections
With most colds, nasal discharge
and obstruction are improving after 2 weeks. Children with acute sinusitis will
not be improving
A minority present with high and
persistent fever, periorbital swelling, facial and dental pain
o Plain x-rays don‟t differentiate well between common cold and sinusitis
o CT more useful. Air-fluid levels, opacification, mucosal thickening > 4 mm
Maxillary and ethmoid sinuses
present at birth (although small). Frontal and sphenoid sinuses begin at 4 – 6
years of age
Pathogens: S pneumoniae (30 –
70%), H influenzae (20%), M Catarrhalis (20%), virus alone (10%)
o High spontaneous cure (60% by 10 days vs 85% with amoxycillin)
o Treat for S Pneumoniae in children with persisting symptoms which are not improving
o Amoxycillin 15 – 30 mg/kg TID for 5 days. Higher limit if < 2 years, attend child-care, or have received antibiotics in the last month in areas with > 10% penicillin resistance
o Consider Augmentin, co-trimoxazole, cefuroxime or ceftriaxone if no
improvement after 48 – 72 hours
Inflammation in bronchial mucosa ®
productive cough
· Most cases are from viruses (eg RSV)
· Numerous studies have not found any evidence to support antibiotic treatment (but they‟re usually prescribed….)
Production, colour or culture or
sputum does NOT predict aetiology
· Consider treatment if:
o Prolonged cough in older child: ?M pneumoniae ®
o Pertussis and cough < 4 weeks: erythromycin (or co-trimoxazole)
reduces infectivity
o Cystic fibrosis/other chronic lung disease: tailored antibiotics
o Prolonged cough (> 8 – 12 weeks and not from URTI): investigate for
asthma, Tb, pertussis, CF, foreign body, Subacute-sinusitis, psychogenic cough
· = Laryngotracheobronchitis
Pathogens: Usually viral:
Parainfluenza 1 and 2 are the most common. Measles and influenza are the most
severe. Don‟t give antibiotics
o Child < 5 years
o Coryza and fever over 1 – 2 days
o Then characteristic harsh “barking” cough, hoarseness +/- signs of upper
airway obstruction (stridor, respiratory distress), inspiratory stridor
o Worse at night, and peak on 2nd or 3rd night. Varies hour to hour (ie don‟t send them home just yet…)
o Lasts 3 – 4 days then changes to sound productive. May last for another 2 weeks
o Epiglottitis: Absent/minimal cough, low-pitched expiratory snore
o Bacterial tracheitis: toxic appearing, older child, high fever, brassy
cough, stridor, tender trachea
o Laryngeal foreign body: sudden onset, unable to vocalise
o Angioneurotic oedema: associated signs usually present
o Retropharyngeal abscess: High fever, dysphagia, hyperextension of neck
o Severe if restless, anxious, pallor, lethargy, tachycardia, tachypnoea, indrawing, cyanosis or ¯breath sounds
o Loudness of stridor is not a reliable guide to severity of obstruction
o Risk of obstruction if: pre-existing upper airway narrowing (eg sub-glottic stenosis) or Down Syndrome
o Avoid distressing the child, settle them on parent‟s lap
o Blood tests, pulse oximetry, O2 masks and nebulisers rarely needed
o Mild:
§ Not distressed, no stridor at rest
§ No treatment, management at home, return if signs of obstruction,
lots of comfort
§ Paracetamol
o Moderate:
§ Frequent barking cough, distressed, persistent inspiratory stridor,
tracheal tug or sternal retraction at rest, but no signs of hypoxia
§ Observe or admit
§ Steroids (Dexamethasone or betamethasone 0.6 mg/kg orally or im,
prednisolone 1 mg/kg) orally. May be repeated 12 – 24 hours later (but consider
alternative diagnoses first)
§ Disturb child as little as possible
o Severe:
§ Signs of obstruction, hypoxia (restless, irritable, anxious, cyanosis), ¯breath
§ ?ICU admission
§ Nebulise adrenaline + Steroids (Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day)
§ Monitor closely
Caused by Haemophilus Influenza
Type B
Incidence ~ 20 cases pa (dropped
from 160 in 1992 prior to vaccination)
o Incubation for 2 – 4 days
o Acute, febrile illness, toxic looking child
o Snore, mouth always open, drooling, prefers to sit upright. Soft
inspiratory stridor, louder expiratory stridor
o No cough (cf croup)
o Blood cultures
o Intubate first, then give iv antibiotics (if given first, pain ® panic ® respiratory arrest)
o Cefotaxime 25 – 50 mg/kg/8hr iv (max 2g) due to penicillin
o Amoxycillin 50 mg/kg/4 hr iv (max 2g) if penicillin sensitive
· Other illnesses caused by H Influenzae type B:
o Meningitis: 5% mortality, 10% with sequalae (retardation, seizures, hearing
loss, etc), 20 – 30% have functional disabilities (eg learning difficulties)
o Also pneumonia, empyaema, septic arthritis, periorbital or facial
· Vaccination:
o Prior to immunisation was the most common cause of life threatening bacterial infection < 5 years of age.
o Herd immunity now works well
o Subunit vaccine is 95% effective.
