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HISTORY : Entrance Exam Study Material


HISTORY : Entrance Exam Study Material


Part ? 1


The Himalayan Mountains -- -  - Key Answer
The Indo-Gangetic Plain -- -  - Key Answer
The Southern Peninsula -- -  - Key Answer
India  A Land of Unity in Diversity -- -  - Key Answer
Paleolithic or Old Stone Age -- -  - Key Answer
Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age -- -  - Key Answer
Neolithic Age -- -  - Key Answer
Metal Age -- -  - Key Answer
The Harappan Civilization -- -  - Key Answer
Salient Features of the Harappan Culture -- -  - Key Answer
The vedic culture -- -  - Key Answer
Rig Vedic Age or Early Vedic Period (1500 - 1000 B.C.) -- -  - Key Answer
Later Vedic Period (1000  600 B.C.) -- -  - Key Answer
Causes for the Rise of Jainism and Buddhism -- -  - Key Answer
Life and Teachings of Vardhamana Mahavira (539- 467 B.C.) and Spread of Jainism -- -  - Key Answer
Life and Teachings of Gautama Buddha And Spread of Buddhism -- -  - Key Answer
The rise of magadha and alexander s invasion -- -  - Key Answer
Persian and greek invasions -- -  - Key Answer
Alexander s Invasion of India -- -  - Key Answer
The mauryan empire -- -  - Key Answer
Political history of the mauryas chandragupta Maurya -- -  - Key Answer
Extent of Asoka s Empire -- -  - Key Answer
Mauryan Administration -- -  - Key Answer
Post-mauryan india -- -  - Key Answer
Foreign Invasions of Northwest India -- -  - Key Answer
History : Kanishka (78  120 A.D.) -- -  - Key Answer
Sangam age and Sangam Literature -- -  - Key Answer
Sangam age Political History - Cheras, Cholas, Pandyas -- -  - Key Answer
Sangam age - Society, Religion, Position of Women, Fine Arts -- -  - Key Answer
Economy of the Sangam Age -- -  - Key Answer
History : Gupta empire - Chandragupta I, II ,Samudragupta -- -  - Key Answer
History : Samudragupta and Extant of Samudragupta s Empire -- -  - Key Answer
History : Chandragupta II - Estimate, Successors, Western India Conquest -- -  - Key Answer
Gupta Administration and Social Life -- -  - Key Answer
Gupta Empire - Art, Culture,Architecture, Literature, Science -- -  - Key Answer
History : Harshavardhana - Early Life of Harsha -- -  - Key Answer
Harshavardhana - Harsha s Military Conquests -- -  - Key Answer
Harshavardhana - Kanauj Assembly, Allahabad Conference -- -  - Key Answer
Harsha s Administration, Society and Economy -- -  - Key Answer
Harshavardhana - Nalanda University -- -  - Key Answer
South Indian Kingdoms  I : PallavasOrgin and History -- -  - Key Answer
Pallavas - Mahendravarman I -- -  - Key Answer
Pallavas - Narasimhavarman I (630-668 A.D.) -- -  - Key Answer
Pallavas - Narasimhavarman II or Rajasimha -- -  - Key Answer
Administration and Society under the Pallavas -- -  - Key Answer
Pallava - Education, Literature, Pallava Art and Architecture -- -  - Key Answer
South Indian Kingdoms : Chalukyas, Pulakesin II -- -  - Key Answer
Art, Architecture, Administration, Social Life under the Chalukyas -- -  - Key Answer
Rashtrakutas - South Indian Kingdom -- -  - Key Answer
Rashtrakutas - Administration, Society, Cultural, Economy, Art and Architecture -- -  - Key Answer
Imperial cholas - Rajaraja I, Rajendra I -- -  - Key Answer
Chola Administration - Government, Revenue, Provincial, Military -- -  - Key Answer
Chola Kingdom : Socio-economic Life -- -  - Key Answer
Chola Kingdom : Education, Literature, Art and Architecture -- -  - Key Answer
The spread of indian culture in other asian countries -- -  - Key Answer
Indian Culture in South East Asia -- -  - Key Answer
Indian culture in Central Asia -- -  - Key Answer
Early medieval india -- -  - Key Answer
Rajput Kingdoms -- -  - Key Answer
Arab Conquest of Sind (712 A.D.) -- -  - Key Answer
Mahmud of Ghazni and his Invasions -- -  - Key Answer
Muhammad Ghori and The Battle of Tarain -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Qutbuddin Aibak -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Slave Dynasty -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Ilbari dynasty by Iltutmish -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - First Ilbari dynasty : Iltutmish, Raziya, Balban -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Second Ilbari dynasty : Balban, Khalji, Alauddin Khalji -- -  - Key Answer
Era of Balban (1246-1287) -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - The Khalji Dynasty -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - The Tughlaq Dynasty -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Firoz Tughlaq -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Muhammad bin Tughlaq -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Sayyids and Lodis -- -  - Key Answer
India under the delhi sultanate -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Administration and Government -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Social Life -- -  - Key Answer
Delhi sultanate - Art, Architecture, Literature and Music -- -  - Key Answer
Bhakti movement in medieval india -- -  - Key Answer
Bhakti Movement -- -  - Key Answer
Bhakti Movement - Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Chaitanya, Gnanadeva, Namadeva, Ekanatha -- -  - Key Answer
Vijayanagar and bahmani kingdoms - Sources, Political History -- -  - Key Answer
Krishna Deva Raya -- -  - Key Answer
Krishna Deva Raya - Administration and Social Life -- -  - Key Answer
Krishna Deva Raya - Economic Condition, Cultural Contributions -- -  - Key Answer
Bahmani Kingdom and Mahmud Gawan -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Babur -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Humayun -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Sher Shah Sur -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Humayun and Sur Interregnum -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Akbar - Administration, Mansabdari System -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Jahangir and Nur Jahan -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Shah Jahan -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Aurangazeb - Deccan and Religious Policy -- -  - Key Answer
Causes for the Downfall of the Mughals -- -  - Key Answer
India under the mughals -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Art and Architecture -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Paintings and Music -- -  - Key Answer
The mughal empire : Rural Masses, Agriculture, Growth of Trade -- -  - Key Answer
The Marathas - The Rise of the Marathas -- -  - Key Answer
The Marathas - Shivaji : His Life, Conquests and Administration -- -  - Key Answer
The Peshwas - Balaji Viswanath, Balaji Baji Rao, Baji Rao I -- -  - Key Answer
The coming of Europeans to India -- -  - Key Answer



