Failure to Thrive (FTT)
= Failure to gain weight normally
(< 3rd percentile, or falling serial measurements) [cf Stunted growth
§ failure to gain height]
If also failure of linear growth Þ long
standing problem (weight always falls first, then length, then head
circumference falls last)
o What goes in (diet):
What and how much (and does it
actually go in, or is it just offered?). Milk, other drinks, meat, fruit and
vegetables, cereals and breads, lollies
§ Assess parents knowledge base
§ Feeding difficulties: appetite, behavioural, structural, swallowing
o What comes out (poos) – especially steatorrhoea. People usually overestimate vomit
o Chronic illness: cardiac, renal, neurological
o Development
o Social history: especially PND, other psych stresses, violence, drugs
and alcohol
o End of bed: fat, thin, energy, pallor, well/sick, dysmorphisms
o Muscle and fat stores – look for scraggy buttocks
o Signs of abuse and injury
o Signs of chronic disease:
§ Cyanosis due to heart: L ® R shunt and heart failure or cyanotic lesion (R ® L shunt)
§ Respiratory: clubbing, nasal polyps (CF, asthma)
§ Gut: coeliac (not if breast feed) – distended abdomen and thin legs
§ Renal: blood pressure
o Assess suck, chew, swallow
o Rickets (¯vitamin D), anaemia (¯Fe), Bruising (¯vitamin K), dermatitis & neuropathy (¯Vitamin
B) (all late signs)
o Parent‟s expectations: In the 2nd year of life: ¯appetite, ¯rate of growth, activity are all normal. Parents may need reassurance
o Non-organic failure to thrive:
§ Inadequate parenting/poor nutrition the most common cause (will feed and gain weight well while in hospital).
§ Usually complex situation: eg young mum, unwanted pregnancy, obstetric
problems, poor bonding, bottle feed, maternal depression, etc.
§ Is the milk being made up properly, any strange stuff (eg tea, Milo, etc)
§ To cheek for attachment: observe mum chatting to baby while they dress –
is she talking to the baby
o Organic causes:
§ ¯Intake
secondary to:
Underfeeding (eg engorged breasts
® poor latching on, inverted nipples)
Congenital abnormalities (eg
cleft palate)
Dyspnoea (eg chronic heart
failure, CF, chronic URTIs)
Neurological lesions (eg
pseudobulbar palsy)
Behavioural factors (eg alert,
§ Abnormal losses:
· Vomiting: need to be severe and persistent to ® FTT. Eg pyloric stenosis, chronic UTIs, renal disorders
Stools: diarrhoea, steatorrhoea
Urine: eg diabetes, renal
failure, diabetes insipidous, adrenal insufficiency
§ Failure of utilisation:
Chronic infection (eg Tb, UTIs,
immune disorders)
Metabolic disorders (eg
· Endocrine disorders (eg hypothyroidism)
Constitutional and genetic
abnormalities: Short stature, Down‟s, Turner‟s, Achondroplasia
§ Increased requirements: Chronic lung disease, heart disease, etc
§ Macrosomic babies (ie mum diabetic) will loose excess weight after birth ® looks like failure to thrive
· Management:
o If non-organic failure to thrive, then educate regarding a baby‟s dietary needs.
o Investigations: rarely necessary.
Maybe Fe for anaemia
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