Few side effects (< 5% with local reactions)
o Notifiable disease
Bordetella Pertussis = Whooping
o Highly contagious. Regular
epidemics every 3 – 5 years in NZ
o Incidence: up to 5000 cases a year (only a small proportion notified)
o In first year of life 80% are hospitalised and 0.2% die
o Phases:
Incubation 2 – 3 weeks
§ Coryzal phase: ~ 1 week
§ Paroxysmal phase:
· Develops into paroxysmal bouts: unprovoked cough followed by inspiratory gasp (whoop), apnoea, vomiting.
· Thick tenacious sputum ® can‟t clear ® coughing spasm. Whoop may be absent in infant. If severe may need suction
In between paroxysms looks well,
is afebrile and has no chest signs
Median length: 6 weeks. Can be up to 12 weeks
Infectious for 2 – 3 weeks of
paroxysmal phase
o Persistent cough for 3 – 4 months (convalescent phase – bacteria cleared)
Treatment: if < 4 weeks
duration: erythromycin. Doesn‟t
impact illness after paroxysmal phase is established, but will ¯
Admit if under 6 months and/or
cyanosis or apnoea in paroxysms
o Anoxic seizures in 1 – 3%
o Encephalopathy in 0.1 – 0.3% ® retardation, spasticity and seizure disorders. Rate of severe neurological complications of immunisation negligible compared with the risk of encephalitis from whooping cough
· Vaccine:
o Whole cell vaccine effective in 60 – 90%, has higher efficacy for more severe outcomes, local reactions or fever in 50%. 1 in 1 million are associated with an encephalopathy (? No causal relationship established)
o Acellular pertussis has higher efficacy and is better tolerated (< 10
– 15% adverse reactions) – now being introduced
o Classically RSV
o Highly infectious acute viral respiratory illness in kids 2 weeks to 12
months of airways < 1 mm diameter
o Epidemics every winter with RSV, also parainfluenza, influenza and
o Major cause of URTI in kids: up to 50% of 1 year olds have had RSV
o Seasonal in winter/spring
o Short incubation: 3 – 4 days
o Contacts: older siblings will have had nothing more than a snotty nose
o Difficulty with expiration (cf Croup – inspiratory)
o Typical pattern: Starts as URTI - 1 day of runny nose, 1 day of cough, then wheeze. Illness/breathlessness worst on 4th day of wheeze (6th or 7th day of illness)
o Low-grade fever, non-toxic, cough, wheezy, difficulty feeding, hyperinflated chest, diffuse fine inspiratory crackles and expiratory wheeze
o If more severe then irritability, pallor, pulse > 160/min, respiratory rate 50 – 70/min, expiratory grunt (not stridor), head nodding, more marked retractions
o Respiratory failure in 1 – 2%: pallor, sweating, drowsiness, ¯respiratory effort, ¯breath sounds, apnoea. Cyanosis is a late sign
o Feeding a good indicator of respiratory distress (and one which parents
can monitor at home)
o Recurrence common (?hypoplastic airways and smoke exposure)
o Usual recovery is 7 – 10 days
o Can get repeat viral illness – in which history suggests fluctuation – getting better, then got worse again, etc
Distribution of LRTI from RSV:
o Bronchiolitis: 40 – 90%
o Pneumonia: 5 – 40%
o Tracheobronchitis: 10 – 30%
Risk factors for severe
o < 6 weeks old
o Older siblings
o Maternal smoking
o Preterm delivery
o Underlying conditions: congenital heart disease, chronic lung disease of
infancy, congenital abnormalities, immunodeficiency
· Differential:
o Recurrent bronchiolitis, history of eczema, strong family history of atopy Þ ?asthma. Trial of nebulised salbutamol.
