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Chemistry : Entrance Exam Study Material


Chemistry : Entrance Exam Study Material

Inorganic Chemistry

UNIT 1.   Chemical Calculations


Chemical Calculations : Formula Weight (FW) or Formula Mass -- -    - Key Answer
Mole Concept and Molar Mass with Example Problems -- -    - Key Answer
Converting Grams of Substances to Moles and Grams with Solved Problems -- -    - Key Answer
Calculation of Empirical Formula from Quantitative Analysis and Percentage composition -- -    - Key Answer
Stoichiometry Equations -- -    - Key Answer
Rules for writing stoichiometric equations -- -    - Key Answer
Balancing chemical equation in its molecular form -- -    - Key Answer
General Rules for assigning Oxidation Number to an atom -- -    - Key Answer
Balancing Redox reaction by Oxidation Number Method -- -    - Key Answer
Methods of Expressing the concentration of solution -- -    - Key Answer
Volumetric Analysis - Law with Solved problem -- -    - Key Answer
Determination of equivalent masses of elements -- -    - Key Answer
Equivalent mass of acid, base, salt, oxidising agent and reducing agent -- -    - Key Answer
Determination of Molecular Mass Victor-Meyer's Method -- -    - Key Answer
Calculations based on Principle of Volumetric Analysis -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT 2.   General Introduction to Metallurgy


Metallurgy - Ores and Minerals -- -    - Key Answer
Sources from earth, living systems and in sea -- -    - Key Answer
Metallurgy - Purification of ores -- -    - Key Answer
Metallurgical processes -- -    - Key Answer
Metallurgy - Purification of metals -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT 3.   Atomic Structure ? I

Rutherford s Scattering Experiment -- -    - Key Answer
Defects of Rutherford s model -- -    - Key Answer
Postulates of Bohr s model of an atom -- -    - Key Answer
Limitation of Bohr s Theory -- -    - Key Answer
Electronic configuration and quantum numbers -- -    - Key Answer
Shapes or boundary surfaces of Orbitals -- -    - Key Answer
Pauli s exclusion principle and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Hund s rule of maximum multiplicity -- -    - Key Answer
Aufbau Principle -- -    - Key Answer
Stability of orbitals -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT 4.   Periodic Classification ? I

Brief history of periodic classification -- -    - Key Answer
Earlier periodic classification -- -    - Key Answer
Modern Periodic Law -- -    - Key Answer
IUPAC Nomenclature for Elements with Z greater than 100 -- -    - Key Answer
Electronic configuration and periodic table -- -    - Key Answer
Types of elements: s-, p-,d-, f- Blocks -- -    - Key Answer
Atomic and ionic radii -- -    - Key Answer
Variation of Ionization Energy in the periodic Table -- -    - Key Answer
Factors Influencing Ionization Enthalpy -- -    - Key Answer
Electron affinity -- -    - Key Answer
Electronegativity -- -    - Key Answer
Anomalous periodic properties in terms of screening constant, stability etc. -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT 5.   Group 1 s-Block elements

The structure of the three isotopes of hydrogen -- -    - Key Answer
Deuterium: Methods of Preparation, properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Tritium - preparation, Properties, Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Ortho and Para hydrogen: Conversion and Properties -- -    - Key Answer
Heavy water: Preparation, Principle, Properties, Important reactions, Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Hydrogen peroxide: Preparation, Properties, reactions, Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Liquid hydrogen as a fuel -- -    - Key Answer
Alkali Metals: General characteristics, Physical Properties -- -    - Key Answer
Lithium : Extraction, Physical and Chemical Properties, Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Sodium: Extraction, Physical and Chemical Properties, Uses -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT 6.   Group 2 s-Block elements

Group 2 s - Block Elements -- -    - Key Answer
Magnesium: Important Ores, Metallurgy, Properties, Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Compounds of alkaline earth metals -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT 7.   p-Block elements

p-Block Elements - General Characteristics -- -    - Key Answer
Group 13 - Boron Group (B, Al, Ga, In, Tl): Extraction, Properties -- -    - Key Answer
Carbon group elements: properties, Structure, Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Structure of Diamond, Graphite, Buckminster fullerenes -- -    - Key Answer
Metallic character of Carbon group elements -- -    - Key Answer
Nitrogen Group -- -    - Key Answer
Nitric acid: Preparation, Properties -- -    - Key Answer
Importance of molecular oxygen -- -    - Key Answer
Oxygen: Oxides Classification -- -    - Key Answer
Ozone: Laboratory preparation, Properties, Uses, structure, layer -- -    - Key Answer
Factors affecting ozone layer -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT  8 : Atomic Structure - II


