Acute Scrotum
Must examine the genitalia of
every boy who presents with acute lower abdominal pain (may not localise to
In descending order of frequency,
causes of an acute scrotum are:
o Torsion of the appendix testis
o Testicular torsion
o Idiopathic scrotal oedema. Symmetric swelling, no testicular tenderness.
May include penis, inguinal and perineal regions. Exclude torsion
o Rarely, epididymo-orchiditis
· Management of torsion:
o High probability: short duration and negative urinalysis ® surgery
o Low probability: longer duration and positive urinalysis ® ?Doppler
US for ¯blood flow
· Most commonly caused by Hydatid of Morgagni (Mullerian duct remnant) at top of testis
· Peak incidence at 10 – 12 years. Oestrogen stimulates enlargement of the remnants ® predisposes to torsion
Symptoms range from minimal
inflammation to florid, swollen hemi-scrotum indistinguishable from testicular
Urgent surgical referral
Testes are covered by tunica
vaginalis – has parietal and visceral surface (like lungs in pleura)
Testis rotates on its chord
within parietal tunica vaginalis
Once torsion has occurred in one,
more likely in another
< 6 hours will probably not
cause infarct
· Two peaks for incidence:
o Neonatal: Testis usually dead by diagnosis. May not operate (will atrophy). May „pex‟ contralateral side to prevent torsion
o Age 13 – 15: History and presentation variable. Surgical emergency. If testis viable, untwist and fix. Fix contra-lateral side
Need to remove a torted testis,
otherwise he will develop autoantibodies for spermatozoa ®
infertility of other testis
Very rare in children. Two peaks
o Newborn, with underlying urinary tract anomaly. Do US and MCU. MSU to rule out infection
o In 13+ due to reflux up the vas ® infection/inflammation
Mumps orchitis does not occur in
pre-pubertal boys
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