Solved Example Problems for Centrifugal Force due to Rotation of the Earth
Calculate the centrifugal force experienced by a man of 60 kg standing at Chennai? (Given: Latitude of Chennai is 13°
The centrifugal force is given by Fc = mω2 R cosθ
The angular velocity (ω) of Earth = 2π/T.
where T is time period of the Earth (24 hours)
The radius of the Earth R = 6400 Km = 6400 × 103 m
Latitude of Chennai =13°
A 60 kg man experiences centrifugal force of approximately 2 Newton. But due to Earth’s gravity a man of 60 kg experiences a force =mg = 60 × 9.8 = 588N. This force is very much larger than the centrifugal force.
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