Chronology Of Atomic Structure -- -    - Key Answer
Dual Property of an Electron -- -    - Key Answer
Difference between a particle and a wave -- -    - Key Answer
Experiments to prove particle and wave property of Electrons -- -    - Key Answer
The Uncertainty Principle -- -    - Key Answer
de-Broglie Relation and Significance of de-Broglie waves -- -    - Key Answer
The Wave Nature Of Electrons -- -    - Key Answer
Shapes of orbitals: s, p, d Shapes -- -    - Key Answer

Molecular Orbital Theory: Energy level diagram for molecular orbitals -- -    - Key Answer
Electronic configuration of a molecule and its correlation with molecular behaviour -- -    - Key Answer
Molecular orbital energy level diagrams -Hydrogen, Hypothetical, Nitrogen, Oxygen -- -    - Key Answer
Hybridization : Salient Features, Type, Example -- -    - Key Answer
Importance, Strength, Types of Hydrogen bonds - Intermolecular Forces -- -    - Key Answer



UNIT  9 : Periodic Classification - II

Review Of Periodic Properties -- -    - Key Answer
Calculation Of Atomic Radius (Covalent Radius) -- -    - Key Answer
Calculation of ionic radii - Pauling's Method, Slater rules -- -    - Key Answer
Factors governing ionization energy -- -    - Key Answer
Electron Affinity or Electron gain enthalpy (E.A.) -- -    - Key Answer
Factors affecting electron affinity -- -    - Key Answer
Electronegativity Scales -- -    - Key Answer
Applications of electronegativity -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT  10 : p - Block Elements

General characteristics of p-block elements -- -    - Key Answer
Electronic configuration of the Boron family elements -- -    - Key Answer

Group - 14 Elements - The Carbon Family -- -    - Key Answer
Silicones - structure and uses -- -    - Key Answer
Metallurgy of Lead: Ores, Properties, Extraction, Purification, Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Group - 15 Elements - The Nitrogen Family -- -    - Key Answer
Compounds of Phosphorus -- -    - Key Answer
Halides of Phosphorus: Phosphorus TrichlorideII. Phosphorus pentachloride - Preparation, properties, Structure -- -   - Key Answer
Oxides of phosphorus: Preparation, properties, Structure -- -    - Key Answer
Oxy-Acids of Phosphorus: Preparation, properties, Structure -- -    - Key Answer
Phosphine - PH3: Preparation, properties, Structure -- -    - Key Answer
Group 16 The 'Oxygen' Family -- -    - Key Answer
Group 17 - The Halogen Family -- -    - Key Answer
Anamalous Nature of Fluorine -- -    - Key Answer
Isolation, Physical, Chemical Properties, Uses Of Fluorine -- -    - Key Answer
Structures of interhalogen compounds -- -    - Key Answer
Group 18 Noble Gases Or Inert Gases -- -    - Key Answer
Isolation Of Noble Gases: Ramsay - Raleigh's and Dewar's Method -- -    - Key Answer
Uses Of Noble Gas -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT  11 : d - Block Elements

Classification and Electronic configuration of d-block Elements -- -    - Key Answer
General characteristics of d-block elements -- -    - Key Answer
Copper: Occurrence, principles of extraction, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Chromium: Occurrence, principles of extraction, Properties, Uses and alloys -- -    - Key Answer
Zinc: Occurrence, principles of extraction, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
silver: Occurrence, principles of extraction, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Gold: Occurrence, principles of extraction, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Extraction from Gold Ores - Mac Arthur Forrest Cyanide Process -- -    - Key Answer
Potassium dichromate: Preparation, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Copper Sulphate or Blue vitriol: Preparation, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Silver nitrate or Lunar caustic: Preparation, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Zinc carbonate and Purple of cassius: Preparation, Properties and Uses -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT  12 : f - Block Elements

General Characteristics of f-block elements and extraction -- -    - Key Answer
General properties of Lanthanides -- -    - Key Answer
General Properties of Actinide Series -- -    - Key Answer
Comparison of Lanthanides and Actinides -- -    - Key Answer
Uses of Lanthanides and actinides -- -    - Key Answer
Simple salt and Molecular (or) addition compounds -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT  13 : Coordination Compounds and Bio-Coordination Compounds

