Eye disorders in Children
Routine eye checks for infants:
o Fixing and following: ophthalmology referral if not doing this by 4
o Pupillary red reflexes: view from about 50 cm. Leukocornea (white pupil)
Þ ?retinoblastoma. Other irregularities Þ
?congenital cataract
o Ocular alignment: symmetrical corneal light reflex (don‟t have to be
exactly central). Strabismus
o (misalignment of visual axis) ® amblyopia. May be intermittent.
Test with cover test. Accommodative Esotropia = convergent strabismus related
to accommodation
o Eye movements: if not following then test vestibulo-ocular reflexes
using dolls eye
o Adnexa Oculi: Eyelids. Check for Congenital Naso-Lacrimal Duct
Obstruction (tears, puss or mucus discharged by pushing on lacrimal duct) due
to incomplete canalisation. Most resolve by age 1 (Þ usually
managed conservatively by twice daily lacrimal sac massage)
o Globes and cornea: of equal size
Serious disorders in the neonate
(® urgent referral):
o Congenital Glaucoma: photophobia, corneal haze/opacity, corneal enlargement or asymmetry
o Ophthalmia Neonatorum: conjunctivitis with infection and inflammation of
the conjunctiva in first month of life. Urgent microbiology and iv antibiotics
for chlamydia and/or N Gonorrhoeae
Red Eye in Children
o Conjunctivitis:
§ Common in newborns – may be serious
§ Bacterial: rapid onset, usually spills from one eye to the other. Puss.
· Neonatal often Neisseria gonorrhoea (prevented with silver nitrate drops in new born if high risk). Can lead to perforation of orbit. If systemic spread then septic arthritis. Treatment: B Penicillin 25 mg/kg/12hr iv + 3 hourly 0.5% chloramphenicol drops for 7 days
· 3 – 5 days post delivery: Chlamydia. Can progress to rhinitis and pneumonitis. Diagnosis
§ requires special chlamydia swab. Treatment: Erythromycin 10mg/kg/6hr po for 21 days to eliminate lung organisms + 1% tetracycline drops
· Acute causes often Staph aureus,
S pneumoniae, H influenzae or S pyogenes. Treatment: drops up to hourly (eg
· Chronic: usually toxins or immune (eg Kawasaki, Erythema Multiforme, Reiter‟s Syndrome)
§ Viral: acute onset, often bilateral, minimal pain, thin watery discharge, photophobia. Adenovirus, Herpes Simplex, measles, etc. Generally clears spontaneously. If Herpes suspected (eg eyelid vesicles), start 4 hourly acyclovir and immediate referral
§ Allergic: history of atopy and itchy eyes. If mild then use astringent,
topical anti-histamine or cromoglycate
o Subconjunctival haemorrhage: common after blunt trauma (eg birth), coughing (eg whooping cough) and vomiting.
o Corneal abrasions: trauma or infection (esp HSV)
o Iritis/Uveitis: uncommon in children. May have no pain but strabismus or
visual loss. Cornea red near iris (unlike conjunctivitis). Look for white cells
in anterior chamber.
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