Neonatal and Infant Anticipatory Guidance (Parent Education)
Consider the topics for
discussion about a neonate:
o Vision and hearing: Can your baby hear and see (how do you know?)
o SIDS prevention: sleep on back, ¯smoke exposure, breast feeding, nothing over head when sleeping
o Immunisation: the schedule, genuine and non-genuine contra-indications, common myths, benefits and risks
o Maternal mental health: screening and assessing for post-natal depression
o 6 week screening: dysmorphic features, cleft lip and palate, growth, eyes, heart, hips
o Contraceptive advice
o Smoke cessation
o Always ask why has the mother really
When neonatal and/or later,
consider the following:
o Recognition of illness, emergency contacts
o Feeding: breast feeding and maternal nutrition, introducing solids,
o Parenting skills: eg management strategies for sleep and toddler behaviour, toileting, eating
o Injury prevention: seat belts, fire safety, falls, hot water, sun exposure, poisoning, safe child care, pools, playgrounds, road
o When to expect which developmental milestones. Reassure for parents. Also early identification ® early intervention
o Developmental needs of kids: play, language, nutrition, social etc
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