Terminology Used In Coordination Chemistry -- -    - Key Answer
IUPAC Nomenclature Of Mononuclear Coordination Compounds -- -    - Key Answer
Types of Isomerism: Structural and Stereo isomerism -- -    - Key Answer
Theories Of Coordination Compounds: Werner's theory, Valence bond theory -- -    - Key Answer
Uses of coordination compounds -- -    - Key Answer
Bio Coordination Compounds  ?  aemoglobin, Chlorophyll -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT  14 : Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Chemistry - Indroduction -- -    - Key Answer
Difference between chemical reactions and nuclear reactions -- -    - Key Answer
Type Of Nuclear Reaction -- -    - Key Answer
Radiocarbon Dating and Uses -- -    - Key Answer
Uses Of Radioactive Isotopes -- -    - Key Answer



Physical Chemistry

UNIT 15.        Solid state ? I

Crystalline solids and Amorphous solids -- -    - Key Answer
Difference between Crystalline and Amorphous Solids -- -    - Key Answer
Characteristic parameters and seven classes of unit cell -- -    - Key Answer
Miller Indices -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT 16.        Gaseous state ? I

Properties of gases -- -    - Key Answer
The gas laws: Boyle's law and Charle's Law -- -    - Key Answer
Numerical values of gas constant (R) -- -    - Key Answer
Dalton's law of partial Pressures -- -    - Key Answer
Graham's Law of Diffusion -- -    - Key Answer
Causes for deviation of real gas from ideal behaviour -- -    - Key Answer
Vanderwaal's Equation of state : Units, Significance, Limitations -- -    - Key Answer
Gaseous state - Critical phenomena -- -    - Key Answer
Joule-Thomson Effect and Inversion temperature (Ti) -- -    - Key Answer
Conditions of liquefaction of gases: Linde's Method, Claude's process -- -    - Key Answer



UNIT 17.        Chemical Bonding

Elementary theories on Chemical Bonding -- -    - Key Answer
Kossel-Lewis approach to Chemical Bonding -- -    - Key Answer
Ionic (or) Electrovalent bond -- -    - Key Answer
Lattice energy and Born - Haber's cycle -- -    - Key Answer
Determination and Calculation of lattice enthalpy of NaCl -- -    - Key Answer
Properties of electrovalent (or) ionic compounds -- -    - Key Answer
Covalent bond: Lewis dot structure and Double bond formation -- -    - Key Answer
Characteristics of covalent compounds -- -    - Key Answer
Fajan's rules: Covalent character of ionic bonds -- -    - Key Answer
Polarity of Covalent Bonds -- -    - Key Answer
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR) Theory -- -    - Key Answer
Directional Properties of Covalent Bonds -- -    - Key Answer
Theory of Hybridisation -- -    - Key Answer
Chemical Bonding: Concept of Resonance -- -    - Key Answer
Co-ordinate-covalent bonding or Dative bonding -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT 18.        Colligative Properties

Colligative Properties and its Scope -- -    - Key Answer
Lowering of Vapour Pressure -- -    - Key Answer
Raoult's Law and Dynamic method (or) Ostwald - Walker method -- -    - Key Answer
Depression of freezing point of dilute solution -- -    - Key Answer
Measurement of freezing point depression by Beckmann method -- -    - Key Answer
Elevation of boiling point of dilute solutions and Cottrell's Method -- -    - Key Answer
Osmosis in solution -- -    - Key Answer
Determination of molecular weight and osmotic pressure by Berkley-Hartley method -- -    - Key Answer
Abnormal Colligative Properties -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT 19.        Thermodynamics ? I


Introduction and Terminology used in Thermodynamics -- -    - Key Answer
Thermodynamics: State functions of a system -- -    - Key Answer
Thermodyanamic processes -- -    - Key Answer
Different between Exothermic and endothermic processes -- -    - Key Answer
Thermodynamics: Difference between Irreversible and Reversible process -- -    - Key Answer
Nature of thermodynamic functions -- -    - Key Answer
Zeroth law of thermodynamics or Thermal equilibrium -- -    - Key Answer
Thermodynamics: Work, heat and energy -- -    - Key Answer
First law of thermodynamics -- -    - Key Answer
Relation between enthalpy `H' and internal energy `U' -- -    - Key Answer
Thermochemical equations -- -    - Key Answer
Enthalpy of combustion - Bomb calorimeter -- -    - Key Answer
Enthalpy of neutralisation -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT 20.        Chemical Equilibrium ? I