o Persistent cough, failure to thrive Þ cardiac disease, cystic fibrosis, structural lung disease, aspiration, immunodeficiency
o Nasopharyngeal aspirate for culture and viral immunoflouresence
o Bloods for culture and serology
o Imaging: CXR shows hyperinflation, peribronchial thickening, often
patchy areas of consolidation and collapse. Hyperinflation and wheeze
differentiate it from pneumonia
o Not bronchodilators, steroids, ribavirin or antibiotics
o Symptomatic treatment: O2, rehydration, minimal handling
o Can go home if they‟re feeding OK and don‟t need O2
o Admit if respiratory distress, difficulty feeding, or adverse social circumstances. If sending home early in the illness, arrange for review within 24 hours
o Put on NG feeds: not hungry ® ¯distress
o If respiratory rate > 70/min and feeding poorly then IV or NG fluid at 50 – 75% of maintenance requirements (risk of SIADH)
o If oximetry < 92% then O2
o If severe, monitor blood gases, consider CPAP or ventilation (especially
chronic respiratory/heart disease)
o Maybe wheezy for 2 weeks and a cough for 4 weeks
Epidemiology: Peak incidence in
first 2 years, and in Maori and PI children
o Initial prodromal coryzal symptoms for a few days
o Fever, cough, tachypnoea, signs of consolidation
o Young children may present with predominantly systemic features: fever, lethargy, vomiting, abdominal pain
o Older children may have headache, pleuretic chest pain, irritating
cough, maybe abdo pain if lower lobe or even signs of meningism if upper lobe
o Severe if:
§ Toxic: lethargy or ¯arousal, circulatory compromise, abnormal respiration (eg apnoea, cyanosis)
§ Respiratory distress: pallor, restless, agitated, nasal flaring,
grunting, head nodding, chest wall recession, paradoxical abdominal movement,
difficulty feeding
Signs on exam:
o In infants: may be few signs, usually limited to a few focal crackles
o Older children: ¯chest wall movement, ¯breath sounds, fine crackles, later dull to percussion and bronchial breath sounds
o Viruses are the most common cause in infants and young children:
§ RSV and Parainfluenza 3 most common
§ Suggested by: infant or young child, coryzal prodrome, mild or moderate constitutional disturbance, hyperinflation and diffuse inspiratory crackles, patchy consolidation on CXR
§ Rarely, infections with influenza A, adenovirus 3, 7 or 21 can be severe
leading to death or severe lung damage
o Bacterial:
§ S pneumoniae most common bacteria
§ S aureus uncommon but severe, H influenzae uncommon
§ M pneumoniae common in school age children, insidious onset including anorexia, headache, scattered fine inspiratory crackles, bilateral
§ S pyogenes: typically follows Varicella, influenza A or measles,
protracted course and often empyema
§ Chlamydia: in 1st 2 months. Vertical transmission + eye infection in first 5 – 7 days.
o Imaging: CXR to:
§ Confirm diagnosis
§ Detect complications: pleural effusion, pyopneumothorax, lung abscess
§ Exclude other causes: congential lung lesions, lung abscesses
o Blood cultures before antibiotics
o Nasopharyngeal aspirate for RSV detection
o Serology for M pneumoniae or RSV
o Aspiration of pleural fluid (assists diagnosis, and is therapeutic –
antibiotics won‟t penetrate a large effusion)
o Penicillin G is the treatment of choice for uncomplicated bacterial pneumonia (unless allergy).
o Despite 20% of S pneumonia‟s showing reduced sensitivity, concentrations in the serum and lung tissue exceed the MIC by several fold. More treatment failures are associated with erythromycin and co-trimoxazole
o Admit if any of:
§ < 2 years
§ Signs of toxicity, hypoxia, respiratory distress
§ Extensive consolidation or an effusion
§ Clinical or x-ray signs of Tb
§ Adverse social circumstances, no transport or no access to phone
§ If sent home, then review within 12 – 24 hours
o For uncomplicated bacterial pneumonia: Penicillin G 25 – 30 mg/kg/6hr iv (max 2.4g)
o If not afebrile within 24 hours on penicillin G, then review microbiology results, repeat CXR, consider other causes and treatments. Treatment failure: consider Viral, Mycoplasma, S aureus, resistant H influenzae
o Supportive therapy: minimal handling, careful fluid management (max 50% of maintenance fluids if IV), O2
o Management of pleural effusion. Before antibiotics do diagnostic aspiration and urgent gram stain. Discuss with paediatric surgeon:
§ Thin clear fluid: aspirate as much as possible
§ Thin purulent fluid: intercostal drain
§ Thick purulent fluid: loculates so drain won‟t work Þ thoracotomy (consider flucloxacillin +/-Cefotaxime)
§ Infected effusion = Empyema = pus in pleural cavity
§ Fibrous septae will form around empyema = loculated empyema
Rarely presents as acute
Consider if:
o Known exposure to Tb
o Child or family born in an endemic area
o > 4 week history of cough, especially if fever, sweats and weigh loss
o Refractory pneumonia
o Suggestive CXR
Nurse in respiratory isolation:
o Virtually all child cases are primary and non-infectious with a small burden of disease
o But adolescents, those with extensive or cavitating disease, or infected
visiting family are infectious
o FBC, ESR, electrolytes, CR and LFT
o Mantoux test
o Specimen collection: sputum if available. Early morning gastric
aspirates better than lavage. Also consider urines, pleural biopsy and LP
Empiric treatment: isoniazid,
rifampicin, pyrazinamide
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