Part ? 2


Lesson 1.     India Under the English East India Company: Warren Hastings (1772-1785)

India Under The English East India Company: Warren Hastings -- -  - Key Answer
The English East India Company -- -  - Key Answer
The Regulating Act of 1773 and Merits and Demerits of the Act -- -  - Key Answer
First Anglo-Maratha War -- -  - Key Answer
The Second Anglo-Mysore War -- -  - Key Answer
The Impeachment and Estimate of Warren Hastings -- -  - Key Answer


Lesson 2.     Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793)

Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793) -- -  - Key Answer
Tipu Sultan and the Third Mysore War -- -  - Key Answer
Cornwallis : Administrative, Revenue, Judicial Reforms -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 3.     The Marquess of Wellesley (1798-1805)

The Marquess Of Wellesley (1798-1805) -- -  - Key Answer
The Marquess Of Wellesley : The Subsidiary System -- -  - Key Answer
The Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1799) -- -  - Key Answer
Wellesley and the Marathas -- -  - Key Answer
The Second Maratha War (1803-1805) -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 4.     Lord Hastings (1813-1823)

Lord Hastings (1813-1823) -- -  - Key Answer
War against the Gurkhas (1814-16) -- -  - Key Answer
Suppression of the Pindaris -- -  - Key Answer
Downfall of the Maratha Confederacy -- -  - Key Answer
Third Maratha War (1817-1819) -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 5.     Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835)

Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835) -- -  - Key Answer
Charter Act of 1833 -- -  - Key Answer
Reforms of Lord William Bentinck -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 6.     Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856)

Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856) -- -  - Key Answer
Lord Dalhousie : Policy of Annexation -- -  - Key Answer
Domestic Reforms of Dalhousie -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 7.Revenue Administration and Economic Policy of the British

Revenue Administration And Economic Policy Of The British -- -  - Key Answer
British Agrarian Policy -- -  - Key Answer
Zamindari, Ryotwari, Mahalwari Settlement -- -  - Key Answer
British Policy towards Indian Handicrafts -- -  - Key Answer


Lesson 8.     Educational and Social Reforms

Educational And Social Reforms of British in India -- -  - Key Answer
Language and Education Policy of British in India -- -  - Key Answer
Struggle against the Caste System and the related Legislation in India -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 9.     Palayakkarar Rebellion

Palayakkarar Rebellion -- -  - Key Answer
Puli Thevar -- -  - Key Answer
History : Vira Pandya Kattabomman -- -  - Key Answer
History : Marudu Brothers -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 10.   Vellore Mutiny

Vellore Mutiny -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 11.   The Great Revolt of 1857

The Great Revolt Of 1857 -- -  - Key Answer
Causes of the Great Revolt Of 1857 -- -  - Key Answer
Causes for the Failure of the 1857 Revolt and Significance, Effects of the Mutiny -- -  - Key Answer


       British India After 1858: Lord Lytton (1876-1880),

History : Lord Lytton (1876-1880) -- -  - Key Answer

 Lesson 12.  Lord Ripon (1880-1884) And Lord Curzon (1899-1905)