Scope and Nature of Chemical Equilibrium -- -    - Key Answer
Dynamic Equilibrium: Characteristics, Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes -- -    - Key Answer
Law of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant with example -- -    - Key Answer
Formation of HI from H2 and I2 - Equilibrium constants in terms of degree of dissociation -- -    - Key Answer
Dissociation of PCl5 - Equilibrium constants in terms of degree of dissociation -- -    - Key Answer
Characteristics of Equilibrium constant -- -    - Key Answer
Heterogeneous equilibria -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT 21.        Chemical Kinetics ? I

Scope of chemical kinetics -- -    - Key Answer
Rate of chemical reactions -- -    - Key Answer
Factors influencing reaction rates -- -    - Key Answer
Chemical Kinetics: Unit of rate constant -- -    - Key Answer
Molecularity of the reaction -- -    - Key Answer
Classification of rates based on the order of the reaction -- -    - Key Answer
Characteristics of organic compounds -- -    - Key Answer
Purification of Organic compounds: Crystallisation -- -    - Key Answer
Sublimation - Purification of Organic compounds -- -    - Key Answer
Methods for the purification of liquids Distillation -- -    - Key Answer
Chromatography and Different Chromatographic Techniques -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT  22 : Solid State - II

Types of Cubic System -- -    - Key Answer
Bragg's Equation and spectrometer method -- -    - Key Answer

Types Of Crystals -- -    - Key Answer
Imperfections In Solids -- -    - Key Answer
Super conductors property of Crystalline solids -- -    - Key Answer
Glasses - Amorphous solids -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT  23 : Thermodynamics - II

Limitations Of First Law Of Thermodynamics -- -    - Key Answer
Second law of thermodynamics -- -    - Key Answer
Entropy And Entropy Change -- -    - Key Answer
Characteristics of entropy 'S' -- -    - Key Answer
Gibbs free energy 'G' and Standard free energy (G o ) -- -    - Key Answer
Characteristics of Free energy 'G' -- -    - Key Answer
Le Chatelier's Principle: Haber's and Contact Process -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT  24 : Chemical Equilibrium ? II

Attainment Of Equilibrium In Chemical Reactions -- -    - Key Answer

Le Chatelier's Principle: Haber's and Contact Process -- -    - Key Answer


UNIT : 25    Chemical Kinetics II

Rate And Order Of A Reaction -- -    - Key Answer
Rate equation for first order reactions -- -    - Key Answer
Pseudo-First Order Reactions -- -    - Key Answer
Determination of rate constant of acid catalysed hydrolysis of an ester -- -    - Key Answer
Temperature Dependance Of Rate Constant -- -    - Key Answer
Simple And Complex Reactions : Difference and Types -- -    - Key Answer



UNIT : 26    Surface Chemistry

Classification, Factors affecting of adsorption of gases on solids -- -    - Key Answer
General characteristics and Types of catalytic reactions -- -    - Key Answer
Types of catalysts -- -    - Key Answer
Theories Of Catalysis -- -    - Key Answer
Colloids and Types of Colloids -- -    - Key Answer
Preparation Of Colloids : Dispersion and Condensation method -- -    - Key Answer
Purification Methods Of Sols -- -    - Key Answer
Properties of Colloids -- -    - Key Answer
Natural and Technical Applications Of Colloids -- -    - Key Answer
Emulsions and Types of emulsions -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT : 27    Electro Chemistry I

Electro Chemistry: Conductors , Insulators And Semi Conductors -- -    - Key Answer
Theory Of Electrolytic Conductance -- -    - Key Answer
Postulates of Arrhenius Theory -- -    - Key Answer
Evidences of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation -- -    - Key Answer
Ostwald?s dilution law for weak electrolytes -- -    - Key Answer
Faraday?s Laws Of Electrolysis -- -    - Key Answer
Electrical Conductance Quantities -- -    - Key Answer
Variation Of Equivalent Conductance With Concentration -- -    - Key Answer
Kohlraush?s Law - Application with example -- -    - Key Answer
Ionic Product Of Water : The pH of solutions -- -    - Key Answer
Buffer Solutions -- -    - Key Answer
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and its Significance -- -    - Key Answer
Selection of pH indicators and Titration -- -    - Key Answer
Ostwald?s theory and Quinonoid Theory -- -    - Key Answer

UNIT : 28    Electro Chemistry II

Electrochemistry  ?  Cells and Daniel cell -- -    - Key Answer
Electro Chemistry - Cell Terminology -- -    - Key Answer
Single Electrode Potential -- -    - Key Answer




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