Emergency Management
Assessing Fluid State
Rate is always subservient to
o Thready pulse: eg palpable at neck and groin only
o Respiration: more important that rate are grunting, flaring, subcostal
retraction, use of accessory muscles (in neonate ® bobbing
of head)
Blood volume:
Neonate 90 ml/kg
Child 80
Adult 70
o In a trauma situation, guess the weight: (age + 4) * 2
Urine output:
o In nappies: 2 ml/kg/hr
o Toilet trained: 1 ml/kg/hr
Normal fluid requirements in
absence of sweating:
Nutrition: to maintain weight
need 75 calories/kg/day
Heat loss:
o 70 kg person: surface to mass ratio is 0.02
o 2 kg person: surface to mass ratio is 0.08
o Rate of heat loss is proportional to (body temp – room temp) to the
power of 4. Best way to maintain body heat is therefore to heat the room.
Only reliable indicator is
pulse. BP doesn‟t drop till severe
dehydration (compared with adult where
BP declines proportionately with
No physical signs until > 3%
Most signs of dehydration are
those of shock
Change in body weight is the most
accurate estimate of fluid loss – but is rarely available
Dehydration in obese children is
often under-estimated
Nutrition: to maintain weight
need 75 calories/kg/day
Heat loss:
o 70 kg person: surface to mass ratio is 0.02
o 2 kg person: surface to mass ratio is 0.08
o Rate of heat loss is proportional to (body temp – room temp) to the
power of 4. Best way to maintain body heat is therefore to heat the room.
Only reliable indicator is pulse. BP doesn‟t drop till severe dehydration
(compared with adult where
BP declines proportionately with
No physical signs until > 3%
Most signs of dehydration are
those of shock
Change in body weight is the most
accurate estimate of fluid loss – but is rarely available
Dehydration in obese children is
often under-estimated
Assessing turgor: pinched edge of
skin goes down slowly. Do centrally on
abdomen, chest, thighs
· Also when severe: rapid, sighing respirations (Kussmaul breathing)
Poor predictors of dehydration:
Sunken eyes or anterior fontanelle, dry mucous membranes, absence of sweat or
If no or infrequent vomiting that
is not interfering with fluid intake then 5 – 7 ml/kg/hour of:
o Breast milk
o ½ strength formula
o Fruit juice 1 part in 4 with water
After 6 – 12 hours introduce:
bananas, rice, potato, parsnips, pumpkin, dry biscuits/toast with vegemite
Admit or observe in a short stay
facility for several hours
Don‟t use homemade solutions –
use Gastrolyte
· Orally, of by NG tube if necessary:
o Replace calculated losses over 6 hours (don‟t worry about maintenance
requirements). Hourly observations and reassess and reweigh after 6 hours
o Give the remainder of the daily fluid maintenance over the next 18 hours
Resume breast feeding as soon as
rehydration is complete or sooner if this takes longer than 6-hours
If after 4 – 6 hours the child
remains dehydrated, then IV
· 3 stages:
o Initial bolus if necessary. 10 - 20 ml/kg of Ringers Lactate or normal
saline over 10 – 15 minutes, reassess and repeat if necessary
o Replacement + maintenance
o Maintenance only
Rehydration of isotonic
o Replacement: Normal saline (or Ringer‟s Lactate or Hartmanns – more physiological)
o Maintenance: 1/5th normal saline + 5% Dextrose + 20 mmol/l KCl [Barts] (gives a bit much Cl
but the kidneys can sort that)
o If initially shocked, do not add KCl until urine is passed. If they have ATN following shock (® renal failure) don‟t want to overload K
· Timing:
o Infuse replacement fluid over 24 hours with the first 24 hours of
maintenance using ongoing replacement: ½ normal saline + 2.5%
dextrose + 10 mmol KCL (in 500 ml)
o Monitor electrolytes before, and during, up to 6 hourly
o Once they are able to tolerate oral fluids, treat as for mild/moderate
Theme and variations:
o Diarrhoea:
§ Lost Na, HCO3, Cl and K from GI mucosal cells – replace
§ Resuscitation with bolus of crystalloids, eg Ringer‟s lactate, normal
§ Maintenance with: ½ normal saline + 2.5% dextrose + 20 mmol/L KCL
§ If persistent acidosis due to HCO3 loss or lactic acidosis
then add in HCO3
o Rehydration of hypernatraemic dehydration (eg serum Na > 150):
§ Often the result of administering hyper-osmolar fluids (eg sports drinks) with vomiting and diarrhoea ® greater water loss due to water sucked into GI from circulation then vomited/passed
§ Will be more dehydrated than they appear due to fluid shifts from ICF ® ECF
§ If shocked give 10 ml/kg boluses of normal saline until circulation
§ Calculate deficit
§ Calculate ongoing requirements over
48 hours
§ Give both over 48 hours –
serum sodium should not fall faster than 0.5 mmol/hr
§ If oral rehydration, replacement is over 24 hours
o Diabetic ketoacidosis:
§ If give insulin too fast, serum glucose will drop quickly ® rapid change in ECF osmolality ® cerebral oedema
§ If giving hypotonic solution then cerebral oedema – go slow
o Rehydration of hyponatraemic
dehydration (serum Na < 130):
§ Resulting from gut or renal losses, or excessive hypotonic fluid administration
§ Appear more dehydrated than they are as fluid shifts into the ICF. Can ® cerebral oedema, seizures, etc
§ Never give 1/5th normal saline (except to keep vein open). Do serial Na measurements
§ If asymptomatic: As for rehydration of isotonic dehydration, over 24 hours. Fluid restrict to 50% of maintenance
§ If symptomatic (seizures, coma) or if severe (Na < 120) then give 5 –
10 ml/kg or 3% hypertonic saline IV over 60 – 120 minutes in addition to the
calculated fluid requirements
o Be careful about measuring volume: never hang a bag straight into a child
o If lung or brain disease (eg meningitis), SIADH is common Þ may need to fluid restrict (eg to 50% maintenance fluids). Check serum Na regularly
o In a term baby, born water logged (ECF > ICF). Can pass 500 ml urine
per day (7 ml/kg/hour). Handles water well but not used to passing a NaCl load
o Enemas for constipation can ® dehydration
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