History : Lord Ripon (1880-84) -- -  - Key Answer
History : Lord Curzon (1899-1905) -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 13.   Socio-Religious Reform Movements

Raja Rammohan Roy and the Brahmo Samaj -- -  - Key Answer
Swami Dayanand Saraswathi and the Arya Samaj -- -  - Key Answer
Self-Respect Movement and Periyar E.V.R. -- -  - Key Answer
Indian Socio-Religious Reform Movements -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 14.   Indian National Movement (1885-1905)

Indian National Movement (1885-1905) -- -  - Key Answer
Factors Promoting the Growth of Nationalism in India -- -  - Key Answer
The Indian National Congress (1885) -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 15.   Indian National Movement (1905-1916)

Indian National Movement (1905-1916) -- -  - Key Answer
Partition of Bengal and the Rise of Extremism - Swadeshi Movement -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 16.   The Indian National Movement (1917-1947)

The Indian National Movement (1917-1947) : Advent of Gandhi -- -  - Key Answer
Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Khilafat Movement -- -  - Key Answer
Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-1922) -- -  - Key Answer
Simon Commission (1927) -- -  - Key Answer
Quit India Movement (1942-1944) -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 17.   Role of Tamil Nadu in the Indian National Movement

Role Of Tamil Nadu In The Indian National Movement -- -  - Key Answer
Non-co-operation Movement in TamilNadu, India -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 18.   The Justice Party Rule

The Justice Party rule in the Madras Presidency constitutes -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 19.   Constitutional Development (1858 ? 1947)

Indian Constitutional Development (1858 - 1947) -- -  - Key Answer
Indian Councils Act of 1861 and 1892 -- -  - Key Answer
Minto- Morley Reforms of 1909 -- -  - Key Answer
The Government of India Act of 1935 -- -  - Key Answer
Montague-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 20.   India After Independence

India After Independence -- -  - Key Answer
Indian Polity (1947 - 2000) -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 21.   Renaissance

Renaissance -- -  - Key Answer
Renaissance Literature, Art, Sculpture -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 22.   Geographical Discoveries

The Geographical Discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries -- -  - Key Answer
Impact of the Geographical Discoveries -- -  - Key Answer
Geographical Discoveries : Portugal and Spain -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 23.   The Reformation and Counter Reformation

Causes for the Reformation -- -  - Key Answer
Martin Luther (1483-1546) -- -  - Key Answer
Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) and John Calvin (1509-1564) -- -  - Key Answer
Counter-Reformation -- -  - Key Answer
Effects of Reformation -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 24.   The American War of Independence (1776-1783)

The American War Of Independence (1776-1783) -- -  - Key Answer
The English Colonies in America -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 25.   French Revolution

Causes of the French Revolution -- -  - Key Answer
French Revolution : The French Philosophers -- -  - Key Answer
Impact of the American War of Independence -- -  - Key Answer
Work of the National Assembly (1789 - 1791) -- -  - Key Answer
The National Convention (1792 - 1795) -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 26.   Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions

Agricultural Revolution -- -  - Key Answer
Industrial Revolution : Causes, Merits, Demerits -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 27.   First World War

First World War (1914 -1919) -- -  - Key Answer
First World War - Colonialism -- -  - Key Answer
Causes of First World War -- -  - Key Answer
Course of the First World War -- -  - Key Answer
Results of the First World War -- -  - Key Answer


Lesson 28.   Russian Revolution of 1917

Russian Revolution Of 1917 -- -  - Key Answer
Causes of the Russian Revolution -- -  - Key Answer
February Revolution and October Revolution of 1917 -- -  - Key Answer
Results of Russian Revolution Of 1917 -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 29.   The League of Nations

The League Of Nations -- -  - Key Answer
Establishment of League of Nations -- -  - Key Answer
Achievements Of The League Of Nations -- -  - Key Answer
Causes for the Failure of League of Nations -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 30.   Rise of Fascism and Nazism

Causes for the Growth of Fascism in Italy -- -  - Key Answer
Rise of Mussolini -- -  - Key Answer
Mussolini as the Prime Minster of Italy -- -  - Key Answer
Nazism In Germany : Hitler and the Nazi Germany -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 31.   Second World War

Second World War -- -  - Key Answer
Causes of the Second World War -- -  - Key Answer
Course and Results of the Second World War -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 32.   Growth of Asian Nations: China And Japan

Growth Of Asian Nations: China And Japan -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 33.   United Nations Organisation

United Nations Organisation -- -  - Key Answer
Achievements of the U N O -- -  - Key Answer
Organization of the U.N.O. -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 34.   The Cold War

The Cold War -- -  - Key Answer
Beginning and End of the Cold War -- -  - Key Answer

Lesson 35.   World Today

History : World Today -- -  - Key Answer







